Банк контрольных работ к учебнику М.З. Биболетова, Н.Н. Трубанева.
тест по английскому языку на тему

 Банк контрольных работ к учебнику М.З. Биболетова, Н.Н. Трубанева.


Предварительный просмотр:

Диагностическаяконтрольнаяработа 5 класс

1. Времена Present Simple,  Past Simple, Future Simple.

She (visit) her granny.

2. Сравненияприлагательных:

long, short, tall , low, beautiful , interesting, good, bed. 

3. Глагол to be ( am, is are).

My name (1) ______ Brenda Foster. I (2) ______  ten years old and I (3) ______ in the fifth form. I (4) ______ American. I’ve got a sister and a brother. Their names (5) ______ Gina and Paul. Gina (6) ______ 16 years old and Paul (7) ______  only three. I’ve also got a dog. His name (8) ______ Spot. He (9) ______  on the right in the picture. My Mum (10) ______ a doctor.My Dad (11) ______ a driver. We (12)  ______ all   friendly in our family. 

4. Прочитайте текст и вставьте необходимые по смыслу слова.

A. ball                

B. meat                

C. fox baby                

D. mushrooms                

E. river

My name is David. Last summer I lived in the village with my granny and grandpa. There is a big forest and a _____(1) near our village. Every day my friends and I went to the river. We swam and played with a ____(2) on the green grass.

One day in July we got up at 6 o’clock in the morning and went to the forest. There were many _____(3) and berries in the forest. We picked flowers, gathered berries and mushrooms. Suddenly one of the boys stopped and said, “Look! What is this?” We ran up to him and saw a small _____(4) under a big tree. It was very nice and funny. “Where is your mother, baby?” we asked him.

We took the fox baby home. We gave him fish and_____ (5). He grew up quickly. We named him “July”. July liked to play with us. We were friends. One day when we wanted to play with July  we couldn’t find him. Heranawaytotheforest.

5. Заполни анкету для занятий в кружке любителей английского языка

  1. Name_________________________________________________
  2. Age___________________________________________________
  3. Phone number________________________________________________
  4. Favourite subjects_________________________________________________
  5. Your hobby.  I like to_______________________________________________

Предварительный просмотр:

Административная контрольная работа 5 класс

1. Написать три степени сравнения прилагательного. 1 вариант

Young,  difficult,  late, hot, cold, comfortable, good.

2. Написать предложение в трех временах:  Present Simple,  Past Simple, Future Simple.

She draw a funny picture.

3.Вставь пропущенные слова.( miss, spend, abroad, shopping, pictures, Maths,)

1. Every summer I ________ my holidays in the country near a  nice  river.

2. I like to take ___________ of this river.

3. My friend went __________ last year. He is in France now.  I ______him very much.

4. My mother likes to go_______.

5. You must not miss ______ lessons.

4. Прочитай текст. Закончи предложения в соответствии с содержанием текста.

I usually get up at 7 o`clock a.m.  I walk to school.  I have five or six lessons a day.  In the lessons, we speak, ask and answer questions, read, translate, write tests.  I giveonlygoodmarks.

1. I usually get up…

a) in the morning.       b) in the afternoon.               c) in the country.

2. Every day I go to…

a) forest.                       b) school.                             c) dance

3. I have …

a) no lessons.                b) 4 or 3 lessons.                 c) 6 or 5  lessons.

4. My marks are ….

a) “5”.                            b) “3”.                                  c) “4” and “3”.

5. Составь словосочетания.

1.take                 2. stay          3.to arrange       4. group         5. act out

a) of students    b) pictures    c) plays            d) in Britain    e) a picnic

1. Написать три степени сравнения прилагательного.   2 вариант

Brave, friendly, patient, responsible, wise, long, bad.

2. Написать предложение в трех временах:  Present Simple,  Past Simple, Future Simple.

They sing a nice song.

3.Вставь пропущенные слова. (at home, made, skate, holidays, skied, snowballs, enjoyed, fine)

1. I spend my winter _______ in the country.

2. The weather was _________

4. My friend and I went to the river to ________.

5. When it was cold I stayed_________, read books, watched TV. I _______my winter holidays.

4. Прочитай текст. Закончи предложения в соответствии с содержанием текста.

I usually get up at 7 o`clock a.m.  I walk to school.  I have five or six lessons a day.  In the lessons, we speak, ask and answer questions, read, translate, write tests.  I giveonlygoodmarks.

