Контрольные работы
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (5, 7, 9 класс) на тему

Лутфуллина Гулюза Магъфуровна

УМК Enjoy English


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Входная контрольная работа по английскому языку

I variant

  1. Put the verbs in the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.
  1. I … (walk) home after the party yesterday.
  1. walked                                  b) was walking
  1. When you … (phone), I … (play) a new computer game.
  1. were phoning, played           b) phoned, was playing
  1. While I … (work) in the garden I … (find) a kitten.
  1. worked, was finding             b) was working , found
  1. When I … (arrive) my son … (have) dinner.
  1. arrived, was having              b) was arriving, had
  1. While we … (work) my dog … (hurt) its leg.
  1. were working, hurt               b) worked, was hurting
  1. Put the verbs in the Past Simple or the Past Perfect.
  1. I … (come) back last month.
  1. came                                 b) had come
  1. It was quite a time since they last … (meet).
  1. met                                    b) had met
  1. When she … (come) to the station, the train … (leave) already.
  1. came, had left                    b) had come, left
  1. Tim … (do) already his work when his mother … (phone) him.
  1. had done, phoned               b) did, had phoned
  1. The terrible hurricane … (destroy) all the houses by that time.
  1. destroyed                            b) had destroyed
  1. Choose the right form of the verb.
  1. What … you (do) if he won a million pounds?
  1. would … have done           b) would … do
  1. If the weather was bad, we … (not go) out.
  1. would not go                       b) would not have gone
  1. If you had done that, you … (be) all right.
  1. would have been                  b) would be
  1. I would have gone out if my mother … (not be) at home.
  1. wasn't                                   b) hadn't been
  1. If you … (not come) so early they … (not get up).
  1. Report the following sentences. Mind the word order and tenses.
  1. “Go home!” said my father to me.
  2. “Are you having your classes tomorrow?” asked Mum.
  3. “Where do you go on vacations?” said the aunt.
  4. “We have English classes twice a week”, said the boy.
  5. “He has invented a lot of useful things”, said the man.
  1. Make new sentences from ones using Direct Speech.
  1. She told them that she had never been to London.  
  2. Jane told me she would advertise a new shampoo on TV.
  3. He asked me if I had taken part in the football match.
  4. She asked me where I lived.
  5. He asked his classmates to wait for him

Входная контрольная работа по английскому языку

II variant

  1. Put the verbs in the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.
  1. Our team … (fly) to London for football game last night.
  1. flew                                             b) was flying
  1. I … (see) that Nancy … (write) a letter.

     a) was seeing, wrote                          b) saw, was writing                                                                                                                 3.  It … (rain) when he … (get) up yesterday morning.

     a) rained, was getting                         b) was raining, got

4. Mr Grey … (not understand) what I … (sing).

     a) didn't understand, was singing       b) wasn't understand, sang

5. He … (sit) in the garden when Tom … (come).

     a) was sitting, came                            b) sat, was coming

  1. Put the verbs in the Past Simple or the Past Perfect.
  1. Yesterday she … (go) to the movies with Mariam.
  1. went                        b) had gone
  1. My friend was surprised that I never … (visit) the Kremlin.

a) visited                       b) had visited                                                                                                                                  3. When they … (arrive) at the cinema, the film … (begin) already.

a) arrived, had begun    b) had arrived, began

4. The girl … (do) her homework before, she … (go) to the park.

      a) had done, went          b) did, had gone

5. The pilot … (finish) his flight by 3p.m. yesterday.

      a) finished                      b) had finished

  1. Choose the right form of the verb.
  1. If you took more exercises, you … (feel) better.

a) would have felt                 b) would feel

2. We … (not go) to the theatre if Peter wasn't well.

     a) wouldn't go                       b) wouldn't have gone

3. I … (forget) about your birthday if you hadn't reminded me.

     a) would have forgotten        b) would forget

4. If I … (know) George, I would have invited him to the party.

     a) knew                                 b) had known

5. If I … (be) you, I … (join) Greenpeace.

  1. Report the following sentences. Mind the word order and tenses.
  1. “Prepare your exercise-books”, said the teacher to the pupils.
  2. “Do you travel there every summer?” asked the guide.
  3. “Which book did you take yesterday?” asked the boy.
  4. “She was reading when her dad entered the room”, said the boy.
  5. “We will buy clothes for the coming summer next week”, said Ann.
  1. Make new sentences from ones using Direct Speech.
  1. She said that she had been to the South the previous year.
  2. My Dad said he would buy a new TV set the next month.
  3. He asked her if anyone else knew about his arrival.                                                                                                       4. The manager asked why I wanted that job.        

5. He asked me to prepare all the necessary documents.

Контрольная работа № 1                    

  1. Read the article and circle the right answers.  

         The family has always been very important in all times and societies. However, contemporary families differ a lot from large traditional families.  A traditional, or extended, family had a similar structure in different countries.  It consisted of several generations and was headed by the eldest man in the family. For example, an ideal traditional Chinese family consisted of the head of the family and his wife, their three or for sons and their wives (the daughters   didn’t live in the family as they moved to their husbands’ families after the wedding) and a dozen grandchildren. People lived shorter then, and that’s why usually there were no more than three generations in a family. Children   were absolutely dependent on their parents and grandparents, and the status, role and behavior of each member of the family were strictly regulated.  Nobody could break the rules. The interests of the family were above the interests of an individual member. If anyone ignored or betrayed the family interests, they were punished very severely. Most traditional families in Russia, Ukraine, and Poland looked the same.    Nowadays   families are much smaller. They often consist of two generations only:  parents and their dependent children. The family of this kind is called a nuclear family. There are no male or female responsibilities within the family. This means most women go to work and earn some money, and men often help with cooking, washing and some other work round the house.   Children behave differently too. They are allowed to express their point of view and take part in decision-making on different family’s issues. Sometimes they can even ignore the senior generation’s recommendations or advice, which was absolutely impossible in traditional families.

Children are more independent nowadays, and when they grow up, they often prefer to live apart from their parents. Having separate homes, however, doesn’t matter much as long as adult children care for their parents and remember to help them.

