Контрольная работа к Модулю 9 (учебник Spotlight-6)
тест по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему

Пресникова Екатерина Владимировна

Контрольные материалы к 9-му модулю учебника Spotlight-6


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Предварительный просмотр:

Module 9

6th form


1. Match the words from two columns to make up phrases.

fruit                        meat

sparkling                oil

hot                        juice

iced                        cream

soft                        water

stewed                shake

lunch                        chocolate

sour                        sauce

soy                        chips

olive                        tea

onion                        fruit

potato                        drinks

milk                        rings

2. Describe the taste. Add the adjectives to the sentences:

1) Lemons are ___.                4) Crisps are ___.

2) Celery is ___.                        5) Chili pepper is ___.

3) Ice cream is ___.

3. Choose the correct verb.

1. Finally, put / add / pour the cake into the oven.

2. Would you like me to melt /mix /boil you an egg for your breakfast?

3. Sally, can you peel / stir / fry the soup for me, please?

4. Let’s mix / bake / fry a birthday cake for Nick.

5. Peel / melt / mix all the ingredients together in a big bowl.

6. Can you pour / peel / melt the vegetables, please?

7. You need to melt / stir / dice the ingredients for the Olivier salad.

4. Fill in the sentences with some, any, much, many

1. Is there ___ ice cream left in the fridge?

2. I usually have ___ yoghurt for breakfast.

3. You put too ___ sugar in my tea. It’s too sweet.

4. How ___ apples are left in the basket?

5. He drinks too ___ coffee, I think.

6. Are there ___ carrots in the fridge?

7. There aren’t ___ biscuits in the cupboard.

8. I think you cooked too ___ potatoes.

5. Read the advertisement and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false)

At the Bombay Palace the food is great and the prices are fantastic. A meal for two costs about £40.

Are you tired of going to the same restaurant all the time? Well, come visit us at the Bombay Palace on Willow Avenue. The Bombay Palace is an Indian restaurant with a difference!

The Palace’s starters are the best in town. Try the hot spicy soup of the chef’s salad. For your main course, choose between the beef curry with rice or the Punjab baked chicken with vegetables. But save room for a dessert! How about apple pie? No? Then why not try the fruit salad?

The Bombay Palace is open Monday to Saturday from 4 p.m. to 11 p.m.

1. The Bombay Palace is an Indian restaurant.

2. You can have a salad for a starter.

3. The chicken comes with rice.

4. There is only one kind of a dessert.

5. A meal for two costs more than £45.

6. The Bombay Palace is not open on Sundays.

7. The restaurant is on Windsor Avenue.

6. Translate into English.

- запеченный картофель                - копченая рыба

- фаршированный перец                - консервированные персики

- жареная курица                                - маринованные огурцы

- варёные яйца                                - ребрышки на гриле

- тушеные овощи                                - индейка, приготовленная на пару

7. Fill in the correct phrase.

1. - __________ a dessert?                                2. - ________ to order, Sir?

    - Yes, I want some ice cream, please.                    - Yes, I’ll have the steak, please.

3. - May I have the menu, please?                        4. - Would you like ______?

    - ________.                                                    - Yes, I’ll have a glass of Cola.

5. - _______ me to dinner.

    - Oh, you’re welcome!

Are you ready                Do you want                anything to drink

                        Here you are                Thanks for inviting

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