Презентации к урокам английского языка
презентация к уроку по английскому языку по теме

Гагарина Светлана Владимировна

         Данные презентации  предназначаются  в помощь практикующему учителю на уроке. Они дают возможность вспомнить систему видо-временных форм английского глагола, познакомиться с местоимениями, с образованием форм множественного числа в английском языке в наглядной форме. Полезными и познавательными будут презентации о Великобритании, ее столице, о праздновании Рождества и Нового года на родине английского языка. Учащиеся в игровой форме смогут познакомиться с достопримечательностями  Лондона.


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Слайд 1

ENGLISH TENSES April, 9 April, 10 April, 11 Past Present Future He played football yesterday. (V 3 ,V-ed) He was playing yesterday at 1 o’clock. (was, were + Ving) They had finished the work by 2.03 p.m. yesterday. (had + Ved, V3) He had been playing for 20 minutes at 1.20 yesterday. (had been + Ving) He plays football. (V,V-s) He is playing . (am, is, are + Ving) He has played . (have, has + Ved, V3) He has been playing for 20 minutes. (have, has been + Ving ) He will play football tomorrow. (will + V) He will be playing tomorrow at 3 o’clock. (will be + Ving) He will have played football tomorrow by 5 o’clock. (will have + Ved, V3) He will have been playing for 20 minutes at 5 tomorrow. (will have been + Ving)

Слайд 2

THE PRESENT SIMPLE TENSE Every day, usually, sometime, often, seldom He do es morning exercises every day. Does he do morning exercises every day? Yes, he does . He doesn’t sleep long in the morning. They do morning exercises every day. Do they do morning exercises every day? Yes, they do . They don’t sleep long in the morning.

Слайд 3

THE PAST SIMPLE TENSE Yesterday, last year, some days ago, in 1987. He work ed in the garden yesterday. Did he work in the garden yesterday? Yes, he did. He didn’t work in the office yesterday.

Слайд 4

THE FUTURE SIMPLE TENSE Tomorrow, next year, in 2015 He will make a statue next year. Will he make a statue next year? Yes, he will. He won’t paint a picture next year. April, 23

Слайд 5

THE PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE Now, at that moment . Listen! Look! He is cook ing now. Is he cook ing now? Yes, he is . He isn’t eat ing now. They are cook ing now. Are they cook ing now? Yes, they are . They aren’t eat ing now.

Слайд 6

THE PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE At 7 o’clock yesterday, the whole day, from 5 to 7, when he came It was snow ing the whole day yesterday. Was it snow ing the whole day yesterday? Yes, it was. It wasn’t rain ing the whole day yesterday.

Слайд 7

THE FUTURE CONTINUOUS TENSE At 7 o’clock tomorrow, the whole day, from 5 to 7, when he comes He will be pain ting at 5 o’clock tomorrow. Will he be paint ing at 5 o’clock tomorrow? Yes, he will. He won’t be read ing at 5 o’clock tomorrow.

Слайд 8

THE PRESENT PERFECT TENSE Already, just, recently, lately, ever, never, yet, since. He has decreas ed his weight . Has he decreas ed his weight ? Yes, he has. He hasn’t increas ed his weight . They have decreas ed his weight . Have they decreas ed his weight ? They haven’t increas ed his weight .

Слайд 9

THE PAST PERFECT TENSE By 7 o'clock, before, after, when he came. He had done his work by 6 o'clock. Had he done his work by 6 o'clock? He hadn’t done his work by 3 o'clock.

Слайд 10

THE FUTURE PERFECT TENSE By 7 o'clock, before, after, when he comes. He will have cut the tree by the dinner-time. Will he have cut the tree by the dinner-time? He won’t have cut the tree by 10 o’clock.

Слайд 11

THE PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE Since 3 o’clock, for 2 hours, how long He has been read ing for 2 hours. Has he been read ing for 2 hours? He hasn’t been read ing for 4 hours. They have been read ing for 2 hours. Have they been read ing for 2 hours? They haven’t been read ing for 4 hours.

Слайд 12

THE PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE Since 3 o’clock, for 2 hours yesterday, how long Yesterday he has been fish ing since 3 o’clock. How long has he been fish ing ? Yesterday he hasn’t been fish ing since morning.