1. I usually get up…

a) in the morning.       b) in the afternoon.               c) in the country.

2. Every day I go to…

a) forest.                       b) school.                             c) dance

3. I have …

a) no lessons.                b) 4 or 3 lessons.                 c) 6 or 5  lessons.

4. My marks are ….

a) “5”.                            b) “3”.                                  c) “4” and “3”.

5. Составь словосочетания.

1.local          2. Social              3. to stay           4.spend                  5.miss    

a)   lessons  b) holidays          c)at school         d) football team     e) life

Предварительный просмотр:

Задание 1. Чтение.

Прочитай письмо и отметь знаком + предложения, которые соответствуют содержанию текста, и знаком  - которые не соответствуют.

   Dear pen friend,

          Thank you very much for your letter. I am sorry, I haven’t written because I was very busy. I will tell you about my family.

   We are four in the family. There is a mum, a dad, my brother and me.

   And I also have got grandparents. My dad is 40 years old and my mum is 38. I am 12. My birthday is on 26 April. We are a loving and close family.

   And I have got a great grandmother (прабабушка). She will be 90 next year. She is very old.

   My father’s brother lives in the USA. He has got a farm. He has got a lot of cows and ducks. There are 132 cows and 1560 ducks. Besides he has got 12 dogs. I also love animals. I’ve got a cat and a fish. And what about you?

  Best wishes,


    Задание к тексту:

1.     Pam lives in England.

2. Her family is a typical British family.

3. Pam’s great grandmother is 99 years old.

4. Her uncle lives in Great Britain.

5. Pam’s uncle has got a farm.

6. Pam’s uncle has got a lot of animals.

7. Pam has got 12 dogs and a cat.

 Задание 2. Выберите правильную форму глагола:

1. She … milk every morning. (drinks, drinking, drink)

2. We ___ to the park now. (goes, are going, go)

3. The woman ___ shopping now. (goes, is going, go)

4. She often ___ her red dress. (wears, is wearing, wear)

5. Look! The cat ___ up the tree. (climbs, is climbing, climb)

Задание 3. Добавьте разделительные вопросы.

1. It isn’t cold,…?                                              a) isn’t it   b) does it   c) is it

2. You don’t like History,…?                            a) do you b) are you   c) don’t you

3. They are from England, …?                          a) are they    b) aren’t  they   c) aren’t you

4 The boy will read а book tomorrow, …?      a) will it b) won’t he c) will he

5. She can speak French, …?                            a) can’t she   b) can she   c) does not she

Задание 4. Выбери и вставь слово, подходящее по смыслу.

1. The Tower Bridge is one of the famous ….in London.

     a) place of interest    b)building   c) bridges  d) museum

2. The Queen of Britain lives in …

a) Westminster Abbey  b) Tower of London  c) Buckingham Palace

3. Children like to take …… of their pets

     a) place   b) care  c) part   d) off

4. This political meeting takes …near the Houses of Parliament.

     a) place   b) care  c) part   d) off

5. Our …. school would like to invite a group of foreign students.

      a) typical      b) social           c)sociable           d) local

Задание 5.

Напиши письмо Барбаре Грей, расскажи ей о своих летних каникулах. Не забудь про правила написания письма.

Предварительный просмотр:

1 вариант                                 2 вариант

1. Выбери слово подходящее по смыслу.

  1. Your mother’s sister is your …
  1. grandmother       b) aunt          c) cousin
  1. Your mother is your father’s …
  1. sister          b) daughter          c) wife
  1. A mail parent is your ….
  1. father          b) mother             c) daughter
  1. Your sister’s son is your …
  1. uncle   b) cousin      c) nephew
  1. Let’s have breakfast. I’ve already … the table.
  1. put      b)   clear      c) set

2. Добавьте при необходимости определенный артикль The

___ Pacific Ocean


___ English Channel

___Black sea

___Green street


___ Atlantic Ocean


___ UK

___Anna Pavlova


3. Составьте словосочетание используя слова из каждого столбика.


the bed


the laundry


the rubbish


the carpet

take out

the windows

to make

the floor

4. Раскройте скобки, используя время Present Perfect или Past Simple.

1.I (to see) Pete today.

2. I (to read) this book last year.    

3.  I (to read) this book this week.

4.  I never (to be) to Washington.

5. You ever (to be) to New York?

5. Выберите и вставь слово, наиболее подходящее по смыслу.

