Listening comprehension test "Weather"
методическая разработка по английскому языку на тему

Тестовое задание к аудированию для 3 класса


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Listening comprehension test


1.Choose the correct answer:

  1. You can_________ the weather man ___________
  1. Watch …on TV
  2. Listen…. On the radio
  3. Look… at the window
  4. See… in the street
  1. It might be a nice clear day. ___________
  1. The wind may be blowing
  2. The sun might be shining.
  3. It might be snowing
  4. It might be raining.
  1. You need _____________ on a rainy day.
  1. A raincoat, an umbrella and boots
  2. A raincoat, an umbrella and shoes
  3. A raincoat, an umbrella and a skirt
  4. A raincoat, an umbrella and a dress
  1. Rain makes the flowers and grass ____________
  1. Sit
  2. Draw
  3. Grow
  4. Crawl
  1. It is ______________ if the wind is very strong.
  1. Pleasant
  2. Nice
  3. Boring
  4. Dangerous
  1. It can be ___________ driving through a blizzard.
  1. Dangerous
  2. Pleasant
  3. Exciting
  4. Nice
  1. The woman prefers __________
  1. Cloudy days
  2. Sunny days
  3. Windy days
  4. Rainy days

2. Answer the questions:

What do you wear on a very cold day?

Is it dangerous to go out in hail?

What kind of weather do you prefer?

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