презентации к открытым урокам и конференциям
презентация к уроку по английскому языку на тему

Цацулина Светлана Федоровна

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Слайд 1

Lesson of Ecology in the 9th form “ The peculiarity of natural photoautotrophic terraneous and freshwater ecosystems.” Teacher of Ecology: Pushkina Elena Vladimirovna English Language teacher: Tsatsulina Svetlana Fedorovna Form-9

Слайд 2

Special features of formation and population of the forest ecosystems. The main producers are trees, there are a lot of econiches in these ecosystems , dominate detrital food chains with four or less chain links . Circulation of substances is slowed down.

Слайд 3

The forest ecosystems. In the broad-leaved forest plant-feeders (elks, hares, deers, roes and a great number of insects) eat only 7-10 % of organic production, no more.

Слайд 4

The State of Texas (USA), State of the Lonely Star Natural symbols: a flower - Bluebonnet (literally it is translated as a dark blue hood) - dark blue- purple, from a type of lupines, and the bird-Moskinbirds-mocker, armadillo.

Слайд 5

The State of Texas (USA), State of the Lonely Star In the east and the southeast savannas the oak and pine woods remained. The pine woods with impurity of an oak, ficuses, low palm trees, everything is intertwined with evergreen lianas.

Слайд 6

The State of Texas (USA), State of the Lonely Star The most numerous animals are coyotes deer and armadillos.

Слайд 7

Special features of formation and population of fresh-water ecosystems. The producers are organisms of fitoplankton - algas (green and diatomic) and tsianobakteriya.

Слайд 8

The fresh-water ecosystem. . In lakes value of the large plants called macrofits is great. Makrofits are as water plants (duckweeds, water-lilies, jugs), and coastal water - "amphibians" (a cane, a horsetail, a reed).

Слайд 9

The fresh-water ecosystem. The main consumers in water ecosystems are zooplankton – phytophagous (cladocerans, e.g. daphnids) and sarcophagous, (e.g. copepods Cyclops).

Слайд 10

The fresh-water ecosystem. The fish that form nekton. Among the fish there are phytophages, zoophages and euryphages, and very often fish “tastes” are changing with age.

Слайд 11

The fresh-water ecosystem. Many birds such as different species of ducks, seagulls, long-legged, sandpipers, and dabchicks also belong to the consumers of water ecosystems. mammals (beaver, muskrat, mink, and otter).

Слайд 12

The fresh-water ecosystem. Amphibians (newt, frog, fire-bellied toad) and reptiles (fresh-water turtle, water snake).

Слайд 13

The fresh-water ecosystem. The number of links in the food chain of a lake can amount to six. Three links of the plankton food chain (algae – phytophagous plankton – sarcophagous plankton) is added by three links of nekton (e.g. roach, perch, pike).

Слайд 14

The fresh-water ecosystem. The matter cycle in freshwater ecosystems is fast and is measured in months rather than years.

Слайд 15

The State of Texas (USA), State of the Lonely Star There are several natural lakes and hundreds of man-made ones in Texas.

Слайд 16

The State of Texas (USA), State of the Lonely Star The biggest rivers in Texas are Red River, Trinity, Brothers, Colorado and Rio Grande; a large number of small rivers in the central and western parts often dry up.

Слайд 17

The State of Texas (USA), State of the Lonely Star The state of Texas is an annual transient home for great numbers of migrant birds; it guarantees winter habitation for almost all local bird species.

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Слайд 1


Слайд 2

Content 1. History of English Football 2. Modern English Football 3. Success Factors of English Premier League

Слайд 3

History of English Football Football in the 12-th and 13-th centuries

Слайд 4

Modern English Football

Слайд 5

Catastrophic Situation before 1990s Dangerously bad conditions of the old stadiums from the Victorian times. Clashes, riots and hooliganism of English fans. English clubs were banned from competitions in Europe for five seasons. The government was negative to the traditionally working-class sport.

Слайд 6

But over the next 10 years positive things happened.