1. Londoners are … their city.

    a) famous for         b) proud of         c) born in

2. Agatha Christie is … her detective stories.

    a) famous for         b) proud of         c) are tired of        

3. The story of Robinson Crusoe was based on the … adventures of a sailor Alexander Selkirk.

    a) special          b) real           c) ancient

4. During your visit to MOMI you can meet … from the past.

    a) sights          b) visitors              c) characters

5. Parks are … in London.

    a) free      b) worth     c) royal


1.Выбери слово подходящее по смыслу.

  1. Your mother’s mother is your …
  1. niece      b) grandmother     c) aunt
  1. A female parent is your …
  1. sister     b) father      c) mother
  1. Your father is your mother’s …
  1. brother    b) husband      c) son
  1. Your father’s brother is your …
  1. nephew    b) brother    c) uncle
  1. My aunt is going to cook a big …
  1. pie       b) picnic       c) part

2. Добавьте при необходимости определенный артикль The

___ Russia


___ USA


___ France

___ South America


___ Alps

___ Elbrus

____Red Square

3. Составьте словосочетание используя слова из каждого столбика.


after dinner


the furniture

clear up


to cook

the clothes


the table


the floor

4. Раскройте скобки, используя время Present Perfect или Past Simple.

1. You ever (to see) the eruption of a volcano?

2. He (not to eat) yesterday.

3. You (to play) the piano yesterday?

4. You (to play) the piano today

5. Where you (to put) my pen? I cannot find it?         

5. Выберите и вставь слово, наиболее подходящее по смыслу.

1. The city is … its bridges.

    a) tired of          b) proud of           c) famous for

2. Londoners are… their parks.

   a) proud of         b) worth with      c) free of

3. Daniel Defo was a famous English writer of the eighteenth … .

   a) adventure         b) century           c) novel

4. There is a … place for the Royal Family in the Madam Tussaud's Museum.

   a) special      b) ancient            c) dominant

5. Robert Burns … in a poor farming family.

   a) died        b) was published         c) was born

Предварительный просмотр:

Диагностическая контрольная работа

Раздел 1. Чтение.

1) Прочитай письмо и отметь знаком + предложения, которые соответствуют содержанию текста, и знаком  - которые не соответствуют.

   Dear pen friend,

          Thank you very much for your letter. I am sorry, I haven’t written because I was very busy. I will tell you about my family.

   We are four in the family. There is a mum, a dad, my brother and me.

   And I also have got grandparents. My dad is 40 years old and my mum is 38. I am 12. My birthday is on 26 April. We are a loving and close family.

   And I have got a great grandmother (прабабушка). She will be 90 next year. She is very old.

   My father’s brother lives in the USA. He has got a farm. He has got a lot of cows and ducks. There are 132 cows and 1560 ducks. Besides he has got 12 dogs. I also love animals. I’ve got a cat and a fish. And what about you?

  Best wishes,


    Задание к тексту:

1. Her family is a typical British family.

2. Pam’s great grandmother is 99 years old.

3. Her uncle lives in Great Britain.

4. Pam’s uncle has got a farm.

5. Pam’s uncle has got a lot of animals.

6. Pam has got 12 dogs and a cat.

Раздел 2. Лексика и Грамматика.

2) Добавьте разделительные вопросы.

1. It isn’t cold,…?                                              

2. You don’t like History,…?                            

3. They are from England,

4 The boy will read а book tomorrow, …?      

5. She can speak French, …?                            

3) Выбери и вставь слово, подходящее по смыслу.

1. The Tower Bridge is one of the famous ….in London.

     a) place of interest    b)building   c) bridges  d) museum

2. The Queen of Britain lives in …

a) Westminster Abbey  b) Tower of London  c) Buckingham Palace

3. Children like to take …… of their pets

     a) place   b) care  c) part   d) off

4. This political meeting takes …near the Houses of Parliament.

     a) place   b) care  c) part   d) off

5. Our …. school would like to invite a group of foreign students.

      a) typical      b) social           c)sociable           d) local

4) Выберите правильную форму глагола:

1. She … milk every morning. (drinks, is drinking, drink)

2. We ___ to the park now. (goes, are going, go)

3. The woman ___ shopping now. (goes, is going, go)

4. She often ___ her red dress. (wears, is wearing, wear)

   5. Look! The cat ___ up the tree.  

5) Выбери правильный предлог.

