The design methodology on the lessons of foreign language
статья по английскому языку на тему

Богачёва Анастасия Васильевна



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The design methodology on the lessons of foreign language 

 Project-based learning - a comprehensive training method that allows to individualize the learning process, enables the student to exercise autonomy in planning, organizing and monitoring their activities.

 Project-based learning allows students to demonstrate independence in the choice of topics, sources, method of its presentation, and presentations. The design technique allows an individual to work on a topic of greatest interest to each participant in the project, which will certainly entail an increased activity of a motivated student. He chooses an object of research for himself decides: whether to limit a textbook in English (just do a regular exercise), or read other books, set curriculum.  However, children often turn to additional sources of information (for literature, encyclopedias), analyze, compare, leaving the most important and entertaining.

  Practical work on the project begins at the stage of "discussion" and "repetition" and becomes a harmonious part of the whole process of learning.

 One of the main features of the project activity, in our opinion, is the orientation towards a specific practical aim - a visual representation of the result, whether it be drawing, application or essay, or something else.

 In the English-language training project method provides an opportunity for students to use language in situations of real everyday life, which undoubtedly contributes to better learning and retention of knowledge of foreign languages.

 Project work - the kind of work (preferably in groups) whose purpose is to prepare the final product in English - the album, giving information, etc..  The purpose of this kind of work - to give student the opportunity to perform independent work, based on knowledge and language skills and knowledge acquired over a period of study topics.  Project works are ideal for groups of different levels, since each task can be performed by students that have different levels of training. In the process of design students actually communicate among themselves and with the outside world in English.  The practical aim of a project work may be based on improving various skills.  Some work requires more practice speaking, others more focused on the development of writing skills, and still others require the use of certain artistic abilities.  Some tasks are more suitable for individual work, etc. - to work in pairs or small groups.  It is important to help students choose the tasks and methods of execution such that they feel most comfortable.

 To the question "Why design work?" We give the following answer:

  •  that motivates project work 

 (Students write about themselves - their family, their house, their interests and preferences. Working on the project, students conduct a small research work on subjects of interest. The students actively involved during project work. Carrying out the project, students often something cut, paint over, write about something, looking for information in books, communicate with other people, are the illustrations - perhaps, make audio or video. Students at various levels and language development can implement their own project - large or small, simple or complex - and can be proud of him. For example, some students in the class may know the language weaker than others, but it would not interfere in the process of the project to identify skills to design or illustrate their work or find an original approach to presentation of the project). 

  •  that project work individually oriented 

 (Preparing a story about your environment, in writing, students discover the importance of English and international languages. Once in the future, maybe they will tell a foreigner in English about his family, city or preferences. Work on this project helps them prepare to such events. focusing on the theme that is studied in English, students have the opportunity to learn about the culture of English-speaking countries, and compare them with their views and thereby enrich their own understanding of other cultures). 

  •  that project work has general value 

 (Most modern school programs require that education contributed to the development of students in the initiative, independence, imagination, self-discipline, cooperation with other students and good research skills. The design work is a practical way of these educational purposes in class and after school). 

 Practical considerations 

 Project work includes various activities. Students may have to move around the class, for example, ask other students or find information in reference books.  Of course, the class will then silence.  But it is productive noise that will facilitate the task.

 Preparation, execution and presentation of the project takes much longer to implement than traditional tasks.  But not all design work must be done in class.  If the project is being prepared as an individual, the students can continue working on it at home.  Many students want to further work on a project to create such a work, whatever they can really be proud of.

 It is clear that most students will speak their native language during the project. It is natural and inevitable, and there needs to be recognized as a problem.  Index - the final result was formulated in English.  Project work provides opportunities to use real translation - for example, English translation of leaflets, maps, interviews with family members, reference texts, written language.

 The beginning of project work 

 The key to success of project work is good preparation and organization.  For the project requires that the class had scissors, rulers, glue and large sheets of paper. Students also have access to a small reference library where one could find a dictionary, grammar and atlas. Students should be encouraged to collect and bring in their own class materials: magazines, brochures, maps, postcards, etc., even if all that written language.  Teachers also need to collect such material.

 Students must learn to independently find information and seek assistance from the teacher only when they can not find the answer.  Children must also learn to plan their actions and to decide what material they need to perform project tasks and where they can find them.

 Evaluation of the finished project 

 Students always want to hear feedback about their project from the teacher.  Essential that the students evaluated not only in terms of linguistic correctness.  Teachers should observe how creative and innovative work is and how many efforts were made for its implementation.

 It is important that teachers do not correct errors in the final version of the draft.  This should be requested to prepare students to test and show the first draft of the project.  Thus, errors are found, and the final version of the draft will not patch.

