Education in Britain and Russia
методическая разработка по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему

Сравнение образования в Великобритании и России


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Слайд 1

The system of education in Russia and Great Britain

Слайд 2

We have got a lot of questions When does the school year start and finish in Britain? When do British students have holidays? How long do the summer holidays last? Do they wear a school uniform? What foreign languages do they study? Are there any differences between Russian and British schools?

Слайд 3

Russian Education Primary school (1-4 forms) – 6,5-9,5 years old Junior secondary school (5-9 forms) – 10-14 years old Senior secondary school (10-11 forms) – 15-18 years old Examinations: the State Final Attestation (OGE) the Uniform State Examination (EGE) Further education – colleges, technical colleges, professional education after the 9 th year of study universities, academies, institutes after the 11 th year of study

Слайд 4

British Education Primary school – 5 – 11 years old Secondary school (either comprehensive or grammar) – 11 – 16 (or 18) years old Examinations: General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSEs) at 16 Advanced levels (A-levels) at 18 Further education: a sixth-form college, foundation after GCSEs universities, colleges of Further and Higher education, specialist colleges after A-levels

Слайд 5

What is similar and different? Subjects at school (Drama, the English Literature, Citizenship, Science) School uniform Facilities

Слайд 6

Education is very important nowadays and it doesn't matter if you are Russian or British. Don't waste your time at school and university, improve your knowledge to be educated and the best in your profession. Live and learn!

Слайд 7

Thank you for your attention!

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