Answer the questions:

1. What is a traditional family?

2. Translate into Russian the underlined sentences.

The test

 1. The author thinks that nowadays the family is much more important than it is used to be in old times.                 a)  True                            b) False

2 The author says that a traditional Chinese family consisted of five generations living together.               a)  True                            b) False

3 According to the article, parents in traditional families didn’t allow children to express their disagreement or argue in any way.    a)  True              b) False

4 The article says that nowadays children can ignore the senior generation’s advice.                                         a)  True                            b) False

5 The author thinks that it’s very bad when generations don’t live in one place.                                          a)  True                            b) False

  1. Open the brackets using the appropriate form of the verbs.
  1. If yоu (like) stоries I (tеll) you a truе stоry.
  2. It (happеn) to a friеnd оf mine a yeаr ago.
  3.  While my friеnd Geoigе (to rеad) in bеd, twо thievеs (climb) intо his kitchеn.
  4. After they (еnter) the housе, thеy (go) into thе dining rоom.
  5. It (be) very dаrk, sо they (turn) оn a tоrch (фонарь).
  6.  Suddеnly they (hеar) a voice bеhind them.
  7. "What (bе) up?" somеone (cаll).
  8. The thievеs (drop) thе tоrch аnd (run) аway as fаst аs they (cаn).
  9. Geoigе (hеar) the noisе аnd (comе) dоwnstairs quickly.
  10. Hе (turn) оn thе light but cоuldn't see аnything.
  11. Thе thievеs аlready (gо).
  12. But Gеorge's pаrrot Hеnry (bе) still thеre.
  13.  "Whаt (bе) up?" hе (cаll).
  14. "Nоthing," Georgе (sаy) аnd (smilе).
  15. "If somеthing (hаppen) I (lеt) yоu (knоw)."
  16. And Gеorge (lеave) thо rоom.

Контрольная работа по английскому языку за 1-ое полугодие

Variant 1

 Ex. 1. Fill in the articles when necessary.

  1. .... United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland occupies the British Islands.
  2. ... Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean on the Earth.
  3. ... Suez Canal connects the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea.
  4. ... Great Lakes consist of five lakes: Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, and Ontario.
  5. My dream is to visit ... Canaries one day.
  6. ... Lake Ontario is the smallest of the Great Lakes.
  7. …Moscow is a river that moves very slowly.
  8. … Pacific Ocean is very deep.
  9. … Kiev is to … south of … Moscow.
  10. - What is the longest river in the word? It’s ……..Amazon. This river is in ……South America. It flows into ……….Atlantic Ocean on the north coast of ………Brazil.

Ex. 2.  a) Образуйте существительные от глаголов с помощью суффиксов –sion, -tion, -ment, -ive.

  1. explore –
  2. revise –
  3. arrange –
  4. prevent –
  5. develop -

b) Образуйте слова, противоположные по смыслу. Переведите их.

Example: kind – unkind

  1. like –
  2. interesting –
  3. friendly –
  4. predictable –
  5. sinkable –

Ex. 3. Complete the sentences with the correct reflexive pronouns (возвратные местоимения).

  1. I don't think you should help him all the time. He should learn to get out of difficult situations ………………………… .
  2. It was a great camping holiday! There were no people 50 kilometers around. We slept in tents, hunted for food and cooked it ……………….. .
  3. She was speaking very loudly, but it was so noisy in the room that she could hardly hear…
  4. The kids are only ten years old. I don’t think they were able to invent this plan…………………………
  5.  – Shall I order the plane tickets for you?     - No, thanks. I’ve already done it ……… .
  6. Do you want me to tell your parents about the incident or will you do it ………………..?

Ex. 4.Read and choose the appropriate modal verb.

  1. ……you swim well?

a) may                    b) can               c) must

  1. Janet ……………….read and write when she was five.

a) can                      b) could                  c) may

  1. Mike ………………..  speak English next year.

a) can                       b) could                  c) will be able

  1. 4. You ……………. Visit your grandmother yesterday.

a) had to                    b) must                     should

  1. ……………I use your mobile phone?

a) may                 b) could               c) must

  1. You…………. apologise, I think.

a) had to                           b) could                        c) should

  1. You ……………..eat so many sweets. You’ll get fat.

a) should                         b) shouldn’t                   c) can.

Ex. 5. Finish the sentences and answer the questions.

  1. The capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is ……………
  2. The capital of the Russia Federation is ……………………….
  3. The capital of the United States of America is ……………………
  4. The thistle is a symbol of ………………………
  1. 5 The red rose is a symbol of ……………………….
  1. The shamrock is a symbol of …………………….
  2. The daffodil is a symbol of ………………………
  1. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland consist of …………………
  2. Which country is the biggest in size?
  3. Which country is the biggest in population?

Variant 2

  Ex. 1. Fill in the articles when necessary.

  1. .. Amazon is the second longest river in the world.
  2. There are 30 bridges over ... Thames in London.
  3. ... Kilimanjaro is the tallest mountain in Africa.
  4. .. Lake Baikal is the deepest lake in the world.
  5. Is ... Australia a continent or an island?
  6. ... Fujiyama is the highest mountain in Japan.
  7. Moscow is situated on … Moscow River. …
  8. … Volga runs into … Caspian Sea.
  9. Russia is washed by … Arctic Ocean.
  10. One of the natural attractions in …………Canada is ………Lake Superior – millions of tourists come to see it.

Ex. 2.  a) Образуйте существительные от глаголов с помощью суффиксов –sion, -tion, -ment, -ive.

  1. equip –
  2. detect –
  3. entertain –
  4. protect –
  5. invent –

b) Образуйте слова, противоположные по смыслу. Переведите их.

Example: kind – unkind

  1. pleasant –
  2. healthy –
  3. avoidable –
  4. fair –
  5. usual –

Ex. 3. Complete the sentences with the correct reflexive pronouns(возвратные местоимения).

  1. I don't think you should help him all the time. He should learn to get out of difficult situations …
  2. It was a great camping holiday! There were no people 50 kilometers around. We slept in tents, hunted for food and cooked it ……………….. .
  3. She was speaking very loudly, but it was so noisy in the room that she could hardly hear …
  4. The kids are only ten years old. I don’t think they were able to invent this plan……………
  5. – Shall I order the plane tickets for you?  No, thanks. I’ve already done it ………………
  6. Do you want me to tell your parents about the incident or will you do it ……………..

Ex. 4.Read and choose the appropriate modal verb.

  1. ……you play football well?
  1. a) may                    b) can               c) must
  1. Danis ……………….read and write when she was five.
  1. a) can                      b) could                  c) may
  1. Mike ………………..  speak Russian next year.
  1. a) can                       b) could                  c) will be able
  1. 4. You ……………. visit your mum in the hospital yesterday.
  1. a) had to                    b) must                     should
  1. ……………I use your mobile phone?
  1. a) may                 b) could               c) must
  1. You…………. apologise, I think.
  1. a) had to                           b) could                        c) should
  1. You ……………..eat so many sweets. You’ll get fat.
  1. a) should                         b) shouldn’t                   c) can.