  1. Let’s go for/ to/ out a walk after lessons.
  2. Who is responsible after/ about/ for music at our party?
  3. It’s so nice on/ for/ of you to look after our dog when we are away.
  4. The film starts at/ on/ in 8 p.m.
  5. Could I change Russian rubles for/ on/ to American dollars here?

Диагностическая контрольная работа

Раздел 1. Чтение.

1) Прочитай письмо и отметь знаком + предложения, которые соответствуют содержанию текста, и знаком  - которые не соответствуют.

Hello, my name is Helen Brown. Only yesterday I was nine and today I’m ten because today is my birthday. And I’m glad that today is Sunday and not Monday or Friday because on Sundays I don’t go to school. But my school friends are coming to my birthday party. It’s 1 o’clock now and my birthday party begins at 2 o’clock. But my friend Kate will come at 3. She and her parents went to see Kate’s grandmother. I already got my present from my parents. It wasn’t a dress like last year or a CD player like the one they gave my brother for his birthday. It’s a bicycle. I like to ride my bicycle. I also like to read. I know that my school friends will give me books with some of my favourite stories. I like books better than videos or music.

  1. The girl’s name is Mary Brown
  2. She is nine
  3. Her birthday party begins at 2 o’clock 
  4. Her friends didn’t come to her birthday party, because they were at school.
  5. Her  parents’  present  was  a CD player 
  6. Helen likes to ride her bicycle.
  7. Раздел 2. Лексика и Грамматика.

2) Добавьте разделительные вопросы.

  1. He is a student,______?
  2. They aren‘t at home,_______?
  3. We will go to the Zoo,______?
  4. It won‘t be snowy tomorrow,______?
  5. You weren‘t busy,_______?

3) Выбери и вставь слово, подходящее по смыслу.

1. Soon you’ll get the … to visit England.

     a) timetable   b) invitation  c) mark  

2. When we were in Moscow, we took a lot of … .

  1. pictures  b) books  c) care  d) fun

3. How do you usually … your weekend?

  1. go  b) travel  c) spend  d) miss

4. Our school will be … for the cost of accommodation.

  1. responsible  b) glad  c) interested  d) excited

5. My mum likes to invite guests. She is very … .

  1. responsible  b) hospitable  c) intelligent

4) Выберите правильную форму глагола:

1. She … meat every day.( is eating, eats, eat)

2. The baby … at the moment. ( is sleeping,  sleeps, sleep)

3. Mother never … the dishes. (is washing,  washes, wash)

4. Look! He … very quickly. ( is running, runs, run)

5. I … my homework every day. ( am doing,  do, does)

5) Выбери правильный предлог.

  1. Can I kiss you on/ to/ at your cheek?
  2. Who is responsible about/ to/ for the social programme?
  3. Do you like to listen for/ out/ to classic music?
  4. The lesson starts on/ at/ in at 2 p.m.
  5. Could I change Russian rubles for/ on/ to euro here?

Предварительный просмотр:

1. Match the words with theirs translations.Соотнесите слова с их переводом.

  1. Humorous                               a. Возможный
  2. Scientific                                  b. Успешный
  3. Chemical                                  c. Нервный
  4. Cunning                                   d. Ответственный
  5. Naughty                                   e. Опасный
  6. Successful                                f. Хитрый
  7. Nervous                                   g. Вредный
  8. Possible                                   h. Забавный
  9. Responsible                            i. Научный
  10. Dangerous                              j. Химический

2. Complete the sentences with the words: Sociable, angry, clever, talkative, nervous, lazy, loving, creative.

  1. A person who likes to talk a lot is…
  2. A person who is nervous in the company of others is…
  3. A person who produces new ideas is…
  4. A person who likes to be with others is …
  5. A person who is very unkind is…

3. Write five questions for the sentence.

They will sing a song at the party.

4. Complete the sentences using  Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Past Simple or Future Simple tense.

1. We (go) on a tramp last Sunday.

2. Granny (not cook) dinner now.

3. My sister (wash) the dishes every morning.

4. His parents … already (get) up.

5. You (not eat) ice-cream tomorrow.

6. What … your brother (do) yesterday?

7. … you (play) computers on weekends?

