Quizzing Game The Earth Is Our Common Home 7 Forms
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему

Игра-соревнование Quizzing Game "The Earth Is Our Common Home" направлена на развитие интеллектуальных способностей учащихся, расширяя их культурный кругозор

. Может быть использована  для заключительного урока по теме"Экология" в 7 классе, во внеклассной деятельности или в рамках Недели английского языка.

Создает условия для актуализации опыта учащихся, их личного общения.

Способствует формированию ключевых компетенций в предметной области, в исследовательской деятельности, в плане дальнейшего самообразования; развитию уважения к межкультурным и прочим различиям толерантности, способности к эффективному общению.

Служит средством обучения и источником информации. 


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Слайд 1

QUIZZING GAME 7 FORMS Ecology: “The Earth is our common home’’

Слайд 2

I. What does it mean? “People are born with the programme of self-extermination.” from “Terminator. Judgement Day” “Your heart is free. Be brave to follow your heart…” from “ Braveheart ” “Even the light from only one candle can light up the world.” B. Pascal

Слайд 3

Why did he say it? Only when the last tree has died and the last river has been poisoned and the last fish has been caught will we realize that we can’t eat money. (an American Cree Indian Chief)

Слайд 4

6 Find the words connected with ecology and nature w a s t e d a m a g e o c p o l l u t i o n b i o s p h e r e o n o u h a b i t a t o c r a i n f o r e s t u f l o o d r o u g h t b a l a n c e w o e d

Слайд 5

6 Find the words connected with ecology and nature w a s t e d a m a g e o c p o l l u t i o n b i o s p h e r e o n o u h a b i t a t o c r a i n f o r e s t u f l o o d r o u g h t b a l a n c e w o e d

Слайд 6

ECOLOGY environment litter rubbish atmosphere water air pollution Green Peace toxins animals trees fish

Слайд 7

This fragile planet

Слайд 8

Our planet T he name of our planet - the earth, it is 4.54 billion years.

Слайд 9

Its third of nine planets Pluto then removed from the list

Слайд 10

Now it is in danger… Plants and factories pollute the air R ockets make a hole in the ozone layer

Слайд 11

Do better People need to reuse things that are suitable for use, as well as to recycle them into other subjects

Слайд 12

S pace people throw garbage into space , it harms the environment of the universe

Слайд 13

Ecology - the study of the interaction of living organisms and their communities with each other and with the environment. _______________________________________________ Экология - наука о взаимодействиях живых организмов и их сообществ между собой и с окружающей средой.

Слайд 14

People in 1900 the world population was 1 billion 660 million people , by 1950, this figure had rose to 2 billion 530 million people. According to recent data specialists February 26, 2006 , Earth's population grew to 6.5 billion people. Scientists predict the number of people on the planet by the end of 2012 will be 7 billion people.

Слайд 15

Some adult people throw trash on the road, on the stairs, etc. Seeing this, their children do the same, then the grandchildren, people rarely think about the environment, but we have to stop it, because everything must start with yourself !!!

Слайд 16

F uture generations We should care for nature for future generations

Слайд 17

Our lovely planet

Слайд 18

The presentation was prepared by a student of 7B class , by Margaret Hasselblad

Слайд 19

2 . What is the atmosphere? air oxygen and carbon dioxide a blanket of gases around the Earth 1. What does ‘climate’ mean? temperature changes changeable weather effects the weather in a certain place for period of time Warming Up

Слайд 20

4 . Where does the most of the pollution in big cities come from? from dogs from cars and buses from trams 5. What do we need to make the air clean? good filters good cars good police 3. What do factories and plants produce ? a lot of waste water garbage

Слайд 21

7. What is ‘Greenpeace’? The ship The place in the rainforest The organization 8 . Where is the headquarters ( штаб - квартира) of Greenpeace? Amsterdam Massachusetts California 6. In which year did the nuclear power station in Chernobyl go wrong? 1895 1986 2001

Слайд 22

10. What has recently caused the flood in the UK? unusual sunrise heavy rains water used by factories 11. What disaster has happened in Venice this year? flood drought hurricane 9. What is the result of rainforest destruction ? water pollution the Greenhouse effect the global crisis

Слайд 23

13. What does the label “green” mean? good and safe useful and safe clean and safe 14. What does “ecology” mean? what is around us in the city and in the countryside the weather a certain place has over along period of time the study of the interaction of living organisms with each other and with the environment 12. What animals are endangered? dodo snow leopards dinosaurs

Слайд 24

Whose letter is it? My dear children, I am dying, and I want to take one last opportunity to tell you how much I love you and how much your actions have hurt me. I gave life to your parents and their parents before them. I provided you with the food you needed, with fresh water and with clean air to breathe. The rivers and seas are my life blood. You have clogged my arteries with your untreated sewage and with chemicals from your factories. This has killed so much of the sea life which was there for your benefit. You have been greedy. You have over-fished and over-hunted, putting at risk your food supplies and endangering some of my most beautiful creatures-the whales.