Слайд 7

1. Coaching. Great coaches such us : Sir Alex Fergusson and Arsen Venger . 2. Strategy. 3. Leadership. 4.Speed of movement and thought. 5. Good fortune. 6. Teamwork. Success Factors of English Premier League

Слайд 8

As a result of this research, we can say, that there are two important groups of factors that make English football and English Premier League successful.

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Слайд 2

Six Serving Men I keep six honest serving men. They taught me all I knew. Their names are: What and Why and When And How and Where and Who. I send them all over land and sea I send them East and West But after they all have worked for me, I give them all a rest. ( R . Kipling )

Слайд 3

Questions write wish when we know how what winter why where with watch who S A L A d

Слайд 4

Phonetic warm up! Why do you cry Willy, Why do you cry? Why Willy? Why Willy? Why Willy? Why? Black monkey, black monkey, Where do you live? I live in the forest, I live in the zoo, And what about you?

Слайд 5

let‘s play relay Do Does ?

Слайд 6

Let’s sing! What is your name?

Слайд 7

Read the questions and match them with the answers in this exercise. 1). What do you like to do? 2). When do you watch TV? 3). Where do you walk? 4). Why do you like summer? 5). How many pets have you got? a). To write fairy tales. b). Because I can swim in the river. c). I have got one bird. d). In the park. e). On Sundays.

Слайд 8

1). What do you like to do? 2). When do you watch TV? 3). Where do you walk? 4). Why do you like summer? 5). How many pets have you got? a). To write fairy tales. e). On Sundays. d). In the park. b). Because I can swim in the river. c). I have got one bird.

Слайд 9

? ? Why do you like summer? I like summer because I can…………

Слайд 10

____ is your name? ____ is your birthday? ____ pets have you got? ____ lives in the forest? _____ are you from? ____ is your favourite holiday? ____ is your surname? _____ do you watch TV? ____ do you live? ____ do you like to do? ____ would you like to get on your birthday? ____ do you walk? ____ old are you? ____ friends have you got? ____ do you do on Sanday ?. _____ season do you like? 1 10 15 8 4 2 11 3 9 12 6 13 14 7 5 16

Слайд 11

Would you like to read a new letter?

Слайд 12

Who is it?

Слайд 13

1). 2). ? 1). 2). Create sentences from the words. Answer the questions! fairy tales Who writes ? a pupil is Who of Green School write likes Who letters? to is from Who Great Britain?

Слайд 14

Make up your own story -my name is… -I am… -I’m from… -I live in… -I have got… -My favourite holiday is… -I can… -I like…

Слайд 15

Your homework 1. РТ стр. 55 № 2 2. РТ стр. 55 № 3 3. 5 вопросов к тексту У стр. 89 № 4

Слайд 16

Оценка за работу на уроке Что было самым интересным Сложные для меня задания

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Слайд 1

Научимся Чувствовать и сдерживать эмоции

Слайд 2

Эмоции + Чувства = Настроение Восторг Нежность Веселье Испуг Любовь Щедрость Яркость Печаль Чуткость

Слайд 3

Рецепты хорошего настроения

Слайд 4

Здоровье – это физическое, психологическое социальное состояние личности

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Слайд 1

Paper Wasps are Talented Designers Ревенков Егор 2013 г.

Слайд 2

Can the insect with a very small brain invent a paper and construct from it nests?

Слайд 4

How do the wasps build their nests?

Слайд 5

Stage 1. Paper wasps look for material for building nests all around the countryside. They take it from old rotten trees and the stubs which have become grey from bad weather.

Слайд 9

Stage 2 When the wasps gather building material, they take small parts of wood and move back to a protected place

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Stage 3

Слайд 11

In a spherical cover there is an entrance so that the wasps could come in and go out

Слайд 13

It is necessary to notice that paper production by wasps is not dangerous for environment .While human paper industry is polluting the air, water and land. It is no wonder that today architects and designers study the wasps` nests to create extra light and strong and ecological building material.

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