Технологическая карта учебного занятия по английскому языку "Аctivation and consolidation vocabulary on the theme"Eating Healthy Food"
план-конспект занятия по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему

Воеводина Лесанна Владимировна

В технологической карте описано учебное занятие по теме "Активизация и закрепление лексического материала по теме "Здоровая еда", дифференциация синонимичного ряда food-meals-snack-dish, грамматическая тема Present Simple instead of Future в придаточных предложениях.


Предварительный просмотр:

Lesson Plan of Voevodina Lesanna

Topic: activation and consolidation vocabulary on the theme"FOOD"

Lesson Focus:

Target Language: synthesis of knowledge and skills to be established, repetition and intensification of linguistic material.


• formation of informative motivation of students;

• development of mental reproduction situation;

• build on the lessons learned;

• Search and selection of necessary information;

• conscious construction of verbal expression in oral form;

• volitional self-regulation as the ability to mobilize the strength and energy;

• possession of skills of self-analysis and self-assessment of their activities.


Age, Grade:  5th form, 12 years old.

Assumed knowledge: the synonyms Dish, meal, food, snack (on the base of the material of the previous lesson - presentation Appendix4). The test is given with the purpose of repetition and consolidation of the material.

Materials: presentations

  • Appendix1;
  • Appendix2;
  • Appendix3;
  • Appendix4.

Anticipated Problems : poor memorizing words, making sentences (Present Simple instead of Future Simple).

Solutions: revising the grammar material before doing the task, Students help each other working in pairs.


Stage, Aims



1.Organizational stage

1. Good afternoon, boys and girls! Glad to see you again. Take your seats. Today we’re going to have a competition lesson. We’ll see which of you will be the best.



2. Warming-up and Updating of knowledge when viewing the slide show, answering the questions of the presentation.

Look at the board, please.1) Appendix1 .

2) So, children, today we speak about healthy food. Tell me, please, if I eat apples, will I be healthy? – P: Yes, you will be healthy. Now, work in pairs, please.

P1: If I eat pizza every day, P2: …you won’t be healthy. Ets.

3) In pairs discuss, please, what kind of food do you like. Then each of you will present your partner: this is Olga, she likes…..her favorite dish is…


Frontal/pair work


3. Setting goals and objectives. Motivation of educational activity of students.

Teacher: Guys, as you may have guessed, today we continue to study the topic "Food". We are having for a fascinating lesson with Mary Poppins, which is going to bake a cake for their students and we can help her in this process.



4. Enhancing and strengthening the familiar vocabulary.

Appendix2. Reading the poem slide.

Teacher: The cake is so hot that some words have disappeared (then disappear lines).

So, the students read a lot of times, each time inserting the missing words, and then stitches, so memorize a poem.



5. Dividing in groups. Repetition and doing the test on the differentiation synonymous row.

 Now, children, I want you to open the test on your screens and translate the top line. Appendix3. Do you remember the difference between the words?

Group work


6. Developing speaking skills.

You’re going to have a party. In pairs discuss, what you’re going to cook and treat your guests with.

pair work


7. Reflection (debriefing sessions, self-assessment, encouraging the most active students)

So, children, I’m very pleased with your work today. Now tell me, what was very difficult for you? Let’s discuss it. (Teacher suggests using daisies of different colors ("green" - I have everything worked out, I coped with the task correctly, "yellow" - I was able to do the job, but there were some difficulties, I made 1 to 3 errors "red" - the SOS I could not do the job, made too many mistakes).

Thank you very much for your hard work, Have a nice day!

Individual/pair work


  1. https://videouroki.net/user/login;
  2. https://festival.1september.ru/history

Предварительный просмотр:

Lesson Plan of Voevodina Lesanna

Topic: activation and consolidation vocabulary on the theme"FOOD"

Lesson Focus:

Target Language: synthesis of knowledge and skills to be established, repetition and intensification of linguistic material.


• formation of informative motivation of students;

• development of mental reproduction situation;

• build on the lessons learned;

• Search and selection of necessary information;

• conscious construction of verbal expression in oral form;

• volitional self-regulation as the ability to mobilize the strength and energy;

• possession of skills of self-analysis and self-assessment of their activities.


Age, Grade:  5th form, 12 years old.

Assumed knowledge: the synonyms Dish, meal, food, snack (on the base of the material of the previous lesson - presentation Appendix4). The test is given with the purpose of repetition and consolidation of the material.

Materials: presentations

  • Appendix1;
  • Appendix2;
  • Appendix3;
  • Appendix4.

Anticipated Problems : poor memorizing words, making sentences (Present Simple instead of Future Simple).

Solutions: revising the grammar material before doing the task, Students help each other working in pairs.


Stage, Aims



1.Organizational stage

1. Good afternoon, boys and girls! Glad to see you again. Take your seats. Today we’re going to have a competition lesson. We’ll see which of you will be the best.



2. Warming-up and Updating of knowledge when viewing the slide show, answering the questions of the presentation.

Look at the board, please.1) Appendix1 .

2) So, children, today we speak about healthy food. Tell me, please, if I eat apples, will I be healthy? – P: Yes, you will be healthy. Now, work in pairs, please.

P1: If I eat pizza every day, P2: …you won’t be healthy. Ets.

3) In pairs discuss, please, what kind of food do you like. Then each of you will present your partner: this is Olga, she likes…..her favorite dish is…


Frontal/pair work


3. Setting goals and objectives. Motivation of educational activity of students.

Teacher: Guys, as you may have guessed, today we continue to study the topic "Food". We are having for a fascinating lesson with Mary Poppins, which is going to bake a cake for their students and we can help her in this process.



4. Enhancing and strengthening the familiar vocabulary.

Appendix2. Reading the poem slide.

Teacher: The cake is so hot that some words have disappeared (then disappear lines).

So, the students read a lot of times, each time inserting the missing words, and then stitches, so memorize a poem.



5. Dividing in groups. Repetition and doing the test on the differentiation synonymous row.

 Now, children, I want you to open the test on your screens and translate the top line. Appendix3. Do you remember the difference between the words?

Group work


6. Developing speaking skills.

You’re going to have a party. In pairs discuss, what you’re going to cook and treat your guests with.

pair work


7. Reflection (debriefing sessions, self-assessment, encouraging the most active students)

So, children, I’m very pleased with your work today. Now tell me, what was very difficult for you? Let’s discuss it. (Teacher suggests using daisies of different colors ("green" - I have everything worked out, I coped with the task correctly, "yellow" - I was able to do the job, but there were some difficulties, I made 1 to 3 errors "red" - the SOS I could not do the job, made too many mistakes).

Thank you very much for your hard work, Have a nice day!

Individual/pair work


  1. https://videouroki.net/user/login;
  2. https://festival.1september.ru/history

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