Капсула культуры России
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Капсула культуры России. Кубань-жемчужина России.



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Слайд 1

Kuban is a pearl of Russia Атаян Лусине Багатуровна у читель английского языка МАОУ СОШ №1 г . Курганинск, Краснодарский край 02.12.2012

Слайд 2

The flags of RUSSIA and Krasnodar krai

Слайд 3

The symbol of Krasnodar krai The symbol of Krasnodar Krai is a sunflower . The sunflower symbolizes wealth, strength, and the warm southern sun of Krasnodar krai .

Слайд 4

Krasnodar Territory belongs to European Russia. It is located in the western part of the Caucasus. Krasnodar Region is the most Southern region of Russia . The Republic of Adygea is located within Krasnodar Region. The territory borders on Rostov Region, Stavropol Territory, and Abkhazia in the south. it borders upon two seas: Azov Sea and Black Sea.

Слайд 5

цш winter

Слайд 6

The capital Krasnodar is the capital of the region. It is situated on the River Kuban. Krasnodar was founded by the Cossack in 1793. The population of Krasnodar Krai is concentrated in the kuban River drainage basin, which used to be traditional Cossack land. The Kuban Cossacks are now generally considered to be ethnic Russians, even though they are still an important minority in their own right in this area. Other notable ethnic groups are the Adyghe who have lived in the Kuban area before the Cossacks and for thousands of years; other residents include the Armenians who have lived in the region since at least the 18th century .

Слайд 8

The Black sea

Слайд 9

Кронида Обойщикова «Кубань - земля такая» Кубань- земля такая: От края и до края, Омытая морями, Укрытая в леса, Пшеничными полями Глядится в небеса. А снежные вершины Как воина седины, Как мудрость старины. Кубань- земля такая: В ней слава боевая, И слава трудовая, От хлеба золотая, Степная сторона. Гостей она встречает И песни запевает, И душу открывает, Прозрачную до дна. Казачка огневая, Красива, молодая, Кубань - земля такая: Однажды приласкает- Полюбишь навсегда!

Слайд 11

Borsch Ingredients: 1 lb beef (with or without bones) 1 lb red beets ( 3 average ones) 1/2 lb shredded cabbage 4 small potatoes 1 carrot 1 ea onion 3 tbsp tomato paste 1 tsp vinegar salt and pepper on your taste parsley, dill and spring onions Method: Preparing meat broth: Put beef into a large saucepan and cover with 3 l cold water. Bring to a boil; reduce heat. Remove the grease and froth from the broth surface with a spoon. Add one onion. Cook at low heat for 1-2 hours. Simmering red beets: Melt 1 tablespoon margarine in a saucepan. Cut red beets into thin sticks and add them into the cooking pot. Add tomato paste or sliced tomatoes. Simmer at low heat for 1 hour. If there is not enough liquid, add some broth. Add vinegar. Pan-frying vegetables: Melt 1 tablespoon margarine in a frying pan. Add chopped onions and carrots cut into thin sticks. Cover and saute for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. Heat broth to boiling. Add chopped cabbage and potatoes cut into bars. Cook for 5 minutes. Add saute and cook another 10 minutes. Add simmered red beets. Cook another 5 minutes. Add salt, black pepper. If you like garlic, you can add about 5 g grated garlic, it is supposed to be in borsch. Borsch is served with sour cream.

Слайд 12

Proverbs Дураков нэ сиють , нэ жнуть - воны сами растуть - о большом количестве дураков Баба з возу - кобыли легчэ - об избавлении от назойливого попутчика

Слайд 13

Anna Netrebko Anna Netrebko is a Russian operatic soprano. She has been nicknamed "La Bellissima " by fans. Netrebko was born in Krasnodar , in a family of Kuban Cossack background .

Слайд 14

Источники http://festival.1september.ru/articles/563367/ -стихотворение Кронида Обойщикова «Кубань - земля такая» http://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/4/vibpxhgglzd.2dd/0_c6a6_623d808_XL - фото подсолнуха http://my-kuban.ru/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/cherkeska-300x216.jpg - фото одежды казаков http://www.rkka.ru/uniform/items/kubanka_kuban.jpg - фото одежды казаков http://www.fotoalbom.su/fotos/picture13169.jpg http://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/5508/83497332.112/0_6ed85_bc7d9425_XL http://biz-market.ru/s_images/11510592534131.jpg http://www.alconews.ru/files/kuban_vino.jpg http://admkrai.krasnodar.ru/upload/iblock/927/001_small.jpg http://alinusik6.narod.ru/photo172.jpg http://stat11.privet.ru/tb/082b20807684fbc7b7d46e9d11a5c0c0 http://mirror01.lensart.ru/28/pictureview1-pid-23628.jpg http://www.yuga.ru/media/osen.jpg https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anna_Netrebko http://life-star.ru/page/2470/photos?id=49 http://petr-polonec.narod.ru/ideom.htm

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