тест по предлогам за курс5 класса по учебнику Биболетовой
тест по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему

Шманатова Светлана Валерьевна

материал полезен для повторения предлогов


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Предварительный просмотр:


1  Let`s go      \ to \for  \on   a walk.

2 Arnold Schwarzeneger has a lot of friends    \ across   \in   \over    the world.

3  My kittens are full    \in  \at \of   fun.

4 We fight   \for \against \ behind  cruelty to animals.

5 Stella takes care   \about \of  \at  people in hospital.

6 Hyde Park is famous   \ in \ over \for   its outdoor entertainment.

7 London is rich   \out \in \for   parks and  gardens.

8 Londoners are proud   \at  \of \for   their country.

9 S.Marshak is one   \from \of \in   the most popular writers in our country.

10Have you ever been  \at \in  \to  Boston ?

11Yesterday I came face    \to \at  \in   face with my teacher.

12Did you come  \at \on \in   time to your grandfather`s party?

13He is tired \ in  \of  \about  boring lesson.

14My brother is different  \of \by \from  me.

15Do you live far  around  \near \from  the centre of your town?

16What is the capital   \in  \at  \of   the UK?

17We are a close family and we get   \with \up  \on    well with each other ?

18Where can I change Russian money \ for  \on  \into  British pounds?

19He made friends  \ to  \with  \for  during summer.

20There are three   \of  \from  \with   us in our family.

21Who is responsible   \after  \for  \about   sweets at our party?

22In Oxford I stayed  \at  \with  \in   my friend`s family?

23Do you like to listen  \for  \ out  \to   music?

24They invited us   \at  \to  \in   London?

25Will you go abroad  \ at  \in  \on   October?

26My best friend is  \from  \out  \in  Britain?




  1. фотографировать
  2. происходить
  3. принимать участие
  4. снимать(одежду)
  5. заботиться

  1. ложиться спать
  2. ходить на прогулку
  3. ездить за границу
  4. уходить прочь
  5. выходить на улицу (с друзьями)
  6. ходить в магазин

Present Simple or Present Progressive:

1 It is 5o’clock. She  (have) tea.

2 My friend never (play) basketball.

3 Sorry, I can’t. I (have) lunch.

4 They (like) hamburgers and chips.

5 When—you (do) your homework?

6 The boys (have) a football game at the moment.

7 Where—he usually (go) in the evening.

8 He (understand)  it now.

9 He is in the bathroom. I (think) he (wash) his hair.

10- Can I speak to your parents?

    - I am sorry. They (have) lunch at the moment.

11 I usually (cook) meals and my brother (wash) dishes.

12 Mr.Smith (be) an English tourist who (travel) to Eastern Europe tomorrow. Now he (have) breakfast at home.

13 She is a school teacher.She (teach) maths.

14 On Sundays they (have) dinner at a restaurant.

15 Oh, I (go) to work  in Africa, I (look) forward to it.

16 The weather (be) terrible today.

17 You can’t miss him. He (wear) a white jacket,and he (carry) an umbrella.

18We (wear) woolen clothes in winter.

19 It (rain) again.

20 It (get)  dark. Let’s go home.

21   John (play) in the school team this season.

22    –you  (see) him here?

23  I (not want) to go anywhere.  I (have) a headache. I (feel) tired.

24 What ---they (laugh) at?   They (seem) very happy.

I Translate into English:

  1. каждый день
  2. каждое утро
  3. всегда
  4. часто
  5. никогда
  6. обычно
  7. каждый вечер
  8. вставать
  9. кушать
  10. завтракать
  11. гулять
  12. идти развлекаться
  13. ложиться спать
  14. обедать
  15. быть усталым
  16. играть в компьютерные игры
  17. приходить домой
  18. читать книги
  19. отдыхать
  20. утром, днём, вечером
  21. говорить по-английски
  22. У меня есть друг.
  23. У неё есть машина.
  24. У вас есть сестра.
  25. ночью

Степени сравнения прилагательных   6 класс

Упражнение 1.

 happy  young  difficult  dirty  patient  hot  comfortable  brave  wise friendly  ridiculous  late  little good   bad  far  many
Упражнение 2.

    Jill’s a far________ (intelligent) person than my brother.

  1. Kate was the_________ (practical) of the family.
  2. Greg felt __________ (bad) yesterday than the day before.
  3. This wine is the ____________ (good) I’ve ever tasted.
  4. Jack was the________ (tall) of the two.
  5. Jack is the__________ (clever) of the three brothers.
  6. If you need any ___________ (far) information, please contact our head office.
  7. The sinking of Titanic is one of _____________ (famous) shipwreck stories of all time. Please, send the books back without_________ (far) delay.
  8. The deposits of oil in Russia are by far the __________ (rich) in the world.
  9. Could you come a bit _______ (early) tomorrow?
  10. I like this song _________ (well) than the previous one.
  11. Which of these two performances did you enjoy ________ (much)?
  12. The fire was put out _________ (quickly) than we expected.

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