Слайд 13

THE FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE Since 3 o’clock, for 2 hours tomorrow, how long Next year she will have been work ing at school for 25 years. Will she have been work ing at school for 25 years next year? Next year she won‘t have been work ing at school for 30 years.

Слайд 14

The End

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Слайд 1


Слайд 2

Trafalgar Square

Слайд 3

Trafalgar Square There are always a lot of people and pigeons on the square. Every winter there is a big Christmas tree which is a gift from Norway in the middle of the square. On New Year’s Eve people gather around the tree. In the middle of the square there is Admiral Nelson’s Column.

Слайд 4

Buckingham Palace This is the Queen’s home. It was built in 1703. There is a great collection of paintings .

Слайд 5

The Queen of Great Britain The Queen of Great Britain is Elizabeth II. Her husband is Duke of Edinburgh. They have got 4 grown-up children: Prince Charles, Princess Anne, Prince Andrew and Prince Edward.

Слайд 6

Westminster Abbey This is a holy place. All English kings have been crowned and buried in the church since 1308.

Слайд 7

Westminster Cathedral It was built between 1895 and 1903. This is the seat of the Cardinal Archbishop and the leading Roman Catholic Church in England. Its bell tower is 84 metres high.

Слайд 8

The Houses of Parliament This big palace is the most famous building in the world – the British Parliament. The building is 280 metres long. There are more than 1000 rooms.

Слайд 9

Big Ben Big Ben, the big clock tower, is the symbol of London. It strikes hours.

Слайд 10

Tower The Tower of London has been a fortress, a palace, an arsenal, a mint, a prison, an observatory, a zoo, the home of the Crown Jewels and a tourist attraction.

Слайд 11

Imperial State Crown The Tower’s greatest treasure is the Imperial State Crown. There are 2 800 diamonds on it.

Слайд 12

Beefeaters The quards of the Tower are called Beefeaters. The legend says that if the ravens leave, the Tower and the country will fall.

Слайд 13

Tower Bridge The most famous bridge in London is a Tower bridge.

Слайд 14

Tower Bridge Tower Bridge is a bascule-bridge. The bascules will open to let ships pass through.

Слайд 15

St. Paul’s Cathedral St.Paul’s Cathedral is a famous building too. Prince Charles and Princess Diana married here in 1981.

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Madame Tussauds Waxmuseum Here you can see famous people, good and bad, made of wax. This is Queen Elizabeth I.

Слайд 17

King Henry VIII with his wives

Слайд 18

Double-deckers There are big red buses called double-deckers in London. People sit upstairs and downstairs on these buses. Tourists like them very much.

Слайд 19

Taxis Taxis in London are old-fashioned black cars.

Слайд 20

Telephone booths From here you can call your friends.

Слайд 21

River Thames Thames flows through London. The River Thames is 338 km long. It is 245 m wide here. Even big seaships can visit London.

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

London Places of interest

Слайд 2

Big Ben Parliament Trafalgar square next

Слайд 3

westminister Abbey White Tower Red Square next

Слайд 4

Tower Bridge Big Ben Backingham Palace next

Слайд 5

Tower of London Trafalgar Square Buckingham Palace next

Слайд 6

The Guard The Queen of Great Britain The policem a n next

Слайд 7

a taxi a double decker a bus next

Слайд 8

vgorodx.ru London Eye Big Ben Houses of Parliament next

Слайд 9

British Museum Tower Bridge Bloody Tower The end

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

The British Isles are located in Europe The British Isles Europe

Слайд 2

There are two big islands in the British Isles Britain Ireland

Слайд 3

There are two countries in Ireland the Republic of Ireland Northern Ireland

Слайд 4

There are three countries in Britain

Слайд 5

There are four countries in the United Kingdom England Scotland Wales Northern Ireland

Слайд 6

The flags of the countries

Слайд 7

Forming the national flag

Слайд 8

The flags of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Слайд 10

The Union Jack is a popular name of the national flag in the UK

Слайд 12

The Queen Elizabeth II is the head of the United Kingdom

Слайд 13

The Queen was born on 21 April 1926

Слайд 14

The capitals of the countries in the United Kingdom . . . . London Edinburgh Cardiff Belfast

Слайд 15

London is the capital of England and the United Kingdom

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Pronoun местоимение

Слайд 2

Падеж личных мест. Именительный (кто?) I he she it you we they Объектный (все падежи) me him her it you us them

Слайд 3

Притяжательный падеж Чей? Чья? Чьи? +сущ. my cat his her its your our their I he she it you we they нет сущ. mine his hers its yours ours theirs +s +s +s +s ! ! !

