Сценарий школьного праздника "День Святого Валентина"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему

Николаева Татьяна Ильинична

Сценарий школьного праздника для старшеклассников "День Святого Валентина". Проводится на английском языке двумя ведущими. которые в форме непринужденной беседы предваряют выступления учащихся - песни, стихотворения, инсценировки.


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Предварительный просмотр:

День Святого Валентина.

(Сценарий школьного праздника)


- Here it comes again: the day for exchanging love messages, valentines, chocolates and flowers.

- On the 14th of February we celebrate St.Valentine's day when all people show their love and affection to other people.

- Where does the tradition of celebrating St.Valentine's day  come from ?

- Listen and you will know.

 (Презентация № 1 "История дня Св. Валентина)


- Now you know something about the history of the holiday. In our school we enjoy this holiday and traditionally have a concert.

- It is all about the most tender feeling - about love.

- A lot of songs, which we hear and sing, are about love. Here is one of them.

( Песня о любви)


- I say Olya, have you received any Valentine's greeting cards today?

- Yes, why? Lots of them.

- And now listen to a poem about them.

(Стихотворение «My Valentine» by M.C.Parsons)


- Well, Olya, here I am.

- What do you mean? I see you are here.

- «Here I am» is the next song.

- I see.

 (Песня "Brian Adams ")


- And do you know, Olya, that each symbol drawn on a Valentine means something special.

- Really? I like red hearts and wonderful roses most of all.

- There are some other symbols. Listen about them.

  (Презентация №2 «Символы Валентинок»)


- Olya, come along with me to the town beside the sea.

-Do you really mean that?

- Well, in fact I’am joking. It's the title of the next song.

 (Песня «Come Along…»)


-You can express your feelings not only with Valentine cards and their symbols but also with the body language - with a dance.

- Think about the feelings which these dancers reveal.

(Английский танец)


- Why is it so dark here?

- It’s dtcfuse we are going to listen to one more lyrical song - "Love in the dark".

(Песня "Love in the dark")


- I say, Alexey, what do you like best of all ?

-What do you mean? Lots of things.

- I like apple sauce.

(Стихотворение «I love you more than apple sauce»)


- Olya, what is love for you?

- For me, love means spending all your time together.

- And what does love mean for you?

- For me it is sharing all your interests and hobbies.

(Песня «Love is…»)


- Olya, have you got a mobile phone?

- Yes, sure.

- And what about a computer?

- Yes, I have, why?

- Can you imagine how people exchanged messages without these things?

- I heard something about the language of a fan.

- Let’s watch and know about it.

(Сценка «Язык веера»)


 -Olya, do you like poetry ?

- Yes, I do. Especially poems about love. Then listen to the poem "I met you".

(Cтихотворение "I met you")


- I say, Alexei, who is the most famous English poet?        

- William Shakespeare, of course.

- Do you know that he wrote 154 sonets.

- Wow! Really !

- Let's listen to one of them. 

(Сонет Шекспира)


- It's a pity, but our concert is coming to an end.

- Now There is a final song about love.

- This time you'll see the lyrics on the screen and we can sing all together.

(Песня "Wonderwall")


- Thank you for your attention.

- We wish you love and happiness. Goodbye.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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