Контрольная работа
тест по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему

Проверка знаний по грам. темам начальной школы


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Предварительный просмотр:

                Входная контрольная работа в 5 классе                              Variant I

1. Find the singular verb to be in the Present Simple. (Найди глагол to be в единственном числе в простом настоящем  времени.)

a) was        b) is             c) are                   d) were

2. Find the plural verb to be in the Past Simple. (Найди  глагол to be во мн. числе в простом прошедшем времени.)

a) is           b) were         c) had                   d) was

3. Which auxiliary verb is used in the Future Simple? (Какой вспомогательный глагол употребляется в простом будущем времени?)

a) had         b) will         c) does                  d) have

4. Find the odd word. (Найди лишнее слово.)

a) last         b) next        c) yesterday           d) ago

5. Mark the sentence with a mistake. (Отметь предложение с ошибкой.)

a) No, they were.         b) Yes, we were.       c) No, it isn’t.        d) Yes, you are.

6. Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb. (Выбери нужную форму глагола.)

1. Students ______ a test in English lesson next Monday.

a) write                    b)wrote                        c) will write

2. I ______ my homework every day.

a) do                         b) will do                    c) does.

3. He and his friend _____ to the cinema last week.

a) go                         b) will go                    c) went

4. My classmates sometimes _____ around the classroom.

a) run                        b) will run                   c) runs

5. Yesterday many students _____ good marks in Literature lesson.

a) get                        b)got                            c) will get  

7. Complete   the sentences. Use : have/has.( Вставь нужную форму глагола.)

1. My   sister   and   I ____ got   a   nice    room.

2. Our   school ____got   a   lot   of   classrooms.

3. ____you   got   a   computer?

4. My   grandmother ____got   a   nice   garden.

5. The   cat ____ got   two   kittens.

6. They_____ got  a new timetable.

8. Complete the sentences. Use: to be (am, is, are, was, were). (Вставь нужную форму глагола.)

1. It _______ sunny and hot yesterday.

2. Nick and his friend_______in the school yard  now.

3. I______ in the fifth form this year.

4. _______ you at the cinema two days ago?  

5. My green pencil …on the floor.

6. Emma and Betty… good friends.

9. Write   short   answers. (Напиши краткий ответ.)

1. Did you go to the cinema last week?  Yes, _____.

2. Are   you   Pete?  No, _____.

3. Has   Ben   got   a   dog?  No, ____.

4. Does   your   sister   like   to   read?  No,____.

5. Do   they   watch TV every day?  Yes,____.

6. Can   your friend speak English? No,_____.

10. Complete   the   sentences. Use:  my, your, his, her, its, our, their. (Вставь притяжательное местоимение.)

1. He is an actor._____ job is interesting.

2. I am a girl. _____name is Lora.

3. We go to   school. _____school   is   new.        

4. You   are   a   doctor. Do you    like   ____ work?

5. They   live   in   a   village. _____village   is   small.

6. I  have   a   dog. ____ tail   is black  and  white.    

11. Put the article a/an where it is necessary. (Поставь артикль  a/an там, где это необходимо.)

(1) trousers, (2) orange, (3) ruler, (4) men, (5) nice girls, (6) ice-cream

12. Make the sentences using the following words. (Составь предложения, используя следующие слова.)

1. a computer / there is / table / on the .

2. send / tomorrow / a  postcard  / will / she.

3. summer / played / last / we / volleyball  .

4. questions /the teachers / a lot of / answer.

Входная контрольная работа в 5 классе                                               Variant II

1. Find the singular verb to be in the Past Simple. (Найди глагол to be в единственном числе в простом прошедшем времени.)

a) had                 b) was               c) are                   d) were

2. Find the plural verb to be in the Present Simple. (Найди глагол to be во мн. числе в простом настоящем времени.)

a) have               b) were             c) are                   d) is

3. Which auxiliary verb is used in the Past Simple? (Какой вспомогательный глагол употребляется в простом прошедшем времени?)

a) does               b) has               c) did                   d) do

4. Find the odd word. (Найди лишнее слово.)

a) sometimes     b) tomorrow     c) usually           d) often

5. Mark the sentence with a mistake. (Отметь предложение с ошибкой.)

a) No, they aren’t.         b) Yes, we is.       c) No, you weren’t.        d) Yes, it was.

6. Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb. (Выбери нужную форму глагола.)

1. How many lessons ___ you have tomorrow ?

  a) does                     b) did                     c) will

2. Last August my father and I ____ abroad.

  a) go                        b) will go               c) went

3. All students ____ school uniform.

  a) wear                    b) wears                  c) wore

4. She _____ good English. She is my friend.

  a) speak                   b) spoke                   c) speaks

5. My parents often _____ food in this supermarket.

  a) buy                      b) buys                     c) will buy

7. Complete   the sentences .Use: have/has. (Вставь нужную форму глагола.)

1. We ________ got beautiful flowers in our garden.

2. Our English teacher ________ got a lot of interesting books.

3._________ Olga got a new school uniform this year?

4. My classmates _______ got some new school subjects in the fifth form.

5. I and my sister _______ got our own room.

6. Her aunt _______ got a good job.

8. Complete the sentences. Use: to be (am, is, are, was, were). (Вставь нужную форму глагола.)

1. Today _____ a nice day.

2. ______you at school last Friday?

3. He _____ eleven a few weeks ago.

4. I _____at home now.

5. A lot of books _____ on the desk.

6. The black cat _____ under the chair.

9. Write short answers. (Напиши краткий ответ.)

1. Do   they   play   football   every   day?  Yes, ____.

2. Are   you a student?  No, _____.

3. Did you travel last summer?  Yes, _____.

4. Has   a boy   got   a   computer?  No, ____

5. Does   your   sister go to school ?  Yes, ____.

6. Can   he   sing   songs? No, _____.

10. Complete   the   sentences   with   my, your, his, her, its, our, their. (Вставь притяжательное местоимение.)

1. They   have got a garden. _____garden is  wonderful.

2. We live in a new flat. _____flat   is big.        

3.  I   have   got a  parrot. ____ name is Kesha.

4. She is a teacher._____ job is interesting.

5. You   are   a farmer. Do you    like   ____ work?

6. I am a boy. _____name is Mike.

11. Put the article a/an where it is necessary. (Поставь артикль  a/an  там, где это необходимо.)

(1) skirts, (2) umbrella , (3) people, (4) blue jeans, (5) pencil, (6) apricots

12. Make the sentences using the following words. (Составь предложения, используя следующие слова.)

a) a lot of / desks / there are / classroom / in the .

b) tomorrow / will / I / a letter / write.

c) winter /made / last / they / a snowman.

d) questions/ my classmate / a lot of / asks .

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