Слайд 4

Возвратные местоимения - c я(- сь )сам(а) I he she it you we they my self him self her self it self your self your sel our sel them sel f ves ves ves f f She defended herself bravely. The cat is washing itself .

Слайд 5

личные Ип личные все падежи притяжател . + сущ. притяжател . без сущ. возвратные сам ся ( сь ) I me my mine myself he him his his himself she her her hers herself it it its its itself you you your yours yourself yourselves we us our ours ourselves they them their their themselves

Слайд 6

Указательные местоимения this these that those

Слайд 7

Неопределенные местоимения some/ any, no, every, much/ many, little/ few, other/ another, either/ neither, each, all, one/ none

Слайд 8

some немного, несколько any + просьба / предложение I see some wolves. Would you like some coffee? - ? + (в значении любой) I can not find any cheese. Did you buy any cheese ? I like any kind of cheese!

Слайд 9

Их производные some thing что-то anyt hing что-нибудь no thing ничего ничто е very thing все Give me something to read . Дай мне что-нибудь почитать. Can you tell me anything about this film? Ты можешь рассказать мне что-нибудь об этом фильме? I don’t know anything about it. Я ничего об этом не знаю. Everything is OK. Все хорошо.

Слайд 10

some body /someone кто-то any body/ anyone кто-нибудь no body/ none никто е very body все каждый Somebody has taken my book. Кто-то взял мою книгу. Is there anybody in the room now? Есть кто-нибудь в комнате сейчас ? Everybody’ s here. Все здесь. I saw nobody in the park. Я никого не встретил в парке.

Слайд 11

somewhere где-то где-нибудь anywhere куда-то куда-нибудь nowhere никуда нигде е verywhere везде

Слайд 12

a lot of/ lots of/ plenty of «много » much many отрицат . вопросит . предлож . в утвердит . в роли подлеж . неисчил . исчисл . существительные much juice many bird s неисчил . и исчисл . сущ . a lot of juice/ bird s в утвердит . предлож .

Слайд 13

«мало» few little a few a little исчисл . неичисл . исчисл . неичисл . «мало» «почти нет» «немного» «несколько»

Слайд 14

none of никто из but nobody/ no one of all + the c ущ . all + притяж . указат . all is/ are по смыслу But all of us/you/them But we all / you all / they all мест. c ущ .

Слайд 15

each « каждый» + исчисл . сущ . Each boy in our group got a present. each of + мест.( О.п ) Each of us received a postcard. every «каждый, все» + сущ. ед.ч . He remembered every word of her letter.

Слайд 16

an other the other другой того же качества I don’t like this coffee. Give me another one. другой другого качества I don’t like this coffee. Give me the other cup.

Предварительный просмотр:

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Слайд 2

Большинство существительных образуют множественное число прибавлением "S" в конце, например: camera - camera s , chair - chair s , snake - snake s , parrot - parrot s , doctor - doctor s , apple - apple s A cat cats + s

Слайд 3

Существительные, оканчивающиеся на S, SS, SH, CH, X, O образуют множественное число прибавлением “es” в конце, например bus - buses, glass - glasses, brush - brushes, bench - benches, fox - foxes, potato - potatoes Исключения: radio - radios, piano - pianos, photo - photos, video - videos A fox + es foxes

Слайд 4

Если существительное заканчивается на согласную + y , то y заменяется на ies , например lady - ladies, city - cities, baby - babies Если существительное заканчивается на гласную + y , то прибавляем к существительному - S , например boy – boys , toy - toys + ies butterfly butterflies

Слайд 5

Некоторые существительные, оканчивающиеся на f или fe образуют множественное число путем замены - f или - fe на - ves , например thief - thieves, knife - knives, wolf - wolves wolf wolves

Слайд 6

ИСКЛЮЧЕНИЯ tooth – teeth, foot - feet, mouse - mice, goose - geese, ox - oxen, man - men, child - children, woman – women, louse – lice, species – species, fish – fish, deer - deer, sheep - sheep, CHILD CHILDREN

Слайд 7

Некоторые существительные, заимствованные из латинского и греческого языков, образуют множественное число так, как в исходном языке.

