"Страдательный залог"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему

Морозова Ольга Леонидовна

Упражнения разного уровня можно использовать как на этапе отработки, так и на этапе контроля.


Microsoft Office document icon the_passive_voice.doc29 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Theme: The Passive Voice

1 Underline the passive form of the verb. Translate the sentences into Russian:

1) The car was bought last month.

2) Mitya is bullied by Vasya and Petya.

3) These windows will be cleaned tomorrow.

4) The meat was being fried when I came home.

5) The coffee is being made at the moment.

6) She has just made a cake.

7) The cabin had been cleaned by the time you came.

2 Put in the correct form of the verb to be in the Passive voice:

  1. The letter ___ just ___ sent.
  2. The books ___ collected in two hours.
  3. How many telephone calls ___ made yesterday?
  4. The problem ____ discussed when you phoned.
  5. He ___ told the truth before Mary sold the dress.

3 Rephrase the sentences. Use the Passive voice:

  1. Somebody will charge a fine.
  2. Somebody is doing a test at the moment.
  3. Somebody has already borrowed the money.

Variant 1


Underline the passive form of the verb. Translate the sentences into Russian:

1) The contracts are being translated at the moment.

2) When was the e-mail invented?

3) They haven’t walked the dog yet.


Put the verbs in brackets in the Passive voice:

1) His fax (send) tomorrow.

2) A campfire just (make).

3) The Christmas tree (decorate) at the moment.


Rephrase the sentences. Use the Passive voice:

1) They access the Internet very often.

2) Somebody is decorating the house at this moment.

3) Nobody has split them up yet.

Variant 2


 Underline the passive form of the verb. Translate the sentences into Russian:

1) The note was being read when he phoned.

2) The book will be published in August.

3) Red Square has been visited by thousands of tourists this year.


Put the verbs in brackets in the Passive voice:

1) The message (send) right now.

2) The already (see).

3) Mobile phones (use) by millions of people.


 3 Rephrase the sentences. Use the Passive voice:

1) They use new computer programs in this project.

2) Somebody has sorted John’s problems out.

3) They were watching a film when we came in.

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