"Better by Letter" урок в 8 классе
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему

Кириллова Надежда Ивановна

Ознакомление учащихся с видами писем, нормами оформления писем личного характера


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Предварительный просмотр:

«Better by Letter»

Цель урока: познакомить учащихся с видами писем, с нормами оформления писем личного характера.

Компоненты цели:

  1. социокультурный аспект: расширение кругозора учащихся, знакомство с мнением популярного американского журналиста Эндрю А. Руни о роли писем в жизни людей.
  2. учебный аспект: обучать учащихся чтению с различной стратегией, тренировать учащихся в аудировании с целью извлечения детальной информации, осваивать правильное оформление письма в соответствии с принятыми нормами.

Сопутствующая задача: развивать умение говорить в монологической форме на основе печатной продукции и лексической схемы.

  1. развивающий аспект: развивать умение антиципации, развивать личностную активность учащихся, навыки аналитического мышления и произношения.
  2. воспитательный аспект: стимулировать учащихся к самостоятельной работе, развивать положительные личностные качества (ответственность,   доброжелательность, чувство взаимопомощи), формировать положительное отношение к стране изучаемого языка, её культуре.

Учебный материал: книга для чтения к учебнику английского языка для 8 класса под редакцией В.П. Кузовлева.

Оснащение урока: компьютерная версия урока в программе Power Point, карточки с заданиями.

I. T: Good morning, dear friends. I’m glad to see you. The reading lesson is devoted today to different types of letters.

There are some ways of communicating with other people. Do you know all of them? How do you share your views with your relatives and friends?

(На экране появляется слайд №3, на котором есть только тема. Учащиеся называют известные им виды общения, они появляются друг за другом на схеме).

P1: I can talk with my friends.

P2: We can write a letter.

P3: Many young people use the telephones.

P4: It may be the Internet and E-mail.

T: That’s right. Beside there are E-mail, gestures, facial gesture.

(на экране появляются все названные виды общения).

T: What do they mean: E-mail, gestures and facial gesture?

(дети переводят. В случае затруднения учитель помогает перевести их).

T: Repeat all these words and phrases after me.

(фонотработка слов и фраз лексической схемы “Ways of communicating”).

II. T: Let’s get down to work.

Open your Reader books, please, Exercise 2 p.36. It was your homework. Here is an essay about one way of communicating. What way of communicating is it about?

P1: I think it is about a telephone call.

P2: To my mind it is about a letter.

T: Read and translate the text in turn, please. Will you begin, A.?

(ученики читают по 2 предложения текста и переводят их).

T: L., what is this text about?

P3: It is about a letter, I believe.

T: Listen to the tape to check, please.

(учащиеся слушают запись на кассете и приходят к мнению, что текст о письме, о “personal letter”).

T: What is this tape about?

P4: It is about a personal letter.

III. T: Good. Let us do Exercise 3 p.36-37. Here are a few paragraphs from the essay “Letter Writing” by Andrew A. Rooney. What was Andrew A. Rooney, S.?

(ученик читает краткую информацию о Э. Руни в Linguistic and Cultural Guide p.82).

T: The first task. Skim the text in 2 min and say what Andrew A. Rooney’s attitude  towards letter writing is.

(через 2 минуты один из учеников говорит “He likes a personal letter” и зачитывает вслух 1и 2 предложения из 1-го абзаца текста).

T: S., read the note “Learning to learn” after the text.

(ученик читает памятку).

T: There are some facts and some opinions in the text. Let us learn to recognize them and the difference between them. Task 2) p.37. Read it, N. (ученик читает задание).

На экране несколько предложений из текста. Учащиеся читают их и высказывают свои предложения – это факт или мнение автора. В помощь им даны образцы высказываний.

- It (a personal letter) is better than a phone call.

- The telephone calls come and go. They…have no place in my memory.

- A good letter can last a lifetime.

- A personal letter is a good thing because you say things you can’t say in a crowd and might not even say to the person face to face.

- Writing a friend you shouldn’t have to be careful.

- You get a better idea of what some one is really like from a personal letter.

- We say real things in letters.

- A good letter is, in many ways, the exact opposite of a political speech.

I think it is…

To my mind this sentence is…                          the fact/the author’s

I suppose it is…        opinion

It is…                , I believe

T: Thank you. Now read out the opinions of Andrew A. Rooney about letter writing, which you agree or disagree with.

