Контрольная работа для 10 класса
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме

Сагоян Нарине Ваниковна

Активизация грамматических навыков


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Test 5 (Form X Spotlight)

Reading. 1. Match texts 1 – 7 with headings A – H. Use the heading only once. There is one you do not need to use.

A COOKING CLASS                                        E  HOME COMFORTS ON WHEELS

B WALKING HOLIDAY                                   F  FIND YOUR INNER SELF



  1. If you fancy the idea of getting away from the congestion in the city and would like to experience what life used to be like in the past, then come and join us at ‘River Farm’. We are an organic farm that does more than just grow vegetables! We also educate the population about the environment. We seek gardeners who are available this summer. Benefits include a weekly salary, private housing and a beautiful, relaxing environment.
  2. It was an unbelievable experience – the scenery so white and yet there were varieties of white I had never seen before. The giant iceberg we sailed past were almost close enough to touch; the penguins and seals ignored our presence and continued their usual business. And in the far distance I caught sight of a whale. Amazing!
  3. A combination of accommodation and transport, a camper van is a great way to get around. You can spend your holiday at your own pace and enjoy some quality time with your family. As you are in charge jf the driving, you can choose your own routes. But perhaps the best thing of all is having your own conveniences on board to make your trip easier.
  4. You will be met at Beijing International Airport by one of our representatives and taken to your accommodation. The following morning we will commerce our journey to Simatai by luxury coach, where your adventure will begin. Please, make sure you have comfortable shoes as the Great Wall, like a great dragon, winds up and down!
  5. Can you imagine going on a journey and not knowing where you are going to go? Perhaps you would like to take a risk or leave the decision to someone/something else? Then all you need is a dice. Throw it and decide where to turn – odd numbers mean turn left, even turn right. You never know what surprises lie ahead!
  6. Inside the diving cage my knees began to shake. Then, as if out nowhere, the great white shark appeared. Brought by the smell of the sardines, it circled near me, its razor-sharp teeth just centimetres away. Its powerful body shook the boat before it descended back into the depths of the ocean.
  7. Yoga is a journey of discovery where we learn to value ourselves and understand who we are. The practice of yoga is said to improve a person`s health and well-being. Its aim is to bring together our material, physical, mental, intellectual and spiritual levels so that we feel at peace with ourselves.

Grammar. 2. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Perfect or the Past Perfect Continuous.

  1. Garry ____________________________ (teach) in Manchester for 12 years before he got a post in Oxford.
  2. My uncle _________________________ (be) in the navy for years before he became a commercial diver.
  3. Mike was tired. He ____________________________ (clean) the house since early in the morning.
  4. They ______________________________ (try) to have a child for years before they had Jane.
  5. Harry ____________________________ (write) several pages before he realized he was off the point.
  6. She got fired because she ______________________________ (come) in late consistently.
  7. By the time Bob came home, Laura __________________________ (cook) dinner.
  8. They _____________________________ (wait) for two hours before Ann finally arrived.

Phrasal verbs. 3. Fill in: around, by, in, on with.

  1. I don`t get _____________ Brian. I don`t like his attitude.
  2. It`s difficult for people in wheelchairs to get ___________ this part of town.
  3. I don`t know how you can get ______________ on such a low salary.
  4. Get _____________ and I`ll drive you home.

Listening. 4. Match speakers 1- 6 with statements A – G. Use the statements only once; there is one you do not need to use.

  1.  The speaker had difficulty finding accommodation.        Speaker 1                   _________
  2.  The speaker was lucky with the weather.                          Speaker 2                   _________
  3. The speaker lost something valuable                                   Speaker 3                   _________
  4. The speaker had to change travel plans.                             Speaker 4                   _________
  5. The speaker was unhappy with the food in the hotel.      Speaker 5                   _________
  6. The speaker got ill.                                                                   Speaker 6                   _________
  7. The speaker did a lot of sightseeing.                                

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