Ex. 5. Finish the sentences and answer the questions.

  1. The capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is ………… .
  2. The capital of the Russia Federation is ……………………….
  3. The capital of the United States of America is ……………………
  4. The thistle is a symbol of ………………………
  5. The red rose is a symbol of ……………………….
  6. The shamrock is a symbol of …………………….
  7. The daffodil is a symbol of ………………………
  8. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland consist of………………
  9. Which country is the biggest in size? …………………………………………………..
  10. Which country is the biggest in population?

Контрольная работа. (3 четверть)

Task 1. Choose the right word: a. conflict   b. conservative  c. peacefully  d. separatists  e. disagree  f. reunion  g. signs   h. human  i. wheelchair  j. prevent k. discrimination  l. tolerant

1. Old people are usually ____________than young people.

2. Are you planning to have a family _________________at Christmass?

3. People who are unable to walk use a _____________________

4. What mathematical ____________did you learn?

5. It listed 29 different ______________rights: protection against cruel punishment, ___________________against racism.

6. People must ____________war conflicts.

7. We must to be _____________ with each other.

8. Spanish ___________are very dangerous.

9. When people ______________with each other, they may have _____________.

10. We can resolve all conflicts ___________.

Task2. Use the words to form new words that fit in the same numbered space in the text.

1. I am more ______ on this point                                       OPTIMIST

2. We need some ___________against religious discrimination.                PROTECT

3. ________movements have caused  a lot of serious military conflicts.         SEPARATE

4.The constitiution guarantees the _______of people of different ethnic groups in the eyes of the law                                                          EQUAL

5. We should use all possible_________ means to resolve conflict.                         PEACE

6. All forms of war conflicts are ____________.                                                     HUMAN

  Task 3. Complete the words with the letters:

  2. C_NFLI_T
  4. ET_NIC
  5. V_OL_NCE
  8. TERR_RI_M
  11. T_RRO_ISM
  12. EQ_ALIT_


  1. He would have understood it if you...slowly.

    a) have spoken; b) had spoken; c) would speak

  1. If I knew that the traffic lights were red I...

a) would have stopped; b) stopped; c) would stop

  1. The newspaper would print the story if it...true.

a) were; b) had been; c) was

  1. If I had known that you were in hospital I...you.

a) will visit; b)visited; c) would have visited


  1. If he were in, he (answer) the phone.
  2. He would have been the best pupil in the class if he (work) harder.
  3. If you (pass) your examination, we would have a celebration.
  4. I wouldn't have gone there if I (be) you.
  5. If he knew that it was dangerous he (not, come).


Task6. The following sentences are direct speech. Complete each sentence below using reported speech.

  1. “Be ready! At 5 o`clock we must be at business centre”, said Angela.
  2. I asked, “Where has Tom gone?”
  3. “I am sorry, I am late. I lost my way”, he said to our guide.
  4. Gerry asked, “Can you lend me some money?”
  5. “There is no paper in the box”, she said.
  6. He said, “I am living in London now.”

Task 7. Fill in the correct preposition and translate the sentences.

a)up       b)on    c)along     d)over     e)down     f)off

1. They don′t get …… with each other.

2. The bus driver will tell you where to get ….. .

3. Please put the knife ….. on the table before you hurt somebody.

4. The girl put ……  her black velvet dress.

5. the concert is put …….. till next week.

6. She is still trying to get ….. a shock.

7. I don′t know how she puts …… with her sons′ fights.

8. Could you please put the light…..?


Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку в 9 класс


  1. Listening

Вы услышите диалог. В заданиях А1–А6 обведите цифру 1,2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

А 1. Sally said that

1) three people were injured in the accident.

2) three vehicles were damaged in the accident.

3) the bus was damaged in the accident.

А 2. At the time of the accident Sally was

1) in one of the cars.

2) in a city bus.

3) crossing the road.

А 3. The accident happened when Sally was going

1) to her morning class.

2) home after school.

3) to the city centre.

А 4. When Sally told about the accident at school, her classmates felt

1) scared.

2) indifferent.

3) curious.

А 5. Sally says that the accident happened because

1) the weather conditions were bad.

2) one of the drivers was talking on the phone.

3) one of the drivers was driving too fast.

А 6. Sally thinks that drivers should be punished if while driving they

1) smoke.                                                                    

2) listen to music.

3) talk to passengers.

II. Reading

Прочитайте информацию. Установите соответствие между заголовками A-F и пронумерованными абзацами текста 1-5. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.


A. Safe solutions are still needed

B. International efforts to stop pollution

C. Science for nature protection

D. Set to protect nature.

E. Air pollution in the chain of global destruction.

F. We are all elements of global ecosystem.

1.  People have lived on our planet for many years. We may live on different continents and in different countries, but we all depend on our planet, on the sun, on animals and plants around us. We must take care of Earth but not destruct wildlife. Many species of animals and birds are disappearing nowadays. We cut down trees to make furniture, but we forget that people can’t live without trees and plants. Every little creature or thing oh Earth plays its own part and makes our home unique.

2.  One of the biggest eco problems is pollution. The main reason of pollution is rubbish Most of our rubbish goes to big holes in the ground, called ’dumps’. But dumps are very dangerous for our life, because they are full of rats, which can carry infections away from dumps. Another way to get rid of rubbish is to burn it. But the fires make poisons, which go into the air and pollute it. This is the propel scientists should get interested in. Such researchers are worth spending money on.

3.  The Royal Society for the prevention of cruelty to animals (the RSPCA) tries to protect animals from bad use. It operates big nation campaigns aimed at lost pets and circus animals. The World Wildlife Fund (The WWF) rescued several species of animals mammals as well as birds. These organizations also helped to create more than 25C National parks. Greenpeace began its work 20 years ago from saving whales. And now Greenpeace is a world-famous organization, which saves plants, animals and people.

4.  Every year world industry pollutes the atmosphere with about 1000 million tons ol dust and harmful substances. Many cities suffer from smog. Vast forests are cut down and burn in fire. Their disappearance upsets the oxygen balance. As a result some rare species of animals, birds, fish and plants disappear forever, a number of lakes and rivers dry up. The pollution of air and the world destruction of the ozone layer is the result of man’s careless interaction with nature, a sign of ecological crises.