 Examples of tasks for project work, most recently remembered me and my students:

  •  "Book of Weather" ("A weather book").  Children make cards, which draw a schematic of the different types of weather, are these cards in envelopes that are bonded to specific books or notebooks - the book forecast. "During the lesson we orally find out what the weather outside with cards (students lay the appropriate card parties, and teacher on the board) and set out the description of weather in the books.
  •  Projects " Learning to learn" with practical ideas and tips on working language (the study of words, rules, work with dictionaries and manuals, reading the original literature, preparation for exams, etc.).  The results of this work are issued in the form of vivid sights.
  •  Questionnaires, interviews, research on the subject of the study. The result of this work is made in the tables of findings and posters) (survey, quiz)
  •  Audio tour (a scenario, write text on the tape tours, listening to tapes classmates)
  •  Design work related topics, "I, my family, my friends' student and his entourage," "Outside":
  1.  about themselves with a support (for students of primary and secondary stage of education), where support is made in the form of a hexagon drawn in a kind of "flower", where each "pelyusttsi" the student has to disclose certain matters (name, age, place of residence , school, school friends, pet preference, etc.);
  1.  "Family Tree";
  2.  "They say the stars" ("Stars talking") - Biographical information about the celebrity (work issued in the form of paper or poster, the student should be prepared to answer questions of classmates to participate in a certain interview);
  •  Design work for older students with higher language skills on the topic "Biography" may be "A life story", "Personal details", "Personality Questionnaire" and so on.
  1.  "Transform your teacher", "A new image" (Photo taken where the person "before" and after "transformation - students change the image of a person);
  2.  schedule classes in English.
  •  Pretty interesting design that look like advertising posters (party planning, advertising groups or clubs of interest, advertising posters for films, etc.).
  •  "Create your own musical group" (the theme "Music and musical instruments).
  •  Different types of design work to the theme "Food and food (" health food "," Plan dinner, my favorite recipe, etc.).

 My advice and suggestions to all teachers of foreign languages - faithful to his disciples, let them creative approach to learning.  And you're not tired all the new wonder and new ideas and a small "masterpieces".  In addition, many project works with time can be used as evidence in the study of a topic.


  1. Were advantages of project work evaluated in teaching another subjects?

The advantages of project work were properly evaluated in teaching subjects such as geography, history, basic chemistry and physics for many years.  Language training programs began to systematically use this approach only recently.

  1. Can you name any textbook where we may see any project exercises?

For example, textbooks by Kuzovlev. We can see a lot of project exercises there. In the end of each item pupils have ability to create their own project by models which are given by the authors.


  • Полат Е.С. Новые педагогические и информационные технологии в системе образования М., 2000
  • Гальскова Н.Д. Современная методика обучения иностранным языкам М.,2000.
  • Салтовская Г.Н. Лингводидактический подход к проектной методике в младших классах. Пятигорск, 1997
  • Ястребцева Е.Н. «Как рождается проект: Из опыта внедрения методических и организационно-педагогических новвоведений». М., 1995
  • Копылова В.В. Методика проектной работы на уроках английского языка.М., 2003
  • Коряковцева Н.Ф. Современная методика организации самостоятельной работы изучающих иностранный язык. М., 2002
  • Чуракова О.В,, И.С.Фишман Компетентностно-ориентированный подход к образованию: образовательные технологии., выпуск1, Самара,  2002
  • Ramon Ribe Project work
  • Nuria Vidal  Step by Step
  • Hutchinson T. Project English – 1 Oxford, 1996
  • Некоторые статьи из журналов «Иностранные языки в школе»
  • ИЯШ, 1991, №3  Зимняя И.А., Сахарова Т.Е. «Проектная методика обучения ИЯ»
  • ИЯШ, 1992, №2  Борисова Е.М. « Проект на уроках немецкого языка»
  • ИЯШ, 1997, №3  Барменкова О.И. «О работе над проектом по учебнику Happy English 2»
  • ИЯШ, 1999, №4  Мартьянова Т.М. «Использование проектных заданий на уроках английского языка»
  • ИЯШ, 2002, №3 Теслина С.В. «Проектные формы работы на уроке английского языка» 
  • ИЯШ, 2002, №3 Туркина Н.В. «Работа над проектом при обучении английскому языку»
  • Журнал «Сибирский учитель» , 2004 №1 Синенко В.Я. « Педагогическое проектирование как способ повышения качества образования»
  • Прокопьева Н.И. «Проектное обучение в зарубежной педагогике, к вопросу о становлении и развитии»
  • Журнал «Сибирский учитель» , 2004 №2 Гаргай В.Е. Опыт педагогического проектирования на западе и в России»



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