Слайд 8

Неисчисляемые существительных не изменяют свою форму и не образуют множественное число . bread, lemonade, butter, money, cheese, tea, coffee, water, jam, juice, meat, wood, milk, sugar, paper Но все таки неисчисляемые существительные можно сделать исчисляемыми следующим образом: water - three glasses of water, milk - two bottles of milk, three slices of bread

Слайд 9

Неисчисляемые существительные имеют только форму единственного числа и согласуются только с глаголами в единственном числе: Her hair is blond. - Волосы у неё светлые . The money is on the table. - Деньги лежат на столе. His knowledge is great. - Его знания обширны. The information is interesting. - Сведения интересные . Their progress is great. - Их успехи значительны . The news is important. - Эти новости важные.

Слайд 10

Существительные, которые употребляются только в форме множественного числа . Такие существительные согласуются только с глаголом во множественном числе. The police are looking for the murderer. Полиция ищет убийцу . There were few people out in the street. На улице было мало людей . These trousers are too small for me. Эти брюки слишком малы мне

Слайд 11

В составных существительных обычно главный элемент получает окончание –s: Sister-in-law – sisters-in-law - (невестка - невестки) Boy-friend – boy-friends (парень - парни). Если ни один из элементов не является существительным, окончание добавляется к последнему слову: Merry-go-round – merry-go-rounds (карусель - карусели)

Слайд 12

Упражнение 1 Образуйте множественное число существительных

Слайд 13

Упражнение 2 Распределите существительные Употребляются только в единственном числе Употребляются только во множественном числе Cat, sugar , puppy, love, friend , advice, horse , news, progress, hair, money, mathematics , apples, scissors, trousers, cities , goods, news , clothes, butter, puppies, police , knowledge , people Некоторые существительные не попадут ни в одну категорию

Слайд 14

Источники http://www.yanglish.ru/grammar/plural.htm http://www.nnm.ru

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 2

VOCABULARY CHRISTMAS - рождество A CHRISTMAS CARD – рождественская открытка A CHRISTMAS TREE – рождественская ёлка

Слайд 3

CHRISTMAS GIFTS/ PRESENTS – рождественские подарки to give presents – дарить подарки to receive presents – получать подарки

Слайд 4

CHRISTMAS STOCKINGS – рождественские носки FATHER CHRISTMAS – рождественский дед ROAST TURKEY – жареная индейка

Слайд 5

CHRISTMAS PUDDING – рождественский пудинг CHRISTMAS CAROL – рождественская песня Christmas deer – рождественский олень

Слайд 6

Christmas in Great Britain

Слайд 7

Christmas Day The 25th of December is Christmas Day. It's a happy holiday for many people in different countries. It is time to give and receive presents.

Слайд 8

A Christmas Card Some weeks before Christmas English people are busy. They send greeting cards to all their relatives and friends. You can buy Christmas cards or you can make them. Many children make their cards at school.

Слайд 9

A Christmas tree On Christmas Eve people decorate the Christmas tree and their homes.

Слайд 10

Christmas stockings When children go to bed, they put their stockings near their beds . In the morning they find presents there

Слайд 11

Christmas presents On Christmas Eve people put their presents under the Christmas tree

Слайд 12

Father Christmas (Santa Claus) Father Christmas is the main person of the Holiday (in Great Britain) who gives presents to children and makes them happy Father Christmas is British, Santa Claus - American

Слайд 13

Christmas food For Christmas lunch people eat roast turkey A Christmas pudding is a traditional desert served on Christmas day

Слайд 14

Christmas Songs People sing Christmas songs called Christmas carols We wish you a Merry Christmas! \3 times\ And a Happy New Year!