(ученики анализируют теперь только мнения автора на слайде и соглашаются с ними или нет по предложенному образцу задания 3) на стр.37).

- It (a personal letter) is better than a phone call.

- A good letter can last a lifetime.

- Writing a friend you shouldn’t have to be careful.

- We say real things in letters.

I agree, with A. Rooney that…

I disagree with A. Rooney that…

IV. T: Well done, thank you. Open your exercise-books now and write today’s date and the number of the exercise 4. Could you please, O., read the task?

(ученик читает и переводит задание. Перевод осуществляется для «слабых» учеников).

Затем другой ученик читает фразы задания а) и находит ключевую фразу “social letters”, весь класс выписывает её в тетрадь. По аналогии делается задание в), где ключевая фраза “business letters”.

На экране ученики обращают внимание теперь на 2 лексические схемы.

T: Repeat after me, please, the types of letter.

(фонотработка названий писем).

T: Next task is on page 38. Scan the letters below in I min to find out which type they belong to.

P1: This letter is a personal one.

P2: I think the second letter is a business letter (application).

P3: It is a personal letter (a thank you letter).         

P4: The fourth letter is a social letter (apology).

T: Good. Now you are to find out the type of the letters on my card. Work in pairs. (пары учеников получают карточки с 7 письмами и определяют их тип. Спросить можно 1, 2 пары).  

V. T: I think it’s time to relax. Stand up, please.

Hands up, hands down.

Bend left, bend right.

Turn your head to the left.

Turn your head to the right.

Breathe in. Breathe out.

You are active and strong.

Sit down, please.

VI. T: Imagine you have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Ann who writes.

T: Could you read this letter, L.?

(ученик читает письмо вслух).

Your home task is to write to Ann answering her questions. Write 30-50 words.

Let us review the rules of letter writing. The note “A Guide to Informal letter writing” will help you. Take these sheets of paper, they are your “letters”.

Find the 1-st square. What must we write here?

P1: Our address.

T: Yes, thank you, write your address in this square. Next square

is 2. What is it for?

P2: It is the date.

T: Well. Write the date down. The 3-rd square is “Salutation”, the very beginning of the letter. What would you like to write here?

P3: “Dear Ann” or “Dear Ann Smith”.

T: Write your salutation in this square, please. Be attentive – a comma must be after salutation.

Square 4.

We thank for the letter or apologize to the friend. What would you like to choose?

P4: “Thanks for the letter”.

T: Write it in Square 4.

The main part of the letter is Square 5-“Body of the letter”. You are to answer your friend’s questions here, write about yourself. Writing a letter will be your home task.

Next, Square 6. What would you write in this space, S.?

P5: I would write “Any way, I’d better go now” or

                            “I’ve got loads of homework to do tonight”

T: What else can we write in Square 6, V.?

P6: I will write “Hope to hear from you soon” or

                         “Looking forward to seeing you” or

                         “I’ll write again soon”

T: Choose any of these phrases please and write it down.

The 7-th Square. It is the final phrase-“Complimentary close”. What are you going to write here, I.?

P7: I am going to write “Best wishes” or “All the best”

T: Good. Write it down. Be attentive, a comma is here. And the last square-your signature.

You will write here “Igor” or “Lidiya” or “Slava”…

Remember! Personal letters must be without the surname. Here is an example of your letter (на экране образец письма, учащиеся сверяют его со своим письмом).

Put your letters aside.

VII. T: Now let us play.

Somebody wrote 2 letters for you.

But they were spoiled by a hooligan.

Divide in two groups.

Collect all the parts of these letters and answer these questions.

  1. Who wrote it?
  2. What kind of letter is it?

   What group will be the first?

(Группа учеников, которая первая восстановила письмо, читает его вслух и отвечает на вопросы. Потом вторая группа читает другое письмо и тоже отвечает на вопросы).

VIII. T: Well done. There are some minutes to the end of the lesson. What have you learnt today at our lesson?

P1: I’ve learnt some ways of communicating.

P2: I know how to write a personal letter in English.

P3: I can recognize facts and opinions.

P4: I have learnt two types of letters: social and business letters.

IX. T: Thank you. I am pleased with your work. Your marks are:

Igor – “…”

Olga – “…”

Alyona – “…”


(5-“Excellent”, 4-“Very good”, 4-“Good”……)

Your home task is: R. №2 p.42-43; writing the