Слайд 25

I can no longer breathe because you have cut down so many of my life-giving trees. Without their vital oxygen we will all die, but you put profit before our very lives, and my tears have now turned to acid rain. My face is marked and scarred by your bombs and guns and my body is the burial ground for the victims of your wars. I have said good bye to the many old friends who will soon be joined by others: the tiger, the elephant, the rhinoceros and the panda. Unless you act now to mend your ways, they will be joined by you and me. Please help me!

Слайд 26

Match the parts of slogans you’d make for your school campaign 2. Plant 1.Buy products 3. Throw 4. Use 5. Write on a) Shopping bags b) in glass bottles, not plastic ones 8. Avoid 6. Buy your drinks 7. Feed f) Both sides of paper c) flowers and trees e) Garbage into the bins g) aerosol cans h) birds in winter d) made from recycled materials

Слайд 27

Match the parts of slogans you’d make for your school campaign 2. Plant 1.Buy products 3. Throw 4. Use 5. Write on a) Shopping bags b) in glass bottles, not plastic ones 8. Avoid 6. Buy your drinks 7. Feed f) Both sides of paper c) flowers and trees e) Garbage into the bins g) aerosol cans h) birds in winter d) made from recycled materials

Слайд 28

Tropical rainforest quiz Tropical rainforests are the richest habitats on Earth, forming a green belt around the Equator. While they cover only 8% of the Earth’s land area, they contain more than 50% of all species. Deforestation has been going for centuries. By 1988 half of the world’s tropical rainforests were gone. Vast areas have been cut down for timber to go to Europe and Japan and also to make way for plantations and mining. Forests are being burned to the ground to make way for cattle ranches to produce cheap beef for US hamburgers. 1,5 million tons of carbon dioxide , which is the most important greenhouse gas, comes from the burning of rainforests trees every day. So, it adds to the warming on the Earth. Normally, trees absorb CO2 and release oxygen into the air. Today, there are fewer and fewer trees. That means more and more CO2. When forests are destroyed or degraded, natural habitats perish. That leads to 150 species extinctions globally every day.

Слайд 29

Do the Quiz 1.While tropical forests cover only 8% of the Earth’s land area, they contain more than 50% of all species. 2. Vast areas have been cut down for timber to go to Europe and Japan and also to make way for plantations and mining. 3. Deforestation has been going on for centuries. 4. By 1988 half of the world’s tropical rainforests were gone. 5.Tropical rainforest is the pearl( жемчужина) of the natural wonders. 6. Many animals of rainforests are candidates for Endangered Species List. 7. The Earth’s forests are often called “the lungs of the planet”. 8. Rainforest destruction means the most serious environmental problem, which is the Greenhouse effect. 9. Trees are cut down for growing agricultural products. 10. Animals and birds from the rain forests can’t find other places to live in. 11. Rainforests also secure the Earth’s most important cycles like the soil, water, air-upon which man is totally dependent. 12. Tropical rainforests are also home for tribal people. 13. Many rare orchids grow in tropical rainforests. 14. Rainforests can give medicine for people.

Слайд 30

Do the Quiz Decide which sentences go with headline a) and b). The first sentence is done for you. 1 a) The Richest Habitats on Earth b) Endangered Habitats

Слайд 31

Do the Quiz Decide which sentences go with headline a) and b). The first sentence is done for you. 1 5 7 11 12 13 14 a) The Richest Habitats on Earth b) Endangered Habitats 2 3 4 6 8 9 10

Слайд 32

Animals in Danger By the year 2030, 25% of all animals, birds and insects may be extinct. Why is this happening? There are three main reasons. The first is pollution. The second reason is the environment itself. The third reason-men, hunting animals. Pollution of seas and oceans influences on all sea creatures. The blue whales also suffer from noise pollution coming from ships and submarines. The whales sing beautifully. If you heard it one time you would never forget it.

Слайд 33

Crossword Zone “The World Ocean”

Слайд 34

Show your knowledge of sounds of nature .

Слайд 35

Name the problem denoted by the picture

Слайд 36

Name the problem denoted by the picture

Слайд 37

Name the problem denoted by the picture . . g

Слайд 38

Name the problem denoted by the picture . . g

Слайд 39

Make your choice and help the planet today. Tomorrow it can be late!

Слайд 40

Take care of the Earth!

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