Слайд 15

Merry Christmas!!

Предварительный просмотр:

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Слайд 1

The best place in world! London

Слайд 2

London is the British capital and one of the biggest cities in the world.

Слайд 3

London is situated upon both banks of the River Thames, it is the largest city in Britain and one of the largest in the world. Its population is about 7 million people.

Слайд 4

It consists of three parts: the City of London, the West End and the East End.

Слайд 5

The West End The best places of the West End

Слайд 7

Buckingham Palace

Слайд 8

Kensington Gardens

Слайд 9

St.James's Park

Слайд 10

Here are the historical places as well as the famous parks. Hyde Park with its Speaker's Corner is also here.

Слайд 11

The Queen's Residence The Queen's Residence was built in 1870 for Samuel Barnard, a vice president of the Paper Company.

Слайд 12

The 1700’s the Queen's Residence was a gift from Henry Ford.

Слайд 13

Big Ben He name Big Ben actually refers not to the clock-tower itself, but to the thirteen ton bell hung within. The bell was named after the first commissioner of works, Sir Benjamin Hall.

Слайд 14

This bell came originally from the old Palace of Westminster, it was given to the Dean of St. Paul's by William III. Before returning to Westminster to hang in its present home, it was refashioned in Whitechapel in 1858. The BBC first broadcast the chimes on the 31st December 1923 - there is a microphone in the turret connected to Broadcasting House.

Слайд 15

The East End To the east the large area called the East End. This is London’s poorest part. The very large riverside in the East End make London one of the three largest parts in the world.

Слайд 16

Founded nearly a millennium ago and expanded upon over the centuries since, the Tower of London has protected the city Tower of London

Слайд 17

It has been the seat of British government and the living quarters of monarchs, the site of renown political intrigue, and the repository of the Crown Jewels.

Слайд 18

Tower Bridge

Слайд 19

Tower Bridge has stood over the River Thames in London since 1894 and is one of the finest bridges in the World.

Слайд 20

The City of London The City extends over an area of about 2.6 square kilometres in the heart of London. It is the financial centre of the UK with many banks, offices and Stock Exchange. But the City is also a market for goods of almost every kind, from all parts of the world.

Слайд 21

Museums and art galleries of London. Tate Gallery

Слайд 22

London is very rich in museums and art galleries. If you are fond of painting you'll go to the Tate Gallery .

Слайд 23

A rich sugar manufacturer Henry Tate founded it in 1897.

Слайд 24

There are about 300 oils and 19000 watercolours and drawings.

Слайд 25

The British Museum is the largest and richest of its kind in the world. The present building was built in 1852.

Слайд 26

By law a copy of every book, periodical and newspaper, published in Britain must be presented in the British museum.

Слайд 27

This collection is so vast that only a very small percentage of it is on show to the public.

Слайд 28

The famous places in the London

Слайд 29

The original Globe Theatre was built in 1599 by the playing company to which Shakespeare belonged. Globe Theatre

Слайд 30

Trafalgar Square

Слайд 31

The Cathedral of Saint Paul

Слайд 32

Piccadilly Statue on border the city of London

Слайд 33

Cleopatra's Needle

Слайд 34

Queen Victoria Memorial

Слайд 35


Предварительный просмотр:

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Слайд 1

There are things unmistakably attached to the New Year H A P P Y N E W Y E A R

Слайд 2

Kissing under the Mistletoe The Druids considered the mistletoe a plant with miraculous properties and a protection against witchcraft. If enemies met under the mistletoe in the forest, they had to stop fighting until the next day. This is the origin of the custom of hanging a ball of mistletoe from the ceiling and exchanging kisses under it, as a sign of friendship and goodwill. Nowadays, if a couple in love kisses under the mistletoe, it is a promise to marry.

