Олимпиада 7-8 класс
тест по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему

Цыцаркина Наталья Сергеевна


Task 1

Hi, everyone!

I’m Nicole, and I live in Paris, France. Next week is the start of the new year, and

here’s my new blog! I’m looking forward to telling you all about my life at school,

at home and with my friends! I had a fantastic summer, but now it’s time to get

back to work. This is a big year for me, and I want to do very well.

I’m very fond of learning languages, and I speak French (of course!), German, a

little Spanish and English. I need to practice my English, and that’s why I’m

writing this blog. My teacher says that reading and writing as much as you can in

English is a great way to learn more. I try to read a book in English every week,

and I use a dictionary to help me with any words I don’t know. And I read articles

on the internet in English about my favourite bands and film stars!

What about you? I love reading your comments, so tell us about learning English

and share your tips for learning!

Task 2

Interviewer: What time do you get up on school days?

Katerina: Well, usually at around 7 o’clock, but sometimes I lie in a bit and get up

at about 7.30.

Int.: How do you usually get to school?

K: Oh, I walk. It’s not far. It’s only 5 minutes from my house.

Int.: What’s your favourite subject?

K.: History, definitely. I live it. It’s so interesting learning about how people lived

in the past.

Int.: What do you usually do at the weekends?

K.: Um… What do I do? I don’t know. The usual things, I suppose. Play with my

friends, listen to music, catch up with my homework if I have to. Nothing special.

Int.: How often do you have English lessons?

K.: Well, we do English at school in the morning, and I also go to a language

school in the afternoon, so I think I probably do some English every day, really.

Int.: Are you reading any books at the moment?

K.: Yeah, I’m reading a great book. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. It’s

really exciting. Even better than the movie, actually.

Int.: What do you want to do when you leave school?

K.: I haven’t really decided. I think I’d like to go to university and get a degree,

but I’m not totally sure yet. I’m a bit young to make those kind of decisions.



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Предварительный просмотр:


Task 1

Hi, everyone!

I’m Nicole, and I live in Paris, France. Next week is the start of the new year, and

here’s my new blog! I’m looking forward to telling you all about my life at school,

at home and with my friends! I had a fantastic summer, but now it’s time to get

back to work. This is a big year for me, and I want to do very well.

I’m very fond of learning languages, and I speak French (of course!), German, a

little Spanish and English. I need to practice my English, and that’s why I’m

writing this blog. My teacher says that reading and writing as much as you can in

English is a great way to learn more. I try to read a book in English every week,

and I use a dictionary to help me with any words I don’t know. And I read articles

on the internet in English about my favourite bands and film stars!

What about you? I love reading your comments, so tell us about learning English

and share your tips for learning!

Task 2

Interviewer: What time do you get up on school days?

Katerina: Well, usually at around 7 o’clock, but sometimes I lie in a bit and get up

at about 7.30.

Int.: How do you usually get to school?

K: Oh, I walk. It’s not far. It’s only 5 minutes from my house.

Int.: What’s your favourite subject?

K.: History, definitely. I live it. It’s so interesting learning about how people lived

in the past.

Int.: What do you usually do at the weekends?

K.: Um… What do I do? I don’t know. The usual things, I suppose. Play with my

friends, listen to music, catch up with my homework if I have to. Nothing special.

Int.: How often do you have English lessons?

K.: Well, we do English at school in the morning, and I also go to a language

school in the afternoon, so I think I probably do some English every day, really.

Int.: Are you reading any books at the moment?

K.: Yeah, I’m reading a great book. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. It’s

really exciting. Even better than the movie, actually.

Int.: What do you want to do when you leave school?

K.: I haven’t really decided. I think I’d like to go to university and get a degree,

but I’m not totally sure yet. I’m a bit young to make those kind of decisions.



Task 1

You will hear Nicole’s speaking in her blog about learning English. Listen and

decide if each sentence (1-7) is correct or incorrect. If it is correct,

write T (True) for YES. If it is not correct, write F (False) for NO.

1. Nicole wants to blog about her summer holidays.

2. Nicole’s first language is Spanish.

3. Her teacher says that reading and writing in English is the best way to learn


4. Nicole isn’t a very good student.

5. She reads articles on the internet in English about her favourite bands.

6. She asks to give her tips for learning English.

7. Nicole wants to learn English better.

Task 2

Listen to an interview with a teenage girl. For each question (8 - 14) fill in the

missing information in the numbered space.

8. The time she gets up on school days_____________________________

9. How she gets to school_______________________________________

10. Her favourite subject ________________________________________

11. How often she has English lessons______________________________

12.What book she’s reading at the moment__________________________

13. What she likes more – the book or the movie______________________

14.What she wants to do after she leaves school_______________________

Transfer your answers into the answer sheet!



Task 1

Read the article and choose the missing sentences (A-F). There is one sentence

which you do not need to use.