5.  Numerous conferences have been held to discuss questions of ecologically pool regions including the Aral Sea, the South Urals, Kuzbass, Donbass, Seiriipalatsinsfc and Chernobyl. An international environmental research center has been set up on Lake Baikal. Scientists are also doing much to preserve the environment. But these are only the initial steps that must be carried forward to protect not only for the sake of the present but for the future generations.                                    








III.Use of English

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова,напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами B4–B12 так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовалисодержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами.Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию B4–B12.

IV. Writing

You have received a letter from your English–speaking pen friend, Beth.

... Yesterday I went to our school library to prepare for my exam. Is there a library at your school? Do you and your friends often take books from the library? Why /why not? What kind of books are there in your school library? ...

Write her a letter and answer her 3 questions.

 Write 100-120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.

Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку в 9 класс      


  1. Listening

Вы услышите диалог. В заданиях А1–А6 обведите цифру 1,2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

А 1. Sally said that

1) three people were injured in the accident.

2) three vehicles were damaged in the accident.

3) the bus was damaged in the accident.

А 2. At the time of the accident Sally was

1) in one of the cars.

2) in a city bus.

3) crossing the road.

А 3. The accident happened when Sally was going

1) to her morning class.

2) home after school.

3) to the city centre.

А 4. When Sally told about the accident at school, her classmates felt

1) scared.

2) indifferent.

3) curious.

А 5. Sally says that the accident happened because

1) the weather conditions were bad.

2) one of the drivers was talking on the phone.

3) one of the drivers was driving too fast.

А 6. Sally thinks that drivers should be punished if while driving they

1) smoke.                                                                    

2) listen to music.

3) talk to passengers.

II. Reading

Прочитайте информацию. Установите соответствие между заголовками A-F и пронумерованными абзацами текста 1-5. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.


A. Special family days

B. The right to choose

C. National spirit traced in different celebrations

D. They invent local holidays

E. Love for celebrations

F. One common event for a national holiday

1. People in every culture celebrate holidays. Although the word «holiday» literally means «holy day,» most American holidays are not religious, but commemorative in nature and origin. As. the nation is blessed with rich ethnic heritage, it is possible to trace some of the American holidays to diverse cultural sources and traditions, but all holidays have taken on a distinctively American flavor.

2. Each of the 50 states has the right to observe Federal holidays according to their legislation. However, the majority of the states usually choose the date or day celebrated by the rest of the nation. Still the closing of local government offices and businesses on these holidays vary. For instance, in Washington State there are five official holidays when people have five days off; however, a company may give their employees three extra days per year to enhance their holiday term.

3. One of the most widely celebrated and popular holidays in the USA is Independence Day. What is rather remarkable about it is the splendid colorful parade. Take, for instance, a parade in Seattle, Washington. Different organizations take part in it. First, usually comes the fire brigades in full dress, with polished fire-engines. Girls throw flowers to them. The firemen and women are regarded as heroes, especially in small towns. Then come the police and other state organizations, fund raisers, voluntary bodies, factories, and small businesses proudly showing off their produce.

4. It is worth mentioning that in the United States, Americans like holidays very much. The word «holiday» for them is synonymous with «celebration». They tend to make some Sundays unique by organizing various festivals and carnivals. On these Sundays you can go to different towns and take part in entertaining events. The main attractions are festivals that welcome in the autumn as the leaves on the trees begin to turn red, orange, and yellow. For example, a festival of wooden boats or classical automobiles, or a wood-chopping contest and an auction are popular activities.

5. As for family celebrations in the USA, it is worth saying that these holidays are mostly calm and quiet. The most popular family holidays are Thanksgiving Day and Christmas. The extended families gather for these two events. Americans prepare only traditional meals for these holidays. For instance, for Thanksgiving Day there will be a roast turkey with cranberry sauce, white mashed potatoes (which ARE indispensable with turkey). Other sweet potatoes or yams, vegetables and a pumpkin pie.                          









III.Use of English

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова,напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами B4–B12 так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовалисодержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами.Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию B4–B12.

IV. Writing

You have received a letter from your English–speaking pen friend, Susan.

... My mother complains that I am lazy and don’t help her much. Do you or your friends often help your parents? How? What duties does every member of you family have in the house? ...

Write her a letter and answer her 3 questions.

 Write 100-120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.

Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку в 9 класс      


  1. Listening

Вы услышите диалог. В заданиях А1–А6 обведите цифру 1,2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

А 1. Sally said that

1) three people were injured in the accident.

2) three vehicles were damaged in the accident.

3) the bus was damaged in the accident.

А 2. At the time of the accident Sally was

1) in one of the cars.

2) in a city bus.

3) crossing the road.

А 3. The accident happened when Sally was going

1) to her morning class.

2) home after school.

3) to the city centre.

А 4. When Sally told about the accident at school, her classmates felt

1) scared.

2) indifferent.

3) curious.

А 5. Sally says that the accident happened because

1) the weather conditions were bad.

2) one of the drivers was talking on the phone.

3) one of the drivers was driving too fast.

А 6. Sally thinks that drivers should be punished if while driving they

1) smoke.                                                                    

2) listen to music.

3) talk to passengers.

II. Reading

Прочитайте информацию. Установите соответствие между заголовками A-F и пронумерованными абзацами текста 1-5. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.


A. Geographical position                           D. State holiday

B. Education                                               E. Pages of history

C. The famous town                                   F. Sights

1. More than 80 percent of New Zealand’s population are Britons or Europeans. That's why the New Zealand school system is similar to the British one. Education is free and compulsory for children between the ages of 6 and 16.The school year starts in January (after the summer holidays) and ends in December. In most schools wearing a school uniform is obligatory. For New Zealand teenagers daily life takes place in school where they stay up to the late afternoon.

2. Canada occupies most of the northern North America continent as well as some islands. It stretches from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west. It's also washed by the Arctic Ocean in the north. The country was discovered in 1497 by John Cabot, an Italian sea captain. About 2% of the Canadian territory is covered with ice. The eastern part of the country is mainly valleys and plains. The western territories are made up of the Cordilleras.

3. Most Americans simply call the Independence Day the “Fourth of July”. It always falls on this day, and it celebrates the signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. At that time, the people of the 13 British colonies were involved in a war which had begun in 1775. The colonists were fighting for freedom from the English. The Declaration of Independence stated it clearly. For the first time in history the colonies were defined as the United States of America.

4. With great weather, great events and terrific crowds Australia Day in Melbournein 2010 was one of the best ever! It is a day for all Australians to get together and, in whatever way they choose, celebrate being Australian. 1788 is when the British Fleet first arrived at Sydney Cove and lifted the British flag. Now, major cities throughout the country celebrate the national day with parades, free food, and different events.