6. Put in the sentences the suitable words. Each word or word combination is only used once.

is washed;           area;             population;              capital;

is situated;        languages;          country

   Canada is the second largest 1)… in the world. It 2)… in the northern part of the North American continent. Its total 3)… is 9,975,000 square kilometers. Canada 4)… by three oceans – the Pacific, the Arctic and the Atlantic. This country has a small 5)…, only about 27,300,000 people.  There are two official 6)… in the country: English and French. The 7)… of Canada is Ottawa.

1. Match the words with theirs translations.Соотнесите слова с их переводом.

  1. Humorous                               a. Возможный
  2. Scientific                                  b. Успешный
  3. Chemical                                  c. Нервный
  4. Cunning                                   d. Ответственный
  5. Naughty                                   e. Опасный
  6. Successful                                f. Хитрый
  7. Nervous                                   g. Вредный
  8. Possible                                   h. Забавный
  9. Responsible                            i. Научный
  10. Dangerous                              j. Химический

2. Complete the sentences with the words: Sociable, angry, clever, talkative, nervous, lazy, loving, creative.

  1. A person who likes to talk a lot is…
  2. A person who is nervous in the company of others is…
  3. A person who produces new ideas is…
  4. A person who likes to be with others is …
  5. A person who is very unkind is…

3. Write five questions for the sentence.

She is listening to the radio now.

4. Complete the sentences using  Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Past Simple or Future Simple tense.

1. Tomorrow Nick (not go) to school.

2. Look! My friend  (play) football.

3. Kate (not write) letters every month.

4. We (see) a very good film last Sunday.

5. You … just (clean) your room . Let's have a rest.

6. … your classmates (walk) yesterday in the park?

7. What … your mum (do) now?

6. Put in the sentences the suitable words. Each word or word combination is only used once.

is washed;           area;             population;              capital;

is situated;        languages;          country

   Canada is the second largest 1)… in the world. It 2)… in the northern part of the North American continent. Its total 3)… is 9,975,000 square kilometers. Canada 4)… by three oceans – the Pacific, the Arctic and the Atlantic. This country has a small 5)…, only about 27,300,000 people.  There are two official 6)… in the country: English and French. The 7)… of Canada is Ottawa.

Предварительный просмотр:

1. Read the text and match the headings with the paragraphs.

A. The vitamins make your bones hard.

B. Tastes differ.

C. You can’t live without food.

D. Vitamins and the ABC.

Healthy food.


Eating is fun, especially when you are hungry. Most people have a favourite food. Some people enjoy eating sweet things like cakes, chocolates and ice cream. Other people enjoy savoury foods like cheese and meet. Enjoying eating is our body’s way of making sure that it gets the things it needs to work properly.


Food helps us to keep warm, gives us the energy to walk, talk, run and do all the other things we do. It helps us to grow and stay healthy.


Vitamins also help us to be healthy. Scientists name vitamins after the letters of the alphabet. All of them are very important, for example: vitamin C keeps our skin and gums healthy. It is found in fresh fruit and green vegetables, such as oranges, blackcurrants, lettuce. Brussels sprouts and spinach also contain a lot of vitamin C.


Vitamin D helps our bones to grow strong and hard, and we are able to make it for ourselves if our skin gets enough sunlight.  But we can also get vitamin D if we eat fish, milk, butter, cheese and margarine. Some people buy pills or tablets vitamins. But most of us get more than enough of them from our food.

2. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

1. When we enjoy eating our body gets everything to work well. ______

2. To get vitamins you need to buy pills. _______

3. Vitamin C is important for our skin. _______

4. You can get vitamin D only when eating special food. ________

3. Grammar-lexical test

Choose the right form:

1. Her parents want … to behave well at school.

a) him           b) her            c) she

3. My neighbour is a lecturer; she ... French at the university.  

a) studies         b) learns                        c) teaches

4. My younger brother … to bed at ten o’clock yesterday.

a) went           b) go            c) goed

5. Is … Indian Ocean bigger than … Atlantic Ocean?

a) ---, the                  b) the, the      c) the, ---       d) ---, ---

6. I eat too much chocolate. I really … stop.

a) should      b) have to      c) must

7. The man … answered the phone was really rude.

a) who      b) which    c) when 

9. My brother … his face every morning.

a) washed       b) wash        c) washes

10. You … consult a doctor.

a) must     b) have to    c) should

11. The CD … you gave me for my birthday is my favourite now.

a) who    b) which    c) why

12. Tomorrow I … my partner at the airport.

a) will meet           b) meets     c) will meets

14. In many countries, men … do military service.

a) should       b) must            c) have to

Предварительный просмотр:

1. Fill in the definite article the if needed.

1. … Volga runs into … Caspian Sea.

