6 класс Quiz (Topic Theatre)
тест по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему

Тест (тема театр)


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Предварительный просмотр:

  1. Fill in the gaps with the following words:

Worrying about         going out                typical                giving advice                curtain

  1. I must ​look like the ____________ ​tourist with my ​shorts and my ​camera.
  2. Are you ____________ tonight?
  3. The ______________ goes up (= the performance starts) at 8 o'clock .
  4. She's always __________________ something.
  5. There's a booklet ____________________ on how to set up your own club.

  1. Match the words with their definitions.
  1. Performance
  2. A play
  3. Celebrity/star
  4. Rehearsal
  5. Audience

a) a time when all the people involved in a play, dance, etc practice in order to prepare for a performance

b) the stage representation of an action or story

c) acting, singing, dancing or playing music to entertain people

d) the people who sit and watch a performance at a theatre, cinema, etc

e)a famous person

  1. Make up the words or phrases with the following letters.
  1. Lucsima
  2. Ehva ufn
  3. Ivge a rpofeencarm
  4. Ot yapl
  5. Etasg
  6. Ot cat


  1. Typical; going out; curtain; worrying about; giving advice.
  2. 1-c; 2- b; 3 – e; 4- a; 5- d.
  3. Musical; have fun; give a performance; to play; stage; to act.

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