тест 7 класс английский язык
методическая разработка по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему


итоговый тест 3 варианта с ключами


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Предварительный просмотр:

1 вариант

1) Поставьте артикль  «the» где это необходимо. Спишите выражения. 

 1… Russian Federation.

 2… Mexico.

 3… Moscow.

 4… UK.

 5… Pacific Ocean.

 2) Прочитайте предложения и выберите страну:

1 One of official languages is Maori.

2  Its capital is Canberra.

3  It is sometimes called “The world’s biggest farm”.

a)  Great Britain

b)  The USA

c)  Australia

d)  New Zealand

e)  Canada

3) Выберите правильный модальный глагол

1   I missed my bus yesterday and  had to / must  go to school on foot.

2   Shall I go shopping today? No, you mustn’t / needn’t. I have already done the shopping.

4)  Выберите местоимение

 1   Whose exercise book is this? It’s my / mine. 

 2   Whose medal is this? It’s her / hers medal.

 3   Her room is different from your / yours.

5) Выбери слово, подходящее по смыслу

 1   Our house is quite / quiet  new.

 2   Tom is a nice and quite / quiet  boy.

6) Выбери:  who  или  which

 1   Have you talked to the lady ... lives on the ground floor?

 2   Has Andrew bought the book ... he wanted?

 3   I like the blouse ... I am wearing.

7) Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между заголовками 1–5 и текстами А–D. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.


  1. He gets up at 7:30 in the morning and goes jogging. Then he has a cold shower and a healthy breakfast. After that he goes to the gym to play basketball. Then, he lifts weights and runs. He is very strong. At half past two he has lunch with his family. He plays with his children after lunch. And at four o’clock he trains again. At night, he eats dinner with his family and watches TV. He goes to bed at 10:00.
  2. The alarm clock goes off at 5:00, and he jumps in the shower. His office is 5 minutes away. And he has to be at his desk, at his office, with the first cup of coffee and write the first word at 5:30, five days a week. His goal: to write a page every day. Sometimes it takes 10 minutes, sometimes an hour. Then he goes to court to collect and later report information. During the daytime he takes some interviews.
  3. From Monday to Friday she wakes up early, at seven o’clock, because at eight o’clock they start recording “Romeo and Juliet”. At two o’clock she has lunch in a restaurant and in the afternoon she goes to a café and meets her friends. Then, she works with the composer or her former teacher. If she is free, she goes shopping or to the cinema. In the evening, at seven o’clock she starts studying a text. She never goes to bed late, before twelve o’clock.

8) . Выбери правильный вариант.

1. Four languages_____________ in this country.

a) is use

b) are used

c) were use

2. The new university  _______by the Prime Minister.

a) will open

b) will opened

c) will be opened

3. She has given up playing tennis_____________.

a) lately

b) hard

c) hardly

4. You look _________, Mike

a) early

b) well

c) lately

5. I haven’t seen your sister ____________.

a) late

b) high

c) lately

6. This year you work  __________, children.

a) ) hard

b) hardly

c) high

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Гаврилова Татьяна Николаевна

Понравился материал теста, так как подобран четко по учебнику, по изученному материалу и охватывает несколько изученных тем.