контрольная работа по 3 модулю
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему

Progress check по 3 модулю


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Предварительный просмотр:

Контрольная работа по 3 модулю (5класс)

1. Which floors are these rooms on?

2nd floor

1st floor


ground floor

Пример: Two b _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ are on the s _ _ _ _ _ floor.

2. Fill in the numbers in the correct form.

1 Today is ______________(20) of October.

2 My best friend Misha is _______________(13) years old.

3  Which floor are Ksenya and Maria on?

 They are on the_____________(12) floor.

4 My block of flats has got ______________(18) floors.

5 The__________(2) day of the week is Tuesday.

6  How much is that umbrella?

 It’s ___________(11) pounds.

3.  Reading rules. Put the words from the box to columns 1 and 2.

The, bathroom,those,Northern  Ireland,tooth, Thursday,  that ,birthday





4. Put in my/your/his/her/its/our/their.

1 Olga has got a new digital camera. This is _____ digital camera.

2 You and Peter have got the same key rings. These are ________ key rings.

3 I have got an American watch. This is ____ American watch.

4 My English teacher Viktor Ivanovich has got a tartan scarf. This is _______ tartan scarf.

5 Girls have got many dolls. These are ________ dolls.

6 My friends and I have got stamp collections. These are ________ stamp collections.

7 You have got a great skateboard. This is ______ skateboard.

8 My cat has got five toy mice. These are _____ toy mice.

5. How many? Ask and answer.

days in a week\ windows in your bedroom \floors in your house\books in your schoolbag\ letters in the Russian alphabet \pages in your English workbook

1 How many days _ _ _ there in a week? There _ _ _ s _ _ _ _ days in a week.

2 How many ______________________? _____________________________________________.

3 How many ______________________? _____________________________________________.

4 How many ______________________? _____________________________________________.

5 How many ______________________? _____________________________________________.

6 How many ______________________? _____________________________________________.

6.Write about Katya’s doll house. Use the words from the box.

a wooden doll house\ not big but very nice \2 floors \downstair\a kitchen and a living room \upstairs \a bathroom and a bedroom\a lot of furniture\ in all the rooms

7.Circle the correct words.

 Look! I (1) _________ a photo of (2) _________ Australian friends!

 (3) _________ two teenagers (4) _________ the picture. What are (5) _________ names?

 Bill and Rose.

 Look! (6) _________ a geography book in Bill’s hands. Is geography (7) _________ favourite subject?

 Yes, (8) _________ is. Bill (9) _________ a lot of maps (10) _________ the walls (11) _________ his


 And what about Rose? What’s (12) _________ favourite subject?

 (13) _________ is music. Rose likes music very much. She (14) _________ a great CD collection (15)

_________ home.

1. a) ’ve got b) ’s got c) ’m

2. a) an b) my c) ‐‐‐

3. a) There are b) They are c) There is

4. a) in b) at c) on

5. a) his b) their c) her

6. a) There are b) He has got c) There is

7. a) his b) my c) her

8. a) he b) she c) it

9. a) have got b) has got c) is

10. a) behind b) in front of c) on

11. a) in b) at c) on

12. a) his b) our c) her

13. a) she b) these c) it

14. a) is b) has got c) can

15. a) at b) at the c) in

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