Spotlight8 Test Module 1
тест по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме

 Ольга Анатольевна Евстигнеева

Контрольная работа представлена в 2 вариантах


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Предварительный просмотр:

1 Variant

A   Fill in the missing words/phrases:

tapping                got over              acquaintance             reliable             selfish               sociable

  1. He doesn’t care about others feeling. He’s so………………
  2. She has got a lot of friends. She’s……………………
  3. Jack was……………………….. his feet nervously while he was waiting for his results.
  4. I only met Ann 2 weeks ago. We aren’t friends, we are just………………………………..
  5. Don’t worry! Tom will be here on time; he’s very…………………………..
  6. I don’t think Mary’s going to school this week; she still hasn’t………………….. her cold.

B   Underline the correct item

  1. Jane is working/ works at her dad’s restaurant every Friday night.
  2. Have you met/Have you been meeting John yet?
  3. What time is the train leaving/ does the train leave?
  4. My brother has always thrown/ is always throwing all things around the house, this annoys me very much.
  5. The phone is ringing. - I am getting/ will get it.
  6. I have waiting/ have been waiting for him for over an hour and I’m starting to lose my patience.

C     PAST SIMPLE OR PAST CONTINUOUS. Use the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1. While he __________(walk) his dog, he _______ (meet) his old friend.

2. Yesterday I_________(get up) at 6 o’clock a.m.

3. We _________( watch) the film when somebody _______(knock) on the door.

4. We ________ (watch) TV while our mum ________ (bake) a cake.

5. He__________( writing) the test at 3 pm yesterday.

D    Fill in dependent prepositions

  1. He isn't patient _____ stubborn people.
  2. She's good _____ Maths.
  3. She is very close _____ her mom.
  4. You shouldn't be jealous _____ your sister.
  5. I’m very fond ________ sports.
  6. Don’t be nervous ______ taking exams.

E    PHRASAL VERB “GET”. Complete the phrasal verb with the correct prepositions:

  1. The sooner we start writing an essay, the sooner we get it ________.
  2. I have difficulty to get _______my ideas about summer holidays _______to you.
  3. This rainy weather _______ me _________.
  4. My brother gets _______well with everybody.

2 Variant

A   Fill in the missing words/phrases:

shrugged             easy-going          colleagues            slim             stubborn               shy

  1. He blushes every time I talk to him. He’s so ………………….
  2. Ann is a pretty girl wit blue eyes and a(n) ……………………build.
  3. Tom and my father work together. They are ……………………
  4. When I asked him a question he just …………………his shoulders.
  5. You are so………………….! You never listen to anyone!
  6. Bob is ………………… He likes meeting people.

B   Underline the correct item

  1. The concert is starting/starts at 9 o’clock.
  2. We will go/ are going to the cinema tomorrow. Will you go with us?
  3. He has worked/ has been working for 10years at this factory.
  4. Mike is always interrupting/ has always interrupting me! It’s annoying!
  5. My History lesson starts/ is starting at 8.45 in the morning.
  6. Have you been reading/ have you read this book yet?

C     PAST SIMPLE OR PAST CONTINUOUS. Use the correct form of the verb in brackets.

  1. At this time yesterday he _________(drive) to the countryside.
  2. Mary_________(wash up) while her mother ________(iron).
  3. I_______ (clean) my attic when I _________ (come) across my school diary.
  4. I ________ (meet) my friend yesterday when I________ (do) the shopping in Mega Mall.
  5. My parents_______ (rarely / leave) us home alone when we were young.

D    Fill in dependent prepositions

  1. Don’t be nervous ______ taking exams.
  2. He’s keen _________ foreign languages.
  3. We’re close _______ our parents.
  4. He is popular            teenagers.
  5. You shouldn't be jealous _____ your sister.

E    PHRASAL VERB “GET”. Complete the phrasal verb with the correct prepositions:

  1. When the weather gets me _______, I like to fantasize about being a wizard to make the sun shining.
  2. The teacher had difficulty getting her ideas             to the students.
  3. It took me much time to get _________ this strange disease.
  4. Do you __________ with your brother?

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