Разработка урока на тему "Дружба"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему

Глыбова Анастасия Юрьевна

Урок предназначен для учащихся 7 класса УМК "английский язык" Кузовлев В.П.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Открытый урок в 7 классе


1. Повторить и обобщить ЛЕ по теме «Дружба».  

2. Развивать навыки устной речи.

3. Прививать интерес к изучаемому предмету.

Ход урока

1. Орг. Момент

T: Good - afternoon friends. Today we shall speak about friends and friendship. Who is a friend?

P1 :A friend is a person who cheers you up when you are in trouble.

P2: A friend is a person who stands by you till the end.(p.100)

T: What is friendship?

P3: Friendship is a thing that lasts forever.

So the theme of our lesson can be expressed in this proverb “Friends and Friendship Costs Nothing but Means Much” (на доске)

Пословицу прочитали и перевели.

2. Фон. зарядка

1) Do you know other proverbs about friendship? (на доске)

[d] A friend in need is a friend indeed.

[æ] No man is useless while he has a friend.

[r] A friend to everybody is a friend to nobody.

Can you give Russian equivalents?

These proverbs are about friends. Let’s say a poem about friendship. (хором)

 Mind all sounds [d], [æ], [r].

         Friendship is a thing for two,

         Three or four, even more,

         Like a song that is made to sing.

         Friendship is a doing thing.

3. Реч. зарядка        

Do you know Rules of Friendship? Let’s play the game “Snowball”.

Каждый ряд составляет свой снежный ком.

You have a big snowball. Let’s make another snowball.

Always worry about friend.

Always try to understand your friend.

Rely on your friend.

Always help your friend.

Cheer your friend up in trouble.

Stand by your friend no matter what

Forgive your friend.

Never betray your friend.

Never ignore your friend’s problems.

Always care about your friend.

4. Проверка дом. задания.

Творческая работа учащихся (сочинение о дружбе)

Your home task was to make a composition about friendship.

Tell us some interesting facts from your composition and put them on the blackboard. This part of the blackboard is for this group. And that part of the blackboard is for that group. We shall compare whose compositions are the best.

Two pupils from each group will have individual tasks. Try to make a proverb using these words.

Учащиеся прикрепляют работу на доску,  каждый рассказывает несколько фраз из своего сочинения.

So we have two newspapers but there are no titles. These proverbs can be the titles.

5. Аудирование.

Now you will listen to the audio letter. Try to understand the name, the age ,the city, the hobby and fill the card. (Еще раз объясняю по-русски.)

 Hello. I am a member of Pen Friend League International. My name is Julia Fitch. I’m 12 years old. I live in Birmingham. My hobby is painting pictures. I have a lot of pen friends in different countries but my best friend is in the USA. Her name is Megan. We both like music and reading but we are not very good at sport. She is great at keeping secrets. We write each other regularly and she tells all about herself. Megan has a grandmother in Russia. I think it is a very interesting country and I want to have pen friends from Russia. Would you like to write me?

1)Учащиеся прослушивают письмо 2 раза  и отмечают в  табличке правильные данные.

Ф.И. учащегося

























2) Контроль понимания:

Do you understand this letter?

Is it a boy or a girl?

What is her name?

How old is she?

What city is she from?

What is her hobby?

What is her likeness?

What is her friend’s name?

6. Would you like to have pen friends? Can you make friends? On the blackboard you can see the real address of children from Oscott School Lane in Britain who want to be a  your pen friends. Would you like to write a letter? What can you write in your letters? Let’s plan what you will write in your letters. ( На доске: A plan for the letter.) Make notes in your copy- books, for example

1. hobby             5. city

2. friends            6. country

3. school             7. pets

4. family             8. problems

T: What can you write in your letter?

P: I can write about … in my letter.

T: What can you write about your hobby (school, city, pets, family…)?

P: My hobby is…

P: My school isn’t big but wonderful.

P: I live in Saratov. It is the most beautiful city.


7. Работа с учебником. Стр. 115

T: Your home task will be writing a letter to your pen friend.

Now open your books and look at the letter of an English girl. What did she write about in her letter? ( Чтение по цепочке)

P: She has written about music, film, magazines lifestyle, culture…

8. Объяснение дом. задания.

Написать письмо другу по переписке. (№ 1b p.115)

На доске:   A Letter to My Pen Friend.

Dear pen friend,

My name is… I’d like to have a pen friend. As for me…

9.Подведение итогов.

Our lesson has come to the end. Let’s finish it with the proverb: “Friends and Friendship Costs Nothing but Means Much”

You worked very well. Your marks are…

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