Progress test Module 4
тест (9 класс)

Яковлева Юлия Владимировна

Тест по УМК Spotlight 9 содержит задания на проверку лексического и грамматического материала модуля 4. 


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Предварительный просмотр:

Module 4 Form 9

1. Fill in: invention, clear, download, competition, schedules, fast, concluded, outdated, consciousness, reasoning.

1. You can … updates for free.

2. By the time the ambulance arrived, Douglas had lost … .

3. She won first prize in a painting … .

4. A good walk might … my head.

5. He is best known for his … of the light-bulb.

6. Humans possess the power of … .

7. Students are planning their class … for next year.

8. His writing style is now boring and … .

9. Many studies have … that smoking is dangerous.

10. He ran as … as he could.

2. Complete the sentences with the correct tense forms of the verbs in brackets.

1. By 23:00 she … (go) back home.

2. My aerobics class … (start) at 8 pm.

3. He … (leave) the office when he … (finish) work.

4. At 15:30 tomorrow she … (watch) TV.

5. Look out! You … (break) mum’s favourite vase.

6. Don’t worry. I … (not/be) late tomorrow morning.

7. I think you … (love) your birthday present.

8. By 22:30 she … (be) at home for more than 3 hours.

9. This time next week I … (fly) to Madrid.

10. By the end of this week the builders … (repair) the roof for 2 weeks.

3. Fill in the gaps with the correct particle.

1. She felt the need to break … her daily routine.

2. It’s ironic that computers break … so often when we prepare for the exams and need them so much.

3. I heard that Joan and Steve had broken … .

4. There was a danger that fire would break … .

5. Her house was broken … last week.

4. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition.

1.  Apart … the usual aches and pains, she felt all right.

2. Many working women rely … relatives for childcare.

3. Let’s start … some warm-up exercises.

4. You can write … swimming, skiing, or anything else you enjoy doing.

5. These ideas are often difficult to apply … practice.

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