5. Cambridge lies in East Anglia, about 50 miles north of London. The river Cam flows through it. It gets the name Cambridge from the river. It's a compact green city. There is always something to do and to see in the city: walk in the parks and gardens, visit museums and galleries, enjoy the festivals or relax in small cafés. The city is best known as the home of Cambridge University, one of the world's best universities. It was founded in 1209 and it consists of 30 colleges.








III.Use of English

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами B4–B12 так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию B4–B12.

IV. Writing

You have received a letter from your English–speaking pen friend, Susan.

… My Dad bought me a laptop yesterday. It’s cool! Now I can play computer games everywhere! But it drives my Mum crazy. She says that all computer shooting games are stupid. What do teenagers in your country do in their free time? Do you like or dislike computer games and why? What do you use computers for?...

Write her a letter and answer her 3 questions.

 Write 100-120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.


Тексты для аудирования  Variants 1,2,3

Sally: Hi, Adam! Have you heard the news? There was an accident near ourschool this morning.

Adam: Oh, Sally! Anybody injured?

Sally: Fortunately not. But three cars were seriously damaged.

Adam: Gosh!

Sally: Yes, a lorry and two small cars.

Adam: Oh!

Sally: The lorry started to slow down before the crossroads, but the driver of the Peugeot 307 didn’t notice and crashed into it. And a second later, a Mini Cooper smashed into the back of it.

Adam: Awful! And you saw it all, did you?

Sally: Yes, I did. I saw it from the bus window. I was just on my way to school when it happened. The road was completely blocked because of the accident. I had to get off the city bus and run to school so as not to be late for my first class.

Adam: You must have been very scared by the accident, mustn't you?

Sally: No, not really. It's funny, but I became more popular with my schoolmates. Everyone wanted to talk to me to find out more details.

Adam: Hm. And why did it all happen? Slippery road, fog or rain?

Sally: No. It was nice and clear. There wasn’t much traffic on the roads. And nobody exceeded the speed limit.

Adam: What was it then?

Sally: I think it was totally the Peugeot driver’s fault. He was talking on his mobile phone at the time. He definitely couldn’t concentrate on driving.

Adam: Using a phone is very risky while driving. Everyone knows that.

Sally: Yeah. There are lots of things that may distract a driver. Smoking, for example, or talking with the passengers. Even the stereo system may do harm. When you listen to loud music, it affects how you drive. But I believe smoking while driving is the worst. The police should stop smoking drivers and fine them.

Adam: Yeah, I agree with that. But smokers will object to your idea, I’m afraid.

Sally: Never mind. All sensible people will support it. It would reduce the number of accidents I’m sure.



Variant 1,2,3                                                  Variant                

 А1 2                                                                  B2     13246

А2 2

А3 1

А4 3

А5 2

А6 1


Variant 1               Variant 2           Variant 3                    

В2                              В2                   B2                              

FADEC                      CBFEA             BAEDC  

Use of English

Variant 1

ВЗ         is known

В4         specializing

В5         was asked

В6         would read

В7         first

В8         further

В9         have had    

Variant 2

ВЗ         had recently returned

В4         was carrying

В5         men

В6         could

В7         simplest

В8         would come

В9         were given

Variant 3

ВЗ         fifth

В4         had already passed on

В5         women

В6         himself

В7         would be

В8         watching

В9         comes

Предварительный просмотр:


на заседании МО, протокол от    ___     _______ 20___ г.   № __

Руководитель МО    ___________       Якупова Г.З.



Зам.директора  ____________    ШагимардановаР.А.




Директор МБОУ «Бетькинская средняя школа»

____________   Даутова З.И.

подпись                  Ф.И.О

Контрольные работы по английскому языку

в 7в классе

Входная контрольная работа

  1. Подберите слово, которое подходит по смыслу в предложение.

  1. I am ____ of travelling.

a) proud       b) famous       c) fond

2.  We enjoyed_____ at the disco.

a) yourself     b) ourselves    c) themselves

3. This film is ______ seeing,

a) worth      b) famous      c) interesting

4) Let’s have breakfast. I have already _____ the table.

a) put      b) set       c) cleared

  1. Выбери нужную форму глагола.
  1. Yesterday we __  to the cinema.

a) go        b) have gone           c) went

2. He ____ just _____ out  the  rubbish.

a) has taken     b) took     c) will take

3. His sister usually _____  with  the children.

a) stays     b) stayed      c) stay

4. Look! They _______ to the stadium.

a) run    b) ran      c) are running

3.К каждому вопросу подбери ответ. Запиши цифру и букву.

1 What’s your hobby?                                       A) Not far from the center of the city.

2. Would you like to go to the club?                 B) I am fond of gardening

3. What part of London do you live?                 C) Yes, sure.

4. Have you ever been to the UK?                     D) No? I haven’t.

  1. Прочитай текст, вставь пропущенные слова, подходящие по смыслу , из списка.

 famous, scientist, nickname, collected, studied, world , was born

Charles Darwin is a well-known1 ___________.

He2 _____ at the beginning of the 19th century. As a boy he3 ____ all kinds plants and animals.

He did chemical  experiments in the school garden. His4 ______ was  «Gas».

After school he 5_____ at Cambridge University.  Darwin made a voyage round the_6____. After this travel he built his _7_____ theory of evolution. 

  1. Раскройте скобки в Past simple или Present Perfect.

1.  I ________ (never/ be) to the USA. I ______ (want) to go there last summer but I couldn’t.

2.  He _______ (live) in this street all his life.

3.  His father ________ (come back) to London last Sunday.

4.  Yan __________ (write) a letter to Nick two days ago.

5.  He ________ (send) his letter yesterday.

6.  They  ________  (just/ buy) some postcards.



1. c)

2.  b

3. a)

4.  b)      


1. c) went

2. a) has taken    

3. a) stays    

4. c) are running


1. B

2. C

3. A

4. D

5. 1. scientist

    2. was born

3. collected

4. nickname

5. studied

6. world

7. famous


1.  have never  been, wanted

2.  lived

3.  came back

4.  wrote

5.  sent

6.  have just bough

Контрольная работа за 1 четверть

 Вариант 1

1.  Соотнесите слова с их переводом. 
1. Humorous           a. Возможный 
2. Scientific             b. Успешный 
3. Chemical             c. Нервный 
4. Cunning              d. Ответственный 
5. Naughty              e. Опасный 
6. Successful            f. Хитрый 
7. Nervous                g. Вредный 
8. Possible                h. Забавный 
9. Responsible           i. Научный 
10. Dangerous           j. Химический 

2.Вставь нужные слова в предложения.

