Материалы к уроку английского языка в 9 классе по теме "Телевидение"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему

Конушкина Ирина Геннадьевна

Материалы к уроку английского языка в 9 классе по теме "Телевидение"


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                                   Circle the correct answer:

  1. Why is TV viewing the most popular leisure pastime?
  1. People have much free time
  2. TV channels show a lot of programmes
  3. It is the only hobby in our country
  1. Why do a lot of people enjoy watching soaps?
  1. They haven`t seen anything else
  2. Soaps show life realistically
  3. Their story lines are entertaining
  1. What are bad points of television?
  1. Amount of smoking in the films
  2. A variety of educational programmes
  3. Feature films about the life of outstanding people
  1. Why do we have to watch commercials on TV?
  1. TV companies get most of their money from advertising
  2. TV companies don`t have enough programmes to show
  3. People like to watch commercials most of all
  1. Who are TV addicts?
  1. People who don`t like to watch TV programmes
  2. Lazy people
  3. People who like to watch TV most of all

My favourite TV - programme is “Morning”. It is an informational and amusing programme. Every morning millions of people watch it before the work. It gives you all the information about the news in Russia and abroad. Besides, it get acquainted us with interesting men and women and of course, it gives us the information about the weather. Between the meetings and informations there is a lot of music, songs and advertisement.

3. To my mind, it is, of course, the broadcast “What? Where? When?”. This cast is a game between the six - players and TV spectators. The spectators send the letters with puzzling questions for the players to answer the spectators’ questions. The game ends when somebody of them first has 6 points. I learn very many interesting things from this broadcast. The leader of this broadcast is Alexander Voroshilov.

To my opinion it is a family broadcast “While the family is at home. I like it very much. I am fond of its leader – Timur Kizjakov. I always wait for Sunday because every Sunday I meet with popular actors or actresses, with famous composers or singers, with sportsmen or statesmen. They tell about their family life, about wives, their children, their problems. It is very interesting for me.

I am very fond of animals, so that’s why my favourite TV - cast is “The world of animals. ” This broadcast is held every Sunday at 5 o’clock in the evening, on “Russian TV channel. This TV - cast shows us very interesting films about animals life, their habits and ways.

My favourite TV programme is one made by Dmitriy Krylov. It is a weekly programme. It is broadcast on Sunday. This programme is very popular in our country. They show many historical places, tell interesting facts about different countries and cities, broadcast interviews with famous people. I like this programme and try not to miss it.

My favorite TV show is Voice. It is a singing competition. There are four coaches. They listen to singers without seeing them, and turn their chairs to signify that they are interested in working with that artist. If more than one coach turns the chair, the artist chooses the coach. It is so interesting. The coaches sometimes can't understand if it is a woman or a man singing. Or they think that it is an old man, then turn their chair and see that it is a young woman. There you can see many talented people. I think this show is a good chance for talented people. I like this show very much

An advert                          

The Internet                      

A music programme          

A quiz                                  

A soap opera                        

Sports news                          

A talk show                        

A weather forecast          

а)    Read the definitions and say what it is.

  1. A short informative film describing and praising some product.
  2. A serial about people’s relationships especially love and friendship.
  3. A TV programme where people discuss a problem.
  4. The media with the help  of which people communicate with each other or can find the necessary information.
  5. New information about sports presented in a short TV programme.
  6. A programme about weather.
  7. An intellectual programme with a lot of questions on different topics.
  8. A progrmme wich gives us information about the modern trends of music and  lets us listen to it.

  We are going to do the quiz "What kind of viewer are you?"

1. You look up the programmes before you put the TV on.

  • А)  Rarely
  • В)  Sometimes
  • С)  Often

2. If there isn't a programme which interests you, you don't switch on the TV.

  • А)  Rarely
  • В)   Sometimes
  • С)   Often

3. You've got favourite programmes which you can't miss.

  • А)   None
  • В)   Some
  • С)   A lot

4. You like talking to friends about television programms.

  • А)   Rarely
  • В)   Sometimes
  • С)  Often

Majority of A answer.

For you watching TV is a way of escaping from reality. TV keeps you company and doesn't ask for much in return. Be careful not to isolate yourself from others or give up more interesting things. Sometimes it's good to escape from reality, but it's important that you shouldn't do it too often.

Majority of B answer.

Television isn't very important for you. It's no problem to give it up if there's something more interesting to do. But if you have to stay at home you watch whatever's on that night. So, be careful not to be too superficial in choiсe!

Majority of C answer.

You've got an active relationship with TV. You have a good critical sense and know how to choose programmes. Be careful not to give TV too much importance and don't let it influence your language and way of life too much. Sometimes it's better to read a book.

Listen to the text. For questions 1-5, decide where they are true or false according to the test.


The first commercial television broadcast was made on April 20, 1939 by Radio Corporation оf America. Since 1939, TV has become one of the most important facts of modern life. Television is very much a part of the modern world and its effects are felt all over the world.

Television is a reflection, say some people, of contemporary society. It affects customs and culture, others say.

Television is bad for society, because it keeps culture from growing, say still others. Good or bad, television is difficult to avoid. Its pictures enter homes, stores, airports, and offices. It is here to stay.

1. The Radio Corporation of America is important in the modern world. _________

2. Television has wide influence. _______

3. Television is bad for culture, some people say. __________

4. Television only provides us information but doesn't affect customs and culture. _______

5. Some people try to avoid television. _________












Примерный диалог

A:  What is your favourite TV programme?

B:  As for me, I enjoy watching TV very mach, especially different quizzes. That’s why my favourite TV programme is “ Who wants to be a millionaire?” It is a game show where the player is asked different questions. I find this programme clever and informative and try not to miss it.

A:  When does your favourite TV programme begin?

B:  At 8 p.m. on Fridays.

A:  Do your relatives watch the programme with you?

B:  Yes, they do.

A:  Who is your favourite TV host (hostess)?

B:  My father is favourite TV host

A:  What is more interesting to watch: a film or cartoon?

B:   I like to watch cartoons, because they help us to relax after hard day at school. I think cartoons make people kinder and more sympathetic.

A:  What is you favourite cartoon?

B:  My favourite cartoon is “Madagascar”

A:  Why do you like it?

B:  It is really wonderful and amusing.

A:  I think sometimes it's better to read a book.

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