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Английские фразовые глаголы с переводом и примерами


be off (1)


The lead singer of ‘The Rolling Beatles’ pop group is ill, so tonight’s concert is off.

be off (2)

испортиться ( о еде)

The egg is off.

be over


The storm is over; it has stopped raining and the sun is shining.

be taken aback

быть ошеломленным, пораженным

Jeff was taken aback when he opened the door and discovered an elephant.

beat up


They beat up Fred.

blow up (1)


Mr Trent hated his house, so he blew it up with dynamite and built a new one instead.

blow up (2)

надуть (что-то)

Uncle Joe blew up the balloons.

break down (1)


Tom’s car broke down on the way to the airport, and he had to get a taxi.

break down (2)

потерять самообладание

Alec broke down and cried when his mother died.

break into


Last night a burglar broke into my house and stole my television set.

break off

прекращать, прерваться

They have broken off peace talks.

break out

разразиться , вспыхнуть

The Second World War broke out on 3 September, 1939.

break out in

покрыться (сыпью)

Kyril broke out in spots this morning.

break up (1)

разводиться, распадаться

The Greens’ marriage broke up in 1985 after only two years.

break up (2)


The headmaster broke up the fight between Roger and Clive.

bring up

воспитывать заботиться

Aunt Jane brought four children up.

brush up

восстановить (знания)

Frank must brush up his French.

burn down


My house burned down last night. In the morning it was just a pile of ashes.

call off

отменить, переносить

The Football Association called off the match.

calm down


My father was very angry and it took him ten minutes to calm down.

carry out

выполнить , осуществить

He carried out his orders.

catch on

cтать модным

David’s new hair-style is catching on.

check in

пройти регистрацию

Jack checked in at the hotel.

cheer up


The good news cheered Jack up.

come across

случайно наткнуться

A lucky tramp came across a wallet full of money as he was walking down the street.

come into

вступать (в наследство)

Peter came into a fortune when his father died.

come round/come to

приходить в сознание

James fainted when the air-conditioning stopped working. Two of his colleagues took care of him until he came round

come up with


He came up with the idea.

cut down on


Peter cut down on cigarettes.

cut off

отключить, разъединить

The operator cut off their call.

die out


The great dinosaurs died out millions of years ago.

do up (1)

чинить, ремонтировать

Let’s do the lounge in our new flat up.

do up (2)


It was a very cold day, so Brian did up all the buttons on his overcoat.

drop in

заглянуть, заскочить

Laura dropped in to see Lynn.

drop off (1)


David drove his wife, Sue, into town and dropped her off at the cinema.

drop off (2)


John sat in his favourite armchair and dropped off. Five minutes later, his young son came into the room and woke him.

drop out


Sam dropped out of the race because he felt tired and ill.

fall out


George and Sam went out for dinner together. The evening ended badly because they fell out over who should pay the bill.

fall through

провалиться (надежды)

Eric’s plan to go on a skiing holiday fell through because he broke his leg.

fill in


It took me an hour to fill in the form.

find out


He didn’t know the number of the platform so he

get away


The prisoner got away from his guards and ran into the forest.

get away with


Jack got away with the bank robbery.

get over


Sam has got over his operation and expects to leave

get round (1)

обойти (проблему)

Brian and Dan couldn’t move the wardrobe because it was too heavy. They got round the problem by putting the wardrobe on a trolley and pushing it.

get round (2)


Tim wanted some sweets, but his father told him they were bad for his teeth. After five minutes of persuasion, Tim managed to get round his father and they both went into the sweet shop.

get through (1)

дозвониться (справиться)

I tried, but I couldn’t get through.

get through (2)


Roger had a lot of work to do yesterday, but he got through it all by five o’clock.

give (oneself) up (1)


The police surrounded the criminal’s house and ordered him to give himself up. After a few minutes he came out and they took him to the police station.

give in


The fight between Tom and Dick stopped when Tom hurt his hand and had to give in.

give out

раздать, обнародовать

The teacher gave out the books, so that the pupils could read the story.

give up (2)

оставить попытки

One day a hungry dog saw a bunch of juicy grapes hanging from a vine. The dog tried very hard to get the grapes, but it couldn’t jump high enough to reach them. After ten frustrating minutes, the dog gave up the attempt and walked home angrily.

give up (3)


Howard decided to give up cigarettes after seeing a poster on the dangers of smoking.

go down

спадать (опухоль)

Phil’s cheek became swollen because he had a bad toothache. The dentist treated his bad tooth and his swollen cheek soon went down.

go for


The dog went for Joe and hurt his arm.

go off


Many people were killed when the bomb went off.

go through


When Ben entered this country, a custom’s officer went through his suitcase. The officer took all of Ben’s clothes out of his suitcase and looked at them very carefully.

go with


Striped trousers go with a striped jacket.

grow up


Joe has grown up.

hold on

подождать (у телефона)

George phoned his office because he wanted some information. ‘Hold on a minute and I’ll get it for you,’ said his assistant.

hold up (1)

останавливать задерживать

The traffic was held up for a few hours because of an accident that blocked the road.

hold up (2)


Earlier today a masked robber with a gun held up the bank and escaped with a hundred thousand pounds.

lay off

уволить (временно)

Last year the manager of Bloggs Ltd laid off a hundred workers because business was very bad.