Try my chance, out of luck, lose, miss a very good chance, a waste of time

a). I never take part in any competition. I am always….that is why it’s not worth trying. Any competition for me is…for me. Last year I tried to take part in sport competition in our school. I lost it.

b). I always take part in different part competitions. Sometimes I win the competition and sometime I ….it. It’s not very important for me if I win or lose. The main thing is to …. , because if you don’t believe in your luck, you can…. .

3. Образуй новые слова с помощью суффиксов – ive, -ly, -ous, -y, -ful –al,-ible,-

Danger, friend, music, beauty, talk, create, luck, response, care, noise.

4. Поставь глаголы в нужном времени.

1).The competition…. (start) tomorrow. There… (be) lots of participants, so it…(be) difficult to win.

2). Danny is a very good runner. I am sure he… (get) through to the final.

3). Lisa is nervous and upset. She … (lose) her camera and she… (look for) it everywhere now.

4). She… (take part) in ten competition last year. She… (not/win) any of them but… (make) a lot of new friends and… (enjoy) participating very much.

5. Complete the sentences

Sociable, angry, clever, talkative, nervous, lazy, loving, creative.

  1. A person who likes to talk a lot is…
  2. A person who is nervous in the company of others is…
  3. A person who produces new ideas is…
  4. A person who likes to be with others is …
  5. A person who is very unkind is…


  1. 1-h, 2-I, 3-j, 4-f, 5-g, 6-b, 7-c, 8-a, 9-d, 10-e.
  2. A- out of luck, waste of time; b- lose, try my chance, miss a very good chance
  3. Dangerous, friendly, musical, beautiful, talkative, creative, lucky, responsible, careful, noisy.
  4. 1. Will start, will be, will be 2. Gets 3. Lost, is looking for 4. Took part, didn’t win, made, enjoyed.
  5.  1. Talkative 2. Shy 3. Creative 4. Sociable 5. Rude

Вариант 2

1.  Соотнесите слова с их переводом. 
1. Humorous           a. Возможный 
2. Scientific             b. Успешный 
3. Chemical             c. Научный
4. Cunning              d. Ответственный 
5. Naughty              e. Химический 
6. Successful            f. Вредный
7. Nervous                g. Хитрый
8. Possible                h. Забавный 
9. Responsible           i. Нервный 
10. Dangerous           j. Опасный

2.Вставь нужные слова в предложения.

Try my chance, out of luck, lose,  miss a very good chance, a waste of time

a). I never take part in any competition. I am always….that is why it’s not worth trying. Any competition for me is…for me. Last year I tried to take part in sport competition in our school. I lost it.

b). I always take part in different part competitions. Sometimes I win the competition and sometime I ….it. It’s not very important for me if I win or lose. The main thing is to …. , because if you don’t believe in your luck, you can…. .

3. Образуй новые слова с помощью суффиксов – ive, -ly, -ous, -y, -ful –al,-ible,-

Danger, friend, music, beauty, talk, create, luck, response, care, noise.

4. Поставь глаголы в нужном времени.

1).The competition…. (start) tomorrow. There… (be) lots of participants, so it…(be) difficult to win.

2). Danny is a very good runner. I am sure he… (get) through to the final.

3). Lisa is nervous and upset. She … (lose) her camera and she… (look for) it everywhere now.

4). She… (take part) in ten competition last year. She… (not/win) any of them but… (make) a lot of new friends and… (enjoy) participating very much.

5. Complete the sentences

Sociable, angry, clever, talkative, nervous, lazy, loving, creative.

  1. A person who likes to talk a lot is…
  2. A person who is nervous in the company of others is…
  3. A person who produces new ideas is…
  4. A person who likes to be with others is …
  5. A person who is very unkind is…


  1. 1-h, 2-c, 3-e, 4-g, 5-f, 6-b, 7-i, 8-a, 9-d, 10-j.
  2. A- out of luck, waste of time; b- lose, try my chance, miss a very good chance
  3. Dangerous, friendly, musical, beautiful, talkative, creative, lucky, responsible, careful, noisy.
  4. 1. Will start, will be, will be 2. Gets 3. Lost, is looking for 4. Took part, didn’t win, made, enjoyed.
  5.  1. Talkative 2. Shy 3. Creative 4. Sociable 5. Rude

Контрольная работа по английскому языку за 1-ое полугодие  (7 класс)

Variant 1

  1. Put in the if needed.
  1. Japan                                                  6.  London
  2. South America                                  7.  Atlantic Ocean
  3. Asia                                                     8.  Black Sea
  4. Russian Federation                          9.  Thames
  5. Chelyabinsk                                      10.  Finland
  1. Put in who or which.
  1. Barbara works for a company makes washing machines.
  2. What was the name of the horse … won the race.
  3. The police have caught the men … stole my car.
  4. A dictionary is a book … gives you the meaning of words.
  5. I don’t like people … are never on time.

  1. Form a noun from the word in capitals that fits the sentence.
  1. Her dance made a great IMPRESS on my friends.
  2. The DISCUSS has already begun.
  3. The National Park is visited by thousands of TOUR every summer.
  4. Hong Kong is famous for its quick economic DEVELOP.

  1. Complete the questions using the right word combination.
  1. …. are you?                                                                      
  2. … lessons do they have on Monday?
  3. … do your grandparents live from you?
  4. … was the river?
  5. … does your dog eat?
  6. …. does it take you to get to school?

  1. Open the brackets using the verbs in the Present, Past or Future Passive.
  1. Hockey (play) in winter.
  2. His new book (finish) next year.
  3. Many American programmes (show) on British television.
  4. My car (break) last week.
  5. What language (speak) at the conference next month?
  6. The transistor (invent) in 1948.

  1. Choose the correct verb form. Active or Passive?
  1. Shakespeare (wrote/was written) “Hamlet” in 1601.
  2. “Hamlet” (wrote/was written) by Shakespeare in 1601.
  3. You can (find/be found) some interesting information in this book.
  4. The answer can (find/be found) in the encyclopedia.


