Материалы для проведения ТУЗ по теме Infinitive/ing-form 4 варианта
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему

Носова Екатерина Владимировна
  1. They are afraid of ________________ (fall) in the snow.
  2. I’ve decided ________________ (get) a part-time job.
  3.  I don’t mind ________________ (help) you ________________ (look for) a job.
  4. What kind of job do you want ________________ (find)?
  5. I’m happy ________________ (hear) that the thief has been caught.
  6. Let’s ________________ (go) to the ice rink at the weekend.


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Предварительный просмотр:

  1. There’s no point in ________________ (study) 10 minutes before an exam.
  2. Let’s ________________ (have) a party, shall we?
  3. The doctor advised me ________________ (stop) smoking.
  4. My teacher is keen on ________________ (teach) young children.
  5. Please, stop ________________ (shout)!
  6. They enjoy ________________ (read) poetry.
  7. She always tries ________________ (help) me with my homework.
  8. My father’s used to ________________ (work) a lot.
  9. They went ________________ (climb) last Sunday.
  10. You aren’t allowed ________________ (speak) during the exam.
  11. She went on ________________ (ski) although her leg hurt.
  12. It’s impossible ________________ (get) tickets for that film.
  13. I hate ________________ (do) homework at the weekend.
  14. They can ________________ (speak) several languages.
  15. She suggested ________________ (buy) a Christmas tree.

  1. They are afraid of ________________ (fall) in the snow.
  2. I’ve decided ________________ (get) a part-time job.
  3.  I don’t mind ________________ (help) you ________________ (look for) a job.
  4. What kind of job do you want ________________ (find)?
  5. I’m happy ________________ (hear) that the thief has been caught.
  6. Let’s ________________ (go) to the ice rink at the weekend.
  1. Oh no! You know I hate ________________ (ice-skate)
  1.  I love ________________ (roller-skate). Would you like ________________ (come) with me today?
  2.  Do you really want ________________ (go) to the cinema tonight?
  1. Yes, I’d ________________ (love) to.
  1.  I’m sure we can ________________ (arrange) some extra classes.
  2. He hates ________________ (play) cards.
  3. She is too excited ________________ (sleep) now.
  4. You must ________________ (get up) early in the morning.
  5. My mother goes ________________ (run) every morning and she’s really fit.
  6. I advised my friend ________________ (study) harder.
  7.  She suggested ________________ (go) to the beach.

  1. She has ________________ (work) until late tonight.
  2. We used  ________________ (wear) a uniform at school.
  3. I’d rather ________________ (go) now. It’s getting late.
  4. She’s used to ________________ (sleep) a lot.
  5. He was very pleased ________________ (see) her again.
  6. They are afraid of ________________ (fall) in the snow.
  7. I’ve decided ________________ (get) a part-time job.
  8.  I don’t mind ________________ (help) you ________________ (look for) a job.
  9. What kind of job do you want ________________ (find)?
  10. I’m happy ________________ (hear) that the thief has been caught.
  11. Let’s ________________ (go) to the ice rink at the weekend.
  12.  Oh no! You know I hate ________________ (ice-skate)
  13.  I love ________________ (roller-skate). Would you like ________________ (come) with me today?
  14.  Do you really want ________________ (go) to the cinema tonight?
  15. Yes, I’d ________________ (love) to.

  1.         Susan could ________________ (swim) when she was 3 years old.
  2.         They agreed ________________ (sell) their car.
  3.         Come on! It’s hard ________________ (work) so hard.
  4. I’m sure we can ________________ (find) a solution.
  5. Let’s go ________________ (dance) tonight!
  6. She used ________________ (work) with my father some years ago.
  7. I’m going to the park? Would you like ________________ (come) with me?
  8. What about ________________ (eat) out tonight?
  9. ________________ (smoke) is a bad habit. You should ________________ (give up) ________________ (smoke).
  10. It’s difficult ________________ (understand) maths.
  11.  Do you fancy ________________ (drink) some tea?
  12. Can you imagine ________________ (live) in a world without wars?
  13. The children promised ________________ (be) back in an hour.
  14. My mother made me ________________ (tidy) my bedroom.
  15. She denied ________________ (cheat) in the exam.
  16. They refused ________________ (leave) the room.

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