let down


Julia promised to meet Rick outside the cinema at eight o’clock, but she let him down. He waited for two hours and then he went home angrily.

let off

простить помиловать

The judge let Bill off going to prison.

let out


They let Fred out of prison after five years.

look after


You should look after your new shoes.

look back


I enjoy looking back on the old times.

look down on

смотреть свысока

Sir Douglas is a very rich aristocrat. Fred is a very poor tramp. Sir Douglas thinks that he is a much better person than Fred — he looks down on Fred.

look for


Fred wanted to open his front door but he couldn’t find his key. He looked for it everywhere. ‘It’s in one of my pockets,’ he thought.

look forward to


Bill is looking forward to next year.

look into


The police are looking Into the death of Mr James. They want to know how he was murdered. They are looking at the evidence and asking lots of questions. They want to find the murderer.

look over

тщательно проверить (изучить)

Joe wanted to buy a second-hand car. ‘That one looks good,’ he said to the salesman. ‘Give me some time to look it over. If it’s in good condition, I’ll buy it.’

look round


They looked round the house.

look up

искать в справочнике

He looked up the word.

look up to


Young Jimmy’s favourite footballer is Ted Ross of Arsenal. Jimmy looks up to Ted and he tries to be like him.

make out (1)

понять разглядеть разобрать

He couldn’t make out the thing on the horizon.

make out (2)

выписать (счет, чек)

I made out a cheque for ten pounds.

make up (1)


Yesterday Joan and Jack had a big argument about politics. Earlier today they decided to forget their differences and make up.

make up (2)

выдумать сочинить

Colin overslept and was late for work. It was the third time he had overslept that month, so he decided to make up an excuse. He told his boss that the engine of his car had exploded.

make up for


He made up for being late. He made up for it.

mistake for

принять (за что-то)

I mistook a piece of old rope for a dangerous snake. I saw a piece of old rope and I mistook it for a dangerous snake.

own up

признаться, сознаться

James owned up to drawing a silly picture of his teacher on the board.

pass away/pass on/pass over

отойти в мир иной

Fred Bloggs passed away (passed on/passed over) in 1985 after a long illness.

pass out

терять сознание

When the air-conditioning stopped working, James found it difficult to breathe and passed out.

pick up


Jeff picked up the hitchhiker.

point out


My uncle showed me the building he used to work in and he pointed out his old office on the sixth floor.

put (someone) off (2)


Ron was trying to read, but the noise from the television put him off and he had to stop.

put forward

выдвигать предполагать (идею)

He put forward the idea.

put off (1)


Martin was very unhappy when he saw the huge pile of dirty dishes in the kitchen. He felt a little happier after deciding to put off the washing-up until the next day.

put on

нацепить, влезть

Perry put on his new sweater because he wanted to wear it for work.

put out


Steve put out the light in the lounge before going upstairs to bed.

put through

соединить по телефону

Wait a moment and I’ll put you .through

put up with

переносить (страдания)

Uncle Mike puts up with their bad behaviour.

run in


George is running in his new car, so he can’t drive fast.

run into

столкнуться (с кем то случайно)

I was on my way to work when I ran into Jeremy Thomas. It was a lovely surprise because I hadn’t seen him for a long time.

run out of


Howard has run out of bread, so he can’t make himself a sandwich. If he wants a sandwich, he’ll have to go to the baker’s shop and buy some more bread.

see off


Bill arranged to go to Scotland to stay with his grandmother for a few days. His father, Frank, drove him to the railway station and saw him off.

set off

отправляться(в путь)

Barry set off on his camping holiday at six o’clock in the morning and reached the campsite, in France, at midday.

soak up

собрать (губкой воду)

The sponge soaked up the spilt milk.

speak up

говорить громче

She asked you to speak up because she couldn’t hear  you.

stand for


It stands for the British Broadcasting Corporation.

take after

быть похожим (на отца)

Mike takes after his grandfather

take down


When the policeman arrived at the scene of the accident he took down the witness’s statement.

take in


The wolf’s disguise took in the sheep.

take off (1)


At the beginning of a journey an aeroplane takes off. At the end of a journey an aeroplane lands.

take off (2)

снять, раздеться

Nick took off his jacket because he was feeling very hot.

take over

принимать должность от другого

Simon took over the manager’s job from Mr Jones when he retired.

take up

заняться, браться за что то

Tim wanted to take up painting, so he joined an evening class at the local College of Art.

tear up

разорвать на клочки

Brian tore up the letter.

tell off


Howard told his son off for breaking a window with his football.

think over

обдумывать размышлять

Owen is playing chess with a friend. At the moment he is thinking over his next move.

try on


I tried on three hats.

try out


Angela saw an advertisement for a new soap powder called ‘Zap’. She decided to try it out because she wanted to see if it was better than her usual soap powder.

turn down

отказать (куму то)

Jeff was interviewed for the job at Bloggs Ltd but they turned him down because he was too young.

turn into


The beautiful princess kissed the frog and it turned into a handsome prince.

wear off

стихать (боль)

The pain in Jim’s foot wore off after he look some painkiller.

Wear out (1)


Paul wore out his jumper.

Wear out (2)


Carrying the heavy box across the street wore Fred out. When he got home he went straight to bed.

work out

решать (задачку)

Jimmy is busy doing his homework. At the moment he is working out the answer to a sum.

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