  1. 4,7,8,9 – the
  2. 1. which 2. which 3. who 4. which 5. who
  3. Impression, discussion, tourists, development
  4. 1-c, 2-f, 3-b, 4-e, 5-d, 6-a
  5. 1- is played, 2- will be finished, 3-are shown, 4- was broken, 5-will be spoken, 6- was invented
  6. 1-wrote, 2-was written, 3-find, 4-be found

Variant II

  1. Put in the if needed.
  1. Japan                                                  6.  London
  2. South America                                  7.  Atlantic Ocean
  3. Asia                                                     8.  Black Sea
  4. Russian Federation                          9.  Thames
  5. Chelyabinsk                                      10.  Finland

  1. Put in who or which.
  1. What was the name of the horse … won the race.
  2. Alexander Bell was the man … invented the telephone.
  3. What’s happened to the pictures … were on the wall.
  4. It seems that Earth is the only planet … can support life.
  5. The book is about a girl … runs away from home.

  1. Form a noun from the word in capitals that fits the sentence.
  1. The girl got a prize for her English (TRANSLATE)………………………… of the poem.
  2. At the award ceremony the (WIN)………….. collected a gold medal for his excellent Russian.
  3. Her last (PERFORM)……………………… in the theatre was successful.
  4. We’ll discuss this important question at the (MEET)……………………… tomorrow.
  1. Complete the questions using the right word combination.
  1. ….is your brother?                                                                      
  2. … does it take you to do your homework?
  3. … languages can you speak?
  4. … is your new flat?
  5. …. is Everest?
  1. Open the brackets using the verbs in the Present, Past or Future Passive.
  1. The room (clean) every day.
  2. These houses are very old. They (build) 500 years ago.
  3. Your tickets (send) to you next week.
  4. Is this a very old film? Yes, it (make) in 1949.
  5. This work (do) tomorrow.
  6. Many different languages (speak) in India.
  1. Choose the correct verb form. Active or Passive?
  1. At the station they (will meet/will be met) by a man from the travel agency.
  2. Yuri Dolgoruki (founded/was founded) Moscow in 1147.
  3. Moscow University (founded/was founded) by Lomonosov.
  4. Yesterday letters (sent/were sent) to all the members of the club.


  1. 4,7,8,9 – the
  2. 1. which 2. who 3. which 4. which 5. who
  3. translation, winner, performance, meeting
  4. 1-b, 2-c, 3-e, 4-d, 5-a
  5. 1- is cleaned, 2- were built, 3-will be sent, 4- was made, 5-will be done, 6- are spoken
  6. 1-wil be met, 2-founded, 3-was founded, 4-were sent

Контрольная работа за 3 четверть


  1. Словообразование, подставить приставку –dis; и
    суффикс –ment.

    1. to punish-                                               5. to appear-
    2. to agree-                                                 6. to appoint-  
    3. to state-                                                  
    4. to argue-    

  1. Раскройте скобки, поставьте глагол в Passive Voice (Present):
  1. 1. Eight dogs (kill) to make one fur coat.
    2. A lot of dolphin (hurt) by boats.
    3. Animals (disturb) often by tourists.
    4.Millions of trees (cut) for making paper.
    5.Water (pollute) often by farms.
  2. 1. Over 40 thousand monkeys (catch) every year.
    2. Air (spoil) by cars and works.
    3. Wildlife (study) by naturalists.
    4. Old paper and glass (recycle) at the large works.
    5. Russia (wash) by three oceans and 12 seas.

  1. Перевести выражения на русский язык.
    be strong-                                     feel happy-
    be honest-                                     feel angry-
    be glad-                                        feel free-
    look ill-
    look angry-
    look lonely-                                                                                                    

             Ответы I вариант:
1. Задание: 1. Punishment 2. Agreement 3. Statement 4. Argument 5. Disappear 6. Disappoint
2.Задание: I часть: 1. are killed; 2. are hurt 3. are disturbed 4. are cut 5. is polluted
IIчасть: 1. are caught 2. is spoiled 3. are studied 4. are recycled 5. is washed  
3. Задание:   быть сильным, быть добрее, выглядеть больным, выглядеть злым, выглядеть одиноким, чувствовать счастье, чувствовать злость, чувствовать свободу.


1. Словообразование, подставить приставку- dis; и суффикс- tion.
1. to develop-                                   5. to describe-
2. to honest-                                     6. to collect-
3. to cover-
4. to educate-

4. Раскройте скобки, поставьте глагол в Passive Voice (Present):

I.  1. Every year many trees (plant) in this park.
    2. Three million kangaroos (kill) by hunters every year.
    3. A large number of fish (catch) in the Atlantic Ocean.
    4. Twenty three national parks (open) in Russia.
    5. Lake Baikal (call) the cleanest lake on the planet.

II. 1. A lot of trees (damage) by tourists.
    2. Many forests (put) on fire in summer.
    3. Large forests (cut) down for building houses.
    4. Wild beasts (feed) by forest watchers in winter.
    5. Rivers and lakes (pollute) by plants and works.

  1. Перевести выражения на русский язык.     
    be lucky-                           feel sad-
    be good at-                        feel hungry-
    be smart-                           feel sure-
    look well-
    look tired
    look young-      

Ответы I вариант:
1. Задание: 1. development 2. dishonest 3. discover 4. education 5.  6. collection
2. Задание: I часть: 1. are planted 2. are killed 3. are caught 4. are opened 5. is called
II часть: 1. are damaged 2. are put  3. are cut 4. are fed 5. are polluted
3. Задание: быть счастливым, быть в чем-то хорошим, быть умным, выглядеть хорошо, выглядеть усталым, выглядеть молоды, чувствовать грусть, чувствовать злость, чувствовать уверенность.


Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку для 7 класса

Структура работы.

Работа включает в себя следующие задания:

  1. Аудирование: задание на понимание услышанной информации. (8 б.)
  2. Чтение: задание на поиск заданной информации в тексте, а также проверка умений составлять отрицательные предложения.   (12 б.)
  3. Грамматика и лексика: задания на множественный выбор.   (15 б.)
  4. Практика языка: подстановка подходящих по смыслу слов в текст.   (10 б.)

Работа может быть проведена в конце учебного года для проверки знаний учащихся.

  1. Listening.

Listen to an interview between a restaurant manager and a student and complete the form as you are the interviewer who asks the questions.

New words:

to apply – обращаться с просьбой, с заявлением

a waiter –  официант

a shift –  смена

I don’t mind – мне все равно

Happy Chicken

Restaurant Group

Employee Interview Form

Name: a……………………………….

Age: b……………………………….

Job wanted: c………………………………….

Shift preferred: d     7am-3pm/3pm-11pm/any

No. of days per week wanted: e………………………………

Start date: f………………………………………

Contact phone number: h……………………………………..

Best time to contact: i……………………………………………

  1. Reading.

 Read the following text.