Whether we realize it or not, TV plays a very important part in our lives. (15)

_______ It’s the window on the world which gives us an opportunity to “travel” all

over the world, to “meet” different people and learn about their customs and

traditions. It has the power to educate and broaden our minds. It helps us to relax

after a hard day’s work and escape from reality.

There’s always a great variety of programmes on TV: news and sports

programmes, talk shows and TV games, documentaries and feature films, concerts

and theatre performances. Of course, not all programmes are good. (16)________

Some people argue that television is a terrible waste of time. It makes us lazier.

(17)________ We read less. We think less. We even talk less. It’s true that some

TV addicts spend hours in front of the “box” watching whatever is on – from

second-rate Mexican soap operas to silly commercials. The trick is to learn to

control television and use it intelligently. (18)_________ Violence on TV is

another problem that worries people. As George Mikes once said, TV teaches us

“how to kill, to rob, to shoot and to poison”. (19)_________ And if you don’t like

a certain programme, why watch it?

A. The ideal way is to turn on the TV-set only when there’s a really interesting


B. But many are made in good taste and with great professional skill.

C. Internet has recently become another important source of information.

D. It’s the main source of information and a cheap form of entertainment for

millions of people.

E. We stay at home instead of going out.

F. But the same can be said about computer games and many films and books.

Task 2

Read the text and the questions below. For each question, mark the correct letter A,

B, C or D.


My friend Nick has got a lot of hobbies and interests. Some years ago his parents

bought him a compact disc player and Nick decided to collect compact discs.

Today, he has got more than one hundred CDs of his favourite groups and singers!

I think that he is very proud of his collection. Every time Nick buys a new CD he

carefully studies the information printed on disc booklets. He also tries to find out

everything about the singers he likes. That’s why he reads a lot of specialized

magazines and books on the history of rock.

Nick never misses MTV shows – he thinks he must keep up with the news in the

world of music. He says he likes all types of music except “rave”. He even writes

letters to some fan-clubs in other countries, so he has to brush up his English. Nick

always goes to concerts of his favourite group. He brings his compact discs to the

concert and asks the singers for their autographs.

Besides music my friend is fond of travelling. It’s always interesting to discover

new things, different ways of life, to meet different people, to try different food.

It’s the best way to study geography, history, art, culture. Nick always brings lots

of photos and tells me where he’s taken them and what he’s seen.

No matter what kind of hobby a person has. He always has the opportunity of

learning from it. By reading about the things he is interested in, he is adding to

what he knows. Learning things can be the most exciting aspect of a hobby.

20. Why did Nick decide to collect compact discs?

A - he wanted to become a pianist

B - his grandma gave him a collection of discs as a birthday present

21. Why does Nick read a lot of specialized magazines?

A - he likes reading

B - he tries to know everything about his favourite singers

C - he collects information for an article

D - he is going to join a fan-club of his favourite band

22. Why does Nick have to brush up his English?

A - he writes letters to other boys and girls who live abroad and like the same

singers and bands

B - he is going to live in London

C - his school English isn’t very good

D - it’s cool to communicate with other teens through internet

23. Which is the best way to study geography, history, art?

A – to work hard at the library

B – to surf the internet

C – to travel

D – to make pen-friends in different countries

24. What’s the most valuable thing about any hobby?

A - it gives a pleasant way to spend time

B - it allows to learn more

C - we get pleasure when we do things we like

D - hobbies keep us away from bad things

Transfer your answers to the answer sheet!



Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question,

mark the correct letter A, B, C or D.

Number (0) has been done for you.

One day the famous J. Swift (0)__C____ with his servant. They (25)______at a

small hotel where they spent a night. In the morning Swift (26)______his boots.

The servant immediately brought them to him. When Swift saw the dirty boots he

asked, “Why (27)_______you cleaned them?” – “You (28)______ride and they

soon will be dirty again”, answered the servant. – “Very well”, said Swift, “go and

(29)_______”. While the servant was (30)_______, Swift told the landlord not to

give the servant any breakfast. When the servant returned he was surprised but

Swift said, ”You haven’t had your breakfast because we are going to ride and soon

you will be hungry again.”







was travelling


had travelled





put up







asked for


looked for


put on


asked about
















are going to





get the horses ready


make the

horses ready


do the horses



bring the horses











Transfer your answers to the answer sheet!



Imagine that you cannot come to your friend’s birthday party. Write him/her an email with apologies.

Do not forget to:

- send your wishes;

- name the reasons why you cannot come.

You should write about 90 -100 words.












Task 1

1 – F

2 – F

3 – T

4 – F

5 – T

6 – T

7 – T

Task 2

8 – at 7 or 7.30

9 – she walks

10 – History

11 – every day

12 – Harry Potter

13 – the book

14 – she hasn’t decided yet


Task 1

15 – D

16 – B

17 – E

18 – A

19 – F

Extra – C

Task 2

20 – D

21 – B

22 – A

23 – C

24 - B


25 – B

26 – A

27 – D

28 – C

29 – A

30 – B

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