Слайд 3

The Twelve Grapes of luck is a Spanish tradition that dates back from 1909. Some vine growers started this custom of selling huge amounts of grapes a year that they got an excellent harvest. The tradition consists of eating a grape with each bell strike at midnight on December 31st. If you eat them all twelve up you will have a prosperous year. The Twelve Grapes

Слайд 4

Fireworks and Noisemakers The Chinese believe that if you make a lot of noise, that will keep the bad spirits away. American and French people have adopted this tradition as a way to celebrate the New Year. Everyone kisses, exchanges good luck, greetings, and toasts Champagne to the New Year.

Слайд 5

The ball dropping Since 1907 the "ball dropping" in top Times Square in New York City is a major component of the New Year’s Eve celebration. The ball is placed on a 77 foot pole and when dropped it descends the pole's length in the last ten seconds of the year.

Слайд 6

Auld Lang Syne At the stroke of midnight people gather in a ring, holding hands as they sing Auld Lang Syne (for the old times), a poem written in Scottish by Robert Burns in 1788. This song is well known in the English speaking world to celebrate the start of the New Year.

Слайд 7

New Year's resolutions New Year's Eve has always been a time to look forward to the coming year. It's a time to think of the changes we want to make in our life. Most of New Year’s resolutions are made in anticipation of the new year and new beginnings. However, these resolutions are seldom fulfilled. Friends and family exchange New Year's resolutions kisses and wishes.

Слайд 8

Red & Gold The red colour in Chinese culture means good luck. So red is just a symbol of good luck in the coming year. Golden colour is traditionally the colour used in imperial service. The golden colour symbolises wealth and also happiness . These colours are used in decorations, candle lights and shiny garlands.

Слайд 9

What have you learnt ? The 31st of December celebration is called… The 1st of January celebration is called… What is the most common drink to toast to the new year? In Spain they eat a grape with every bell … The spectacular effects of lights and explosions upon the sky are called… Druids thought that this plant had miraculous properties. Promises that people make on the last day of the year are called… What does Auld Lang Syne mean? What happens in Time Square every 31st of December? What does red colour symbolise for Chinese people? New Year’s Eve New Year’s Day Champagne Stroke Fireworks Mistletoe Resolutions For the old times The ball dropping Good luck

Слайд 10

1) Nowadays, if a couple in love kisses under the mistletoe, it is… a) a promise to marry b) a sign of friendship c) a sign of peace 2) The Spanish tradition of the twelve grapes of luck started when some vine growers… a) had an excellent harvest b) strike a bell on December 31 st 1895 c) had a bad harvest 3) The Chinese believe that if you make a lot of noise… a) it’s a sign of luck b) you will marry that year c) it will keep the bad spirits away 4) The ball in Time Square is dropped… a) 30 seconds before the year ends b) 3 seconds before the year ends c) 10 seconds before the year ends 5) At the stroke of midnight people gather as they sing Auld Lang Syne… a) sitting on the ground b) in a ring with hands joined c) dressed in red 6) Most of New Year’s resolutions… a) will fulfilled b) will never fulfilled c) will rarely fulfilled 7) The golden colour symbolises... a) good luck b) wealth and happiness c) the coming year HAPPY NEW YEAR! By maigomay 1- a 2- a 3- c 4- c 5- b 6- c 7- b

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

Презентация к уроку английского языка по теме "Поход" к учебнику английского языка "Happy English.ru" 7класс

В презентации "Поход " к учебнику английского языка  "Happy English.ru" 7класс дана лексика по теме и отрабатывается материал по теме "Степени сравнения прилагательных"....

Презентация к уроку английского языка по теме: "УУД на уроке английского языка. Развитие лексико-грамматических навыков по теме «Моя комната»"

Презентация к уроку английского языка по теме: "УУД на уроке английского языка. Развитие лексико-грамматических  навыков по теме «Моя комната»"...

Презентация к уроку английского языка «Турнир знатоков английского языка» , 2 класс, к учебнику Кузовлева В.П. «English».

Цель презентации – повторение в игровой форме изученной лексики и грамматических явлений....

Презентация для урока английского языка в 6 классе на тему "Открытки в английском языке"

Презентация для урока английского языка в 6 классе на тему "Открытки в английском языке"...

Презентация для урока английского языка в 6 классе на тему "Открытки в английском языке"

Презентация для урока английского языка в 6 классе на тему "Открытки в английском языке"...