Hard work and no money

Every year thousands of young people in Britain finish school and then take a year off before they start work or go to University. Some young people go to another countries and work as volunteers. Volunteers give their time to help people – for example, they work in schools or hospitals, or they help with conservation.

Pauline Jones, 18, lives in Cardiff, Wales. Next year she wants to go to University to study Spanish, but now she is living in Belize. Pauline says, “I’m working with other people here to protect the coral reefs in the sea near Belize. The reefs here are beautiful, but if the sea water is very polluted, the coral dies. I’m helping to do research on the coral and the fish that live around the reefs. All over the world, coral reefs are dying. We need to do something about the problem before it’s too late.

I’m staying with a family here and I help with the cooking and the cleaning. I don’t get any money, but that’s OK. I love my work here, and I’m learning a lot about the people of Belize – and myself!. When I finish my work, I want to stay here for another three months. I want to travel around Belize and Central America”.

a). Mark the statements T (true) or F (false).

1) Pauline comes from Belize.

2) Pauline wants to save the coral reefs. ⬜

  1. Young people in Britain go to University just after they finish school. ⬜
  2. Pauline is studying the fish in the sea near Belize. ⬜
  3.  Pauline is unhappy because she doesn’t get any money. ⬜
  4. Pauline wants to go home when she finishes her work. ⬜
  5. Pauline thinks people need to help the coral reefs. ⬜

b). Turn the following sentences into negative.        

  1. Young people take a year off after school.
  2. Pauline is living in Belize.
  3. I’m helping to do research on the fish around the reefs.
  4. I want to travel around Belize.
  5. She wants to go to University to study Spanish.

  1. Vocabulary and grammar.

Complete the sentences.

  1. ..... you at school last week?
  1. Was        b) Were           c) Are
  1. When we .... the office, it ...... .
  1. left, was raining               b) were leaving, was raining       c) left, rained
  1. It .... a small car, but it .... four doors.
  1. is, is           b) has, is              c) is, has
  1. Give the book to .... .
  1. her            b) she                c) hers
  1. Flying is ..... than driving.
  1. the quicker            b) quicker              c) the quickest
  1. They work ... night.
  1. on                     b) at                  c) in
  1. When we were children, our parents .... family problems with us.
  1. discussed             b) found                  c) thought
  1. She was born twenty-five years ... in a small village.
  1. since              b) before                c) ago
  1. You have to be a very good .... to get a job as a chef..
  1. cooker             b) cookery              c) cook
  1.  If you are hot, you  can take .... your jacket.
  1. off                b) on                      c) away
  1.  You’re having a test next week, .....?  
  1. don’t you?               b) are you?            c) aren’t you?
  1. We haven’t got .... money.
  1. much                    b) many           c) more
  1. The ..... of the environment is everyone’s responsibility.
  1. protect                b) protection                   c) protective
  1. She lives in …. Rome with her family.
  1. -                 b) the               c) a
  1. Her hair …. lovely!
  1. are               b) is             c) it’s

  1. Use of English.

Complete these sentences by using the correct word from the box. There is an extra word     which you do not need to use.

In a Language School.

water                 subjects                 exciting            four                problems                        love

          making              teacher                 boring              summer                       learning                                  

Fourteen-year-old Andy, who is from Korea, lives in France. He is (1) _________ French and is also studying English. What’s it like for him? “I (2)__________ living here,” says Andy, “and I’m beginning to feel like I’ve lived here my whole life and not for only (3)___________ years. I’m not usually very good at (4)___________ friends, but everyone here is so nice that I’m not having any (5)___________. If I don’t understand an exercise at school, I ask the (6)____________ or one of my friends to help me with it, and they always do. I enjoy most of the (7)_____________  we do at school, but I’m not very fond of history. It’s a bit (8)___________! Another thing I like about living here is that I’m able to do lots of (9)_____________ sports, like swimming and water-skiing. I’m really looking forward to my (10)____________ holidays this year because I want to learn windsurfing!”


  1. a) Tom Baker

      b) 19

      c) waiter

      d) any

      e) two(Saturday and Sunday)

      f) Saturday 18th

      h) 559304

      i) 5-8 pm                                     (8 б.)

II. a)   1-F






7-T                                                 (7 б.)

   b)  1. Young people don’t take a year off after school.

  1. Pauline isn’t living in Belize.
  2. I’m not helping to do research on the fish around the reefs.
  3. I don’t want to travel around Belize.
  4. She doesn’t want to go to University to study Spanish.                          (5 б.)

  1. 1-b

          2- a













          15-b                                                     (15 б.)

  1.    1- learning    

             2- love

             3-  four

       4- making

       5- problems

       6- teacher

       7- subjects

       8- boring  

       9- water

       10- summer                                        (10 б.)

Итого: 45 балла

41-45 б. – «5»

31-40 б. – «4»

23-30 б. – «3»

22 б. и меньше – «2»


Welcome to the Happy Chicken!

Kevin: Come in!... Hello, yes… take a seat. Now, you are…?

Tom: Tom… Tom Baker.

Kevin: Tom Baker. OK. My name is Kevin Bird, Tom, and I’m going to interview you today.

Tom: Hi!

Kevin: Now then, how old are you, Tom?

Tom: Nineteen.

Kevin: OK. And what job are you applying for?

Tom: Waiter. Just a normal waiter.

Kevin: OK. Now we have two shifts, that’s seven to three or three to eleven in the evening. Do you have any preference?

Tom: No, I don’t mind. But I can only work Saturday and Sunday.

Kevin: That’s OK, Tom. Saturday and Sunday are our busiest days! Are you available from next Saturday?

Tom: Sure! That’s the eighteenth, right?

Kevin: Yes, Saturday the eighteenth. Great. But first can you tell me if you have any experience? Our standards are pretty high here at the Happy Chicken.

Tom: Well, last summer I worked for MacDonald’s… for three months.

Kevin: Right. How about as a waiter, though?

Tom: Oh, I worked over New Year in a local restaurant near my parents’ home.

Kevin: Oh yes? And did you enjoy it?

Tom: Sure, it was OK. I speak Spanish and there were lots of Spanish tourists, so I got good tips!

Kevin: Great! So you speak Spanish. Excellent. Well, there are still some other candidates so can you just give me your phone number and I’ll be in touch?

Tom: Yes. It’s 559304.

Kevin: 559304. OK. Oh! When is the best time to contact you?

Tom: Evenings, between 5 and 8, I think.

Kevin: Fine. Well, thanks very much for coming, Tom. See you again!

Tom: Thank you, Mr Bird.

Kevin: Call me Kevin!

Tom: Oh, thanks. Bye then.

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