2. … Pacific Ocean is very deep.

3. I have never been to … Lake Onega.

4. … Washington is the capital of … United States  of America.

5. … Shetland Islands are situated to the north of …United Kingdom of Great Britain.

2. Complete the sentence, using  Conditional Ι, Conditional ΙΙ, Conditional ΙΙΙ.

If mother (to buy) a cake, we (to have) a very nice tea party.

3.Choose the correct form of the verb.

1. He … the  party by 2 o`clock.

    a) left         b) was leaving            c) had left

2. Mike … still … the poem at 2 o`clock yesterday.

    a) did … learnt          b) was … learning            c) had learnt

3. I … to the hotel yesterday.

    a) returned        b) was returning           c) had returned

4. While Kate … in America, she learnt a lot about a famous pop star Madonna.

    a) travelled               b) was travelling                   c) had traveled

5. She ... in the UK last summer.

a) was    b) were     c) had been

    4. Change the word.

1. CHANGE.            Thank goodness that our weather isn't so … .

2. SUN.                    When we got to Spain, it was very hot and … .

3. EXPLORE.         Neil Armstrong was the first … on the Moon.

4. SCIENCE.          We have already discussed the most important …   problems on our planet.

5. FROST.            It was lovely to ski down the hills in Switzerland and the weather was … and snowy.

5. Answer the questions to the text. (p. 43 ex. 12)

1. What is the air polluted by?

2. What are the rivers polluted by?

3. Why are the forests disappearing?

4. Can you see pollution at the seaside?

5. What are the most serious environmental problems now?

1. Fill in the definite article the if needed.

1. … Volga runs into … Caspian Sea.

2. … Pacific Ocean is very deep.

3. I have never been to … Lake Onega.

4. … Washington is the capital of … United States  of America.

5. … Shetland Islands are situated to the north of …United Kingdom of Great Britain.

2. Complete the sentence, using  Conditional Ι, Conditional ΙΙ, Conditional ΙΙΙ.

If mother (to buy) a cake, we (to have) a very nice tea party.

3.Choose the correct form of the verb.

1. He … the  party by 2 o`clock.

    a) left         b) was leaving            c) had left

2. Mike … still … the poem at 2 o`clock yesterday.

    a) did … learnt          b) was … learning            c) had learnt

3. I … to the hotel yesterday.

    a) returned        b) was returning           c) had returned

4. While Kate … in America, she learnt a lot about a famous pop star Madonna.

    a) travelled               b) was travelling                   c) had traveled

5. She ... in the UK last summer.

a) was    b) were     c) had been

    4. Change the word.

1. CHANGE.            Thank goodness that our weather isn't so … .

2. SUN.                    When we got to Spain, it was very hot and … .

3. EXPLORE.         Neil Armstrong was the first … on the Moon.

4. SCIENCE.          We have already discussed the most important …   problems on our planet.

5. FROST.            It was lovely to ski down the hills in Switzerland and the weather was … and snowy.

5. Answer the questions to the text. (p. 43 ex. 12)

1. What is the air polluted by?

2. What are the rivers polluted by?

3. Why are the forests disappearing?

4. Can you see pollution at the seaside?

5. What are the most serious environmental problems now?

Предварительный просмотр:

Контрольная работа № 1. Диагностическая  контрольная работа.

Раздел  1.

Найди соответствие между словами с похожими значениями

Example: amazing – c)

                a) frightening        b) vital       c) wonderful

А1. to clear up

  a) to protect         b) to pollute      c) to clean

А2. garbage

  a) danger       b) litter        c) bin

А3. to save

   a) to help      b) to prohibit      c) to avoid

А4. human being

   a) nature     b) man       c) animal

А5. to destroy

    a) to recycle     b) to pack        c) to damage

Раздел 2

Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений

В6-В12 соответствуют содержанию текста (1-True), какие не соответствуют (2-False) и  о чём в тексте не сказано т.е. нельзя дать ни положительного , ни отрицательного ответа (3- Not stated).

If asked what Jonathan Swift, Oscar Wilde, Samuel Beckett have in common, most people would correctly reply that they are famous writers.. But did you know that they all graduated from the oldest and most prestigious university in Ireland.

 Trinity College at the University of Dublin has an interesting history. The university was founded in 1592 in the heart of Dublin, the capital of Ireland. At first everything went well and the university grew slowly. Then, in the middle of the 17th century, life at the university became difficult because of two wars in the country. Fortunately, the university survived and from then on many wealthy families began to send their sons there for a good education.

 Today, Trinity College is among the top 40 universities in the world for Arts and Humanities and it attracts students from all five continents. It is also one of Ireland’s leading historical sights. It has a unique beautiful library that contains 4.25 million books including the Book of Kells, one of the most precious medieval books in existence. Over half a million visitors come to see this book and the library every year. It is truly a great university.


Jonathan Swift, Oscar Wilde, Samuel Beckett got their degree  at Trinity College.


 Trinity college was created in the 16th  centure.


Because of Second world War the life at university become difficult.


Many poor families began to send their sons there for a good education to Trinity College.


Trinity College attracts students from Europe, Asia, North  and South America, Africa, Australia.


Trinity College is one of the Scottland’s leading historical sites.


 The Book of Kells is one of the most valuable book written by Oscar Wilde.

Раздел 3

Преобразуй слова, помеченные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами  С13 — С 18  так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста.

Заполните пропуски полученными словами.


Tornadoes are one of the__________violent storms and they happen in



Thank goodness that our weather isn't so_____




We have already discussed the most important____ problems on our planet.



A very violent wind is________   of a tornado.



Students and teachers should always try to prevent ____  .




On July 4th,1776 the Americans celebrate _______ Day.


Раздел 1

Найди соответствие между словами с похожими значениями

Example:  research – c)

                a) an experiment        b) an achievement       c) an exploration

 А1 humid

   a) misty       b) cool      c) wet

А2  icy

   a)  frosty       b) snowy      c) nasty

А3 spaceship

   a) space travel     b) starship       c) space flight

А4 violent

   a) weak        b) strong       c) terrible

А5   storm

   a) wind        b) hurricane     c) rain

Раздел 2

Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений

В6 – В12 соответствуют содержанию текста (1-True), какие не соответствуют (2-False) и  о чём в тексте не сказано.т.е. нельзя дать ни положительного , ни отрицательного ответа (3- Not stated).

 Network are groups of computers, software and hardware that are all connected to help the users work together. They are typically found in businesses, schools and colleges, Internet cafes and libraries. A network connect computers by using cabling systems, special software and devices that handle the  flow of data. A network allows users to share  files and recourses such as printers, as well as send e-mail to each other.  So, as with any other shared resource, it is important to be responsible and think about other users.  There are a number of things to keep in mind when using a computer network, such as:

  • Do not share computer passwords.
  • Do not overuse resourses such as online connection or printers
  • Use  it only to help you with your studies
  • Do not use it for anything illegal, unethical or dishonest e.g bulling other students or damaging equipment.
  • Do not copy other people’s work- either other students or online information This is called plagiarism and has serious  consequences especially concerning copyrighted material. Remember information on  the Internet may not always be  copyrighted, but it is there to give you the facts and  ideas for your own piece of writing and not to be copied and pasted into as new document.
  • Do not install any software without permission.
  • Be aware of computer viruses and try to protect the network from them   by following security procedures.


 All libraries  schools and colleges use  computer network.


 Network users have to share a computer.


 The computers are connected with software and hardware.


  Network users cannot print print documents or send messages.


All network users share the same password.


 Plagiarism has serious consequences like taking people who copyrighted  forbidden  information to the prison.


Network users have to ask before installing a new program.

Раздел 3

Преобразуй слова, помеченные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами С13-С18  так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами.


When we got to Spain, it was very hot and ______ .



Neil Armstrong was the first _______  on the Moon.



When I arrived, the sun began to shine ______ .



What kind of weather is _______  of the northern part of Russia?



Now you are the ___  of this wonderful house.



Our country is proud of these ______ people.



1 вариант


A1 — c

A2 — b

A3 — a

A4 — b

A5 — c






B10 - TRUE

B11 - TRUE



C13 — most

C14 — changeable

C15 — scientific

C16 — type

C17 — bulling

C 18 — independent

2 вариант


A1 — c

A2 — a

A3 — b

A4 — c

A5 — b








B12 - TRUE


C13 — sunny

C14 — explorer

C15 — brightly

C16 -  typical

C17 — owner

C18 – successful

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