Викторина (Great Britian)
методическая разработка по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему

Ульянова Татьяна Анатольевна

Викторина по истории и традициям Великобритании


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Предварительный просмотр:

  1. “The Capital of Great Britain”
  1. What river does London stand on?
  1. The Severn;
  2. The Trent;
  3. The Thames;
  4. The Potomac.

  1. The population of London is about…
  1. 5 million people;
  2. 6 million people;
  3. 7 million people;
  4. 8 million people.
  1. How is the most important business part of London called?
  1. The  Town;
  2. The City;
  3. The Country;
  4. The Capital.
  1. How old is London?
  1. 1,000;
  2. 1,500;
  3. 2,000;
  4. 2,500.
  1. What is the largest park in London?
  1. Great Park;
  2. St. James Park;
  3. Hyde Park;
  4. Regent’s Park.
  1. “Political System”
  1. Who is the head of state in Great Britain?
  1. A monarch;
  2. A prime minister;
  3. The House of Commons;
  4. The House of Lords.
  1. Who is the present monarch in Great Britain?
  1. Prince Charles;
  2. Prince Henry;
  3. Queen Elizabeth I;
  4. c)        Queen Elizabeth II.
  1. Who is the present Prime Minister of Great Britain?
  1. Margaret Thatcher;
  2. Tony Blair;
  3. John Major;
  4. James Callaghan.
  1. Choose the real governing body of Great Britain.
  1. The House of Lords;
  2. a)        The House of Commons;
  3. a monarch;
  4. a political party.
  1. Choose a political party which hasn’t ever been established in Great Britain/
  1. The Republican Party;
  2. The Conservative Party;
  3. The Labour Party (Labour);
  4. The Liberal Party.
  1. “Geography”
  1. How many countries does the UK consist of?
  1. 3
  2. 4
  3. 5
  4. 6
  1. What ocean is Great Britain washed by in the north-west, north and south-west?
  1. The Pacific Ocean
  2. The Atlantic Ocean
  3. The Indian Ocean
  4. The Arctic Ocean
  1. What weather is the most common in Great Britain?
  1. Rainy
  2. Sunny
  3. Snowy
  4. Frosty
  1. Which of these countries is separated from the others by the North Channel?
  1. England
  2. Scotland
  3. Wales
  4. Northern Ireland
  1. Which of these rivers is not situated in Great Britain?
  1. The Severn
  2. The Trent
  3. The Potomac
  4. The Thames
  1. “History of Great Britain”
  1. In what century did the Romans come to Great Britain?
  1. 50 BC
  2. 55 BC
  3. 10 AD
  4. 15 AD
  1. From what countries did Anglo-Saxons come to Britain?
  1. France and Germany
  2. Greece and Scandinavia
  3. Germany and Scandinavia
  4. Greece and France
  1. From what century did Vikings begin to raid Britain?
  1. 600 AD
  2. 700 AD
  3. 800 AD
  4. 900 AD
  1. Who dissolved the Parliament and became the Lord Protector of England?
  1. Henry VIII
  2. Richard III
  3. Edward the Confessor
  4. Oliver Cromwell
  1. At first the House of Lords consisted only of…
  1. Barons
  2. People from the countries
  3. Kings
  4. Rich peasants
  1. “Places to Visit”
  1. Where does the monarch of Great Britain live?
  1. In Buckingham Palace;
  2. In Westminster Abbey;
  3. In the White House;
  4. In the Tower of London.
  1. What architect built St. Paul’s Cathedral in 1675-1710?
  1. Peter Harrison;
  2. Francesco Borromini;
  3. Sir Christopher Wren;
  4. Jean Marot.
  1. What building is  considered to be the centre of London?
  1. St. Paul’s Cathedral;
  2. Westminster Abbey;
  3. Trafalgar Square;
  4. The Tower of London.
  1. Choose the famous place where every person can speak on any theme.
  1. Hyde Park;
  2. Trafalgar Square;
  3. Piccadilly Circus;
  4. The National Gallery.
  1. What building is situated in the centre of Trafalgar Square?
  1. The National Gallery;
  2. Buckingham Palace;
  3. Trajan’s Column;
  4. Nelson Column.





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