«Friendship Is a Doing Thing»
методическая разработка по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему

Макарова Людмила Викторовна

Цель урока:    развитие речевого умения (монологическая речь).

     Сопутствующая задача:  развитие умения аудировать с полным пониманием текста.

     Развивающие задачи: развитие мышления, внимания, способности к оценке чужого мнения и выражения собственного.

     Воспитательная задача:  воспитание терпимого отношения к разным точкам зрения  на проблемы дружеских взаимоотношений подростков.

     Познавательная задача: знакомство с различными взглядами на проблемы,  связанные с дружескими взаимоотношениями.


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Предварительный просмотр:


                      Тема урока: « Friendship Is a Doing Thing »

     Цель урока:    развитие речевого умения (монологическая речь).

     Сопутствующая задача:  развитие умения аудировать с полным пониманием текста.

     Развивающие задачи: развитие мышления, внимания, способности к оценке чужого мнения и выражения собственного.

     Воспитательная задача:  воспитание терпимого отношения к разным точкам зрения  на проблемы дружеских взаимоотношений подростков.

     Познавательная задача: знакомство с различными взглядами на проблемы,  связанные с дружескими взаимоотношениями.

     Оснащение урока: аудиозапись текста, раздаточный материал, наглядные пособия.



Introduction of the lesson.

Speech drill.

  1. What is the day today?

St.  Today is Tuesday.

  1. Today is only the beginning of the week. But you are waiting for the weekend in order to spend your time together with your friends. I am sure you can’t imagine your life without your friends. Am I right?

     St. … .

  1. But what is friendship? What do you think about it?

What is friendship for you?

(Students share their opinions.)


  1. Friendship is a thing that helps you to live.
  2. Friendship is a thing that teaches us how to be helpful.
  3. Friendship is a thing that teaches us how to get on with other people.
  4. Friendship is a doing thing.


Activity1. Listening comprehension.

 (Снятие лексических трудностей.

Listen to the story and get its main idea.

                                            “The Man and His Friends.”

     A poor man had a nice house, it was very small. He invited his friends to his house to see it. The friends came and looked at the house. Every man said something bad about it.

“The floor of the house is not nice.”

“There are not enough windows in it.”

“The ceiling is too low.”

“The rooms are small. They are not large enough for a man.”

       The man listened to everybody and then answered: “You are right. The house is small, but it is big enough for me and I have no good friends that I can invite to it.”

Read the statements and choose the one that best tells the main idea:

  1. The man’s house was bad.
  2. The man’s friends were good friends.
  3. The man had a good house but bad friends.

So which number is correct?

Why were his friends bad?


  1. The man was poor but they criticized his small house.
  2. His friends didn’t try to understand him.

Activity2. Free production.

And does your friend always understand you?                                                                 What do you think about friends?                                                                                     What is a friend for you?

(Students share their opinions on friends.)


  These proverbs are about fiends and friendship.

  1. Friends are the thieves of time.
  2. A friend to everybody is a friend to nobody.
  3. Better an open enemy than a false friend.
  4. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

Which of these proverbs are about you and your friends?

Which of them do you agree with? Why?

Students … .

Do you have many friends?

Is it good or bad to have many friends? Why?

Students … .

But do you have the best friend?

Do you choose your friends by what he is like or by what he looks like?

Students … .

What is your friend like?

Do you like his traits of character?

Students … .

 We know there are positive and negative traits of character. Name them.

 Discussion of different traits of character.

Example: 1) “Curious”- Is it good or bad to be curious?

  1. How do you understand “bad-tempered”?

T. I think a person who has only positive traits of character is an ideal friend.

     Do you agree with me?

     What do you think about an ideal friend?

Students … .

                Take these cards and in 2 minutes say which of them,                                    

                           to your mind, is  an ideal friend.

Rick (12)

He is honest, confident, clever and brave. But he is bossy.

Dolly (13)

She is serious, kind-hearted, shy, and generous. But she is greedy.

Tommy (12)

He is sociable, careful and curious. But he is bad-tempered.

Linda (13)

She is trustworthy, cheerful, helpful and well-read. But she is a show off.

Dan (12)

He is loyal, polite and modest. But he is careless.

(Students share their opinions.)

  1. Is your friend an ideal one?

By the way, are there ideal friends?

Students … .


Introduce your friend.

(What is he like? Is he an ideal friend? Is he a leader? Does he have weak points?)

Home-work: introduce yourself.

                  (Are you an ideal friend? What are you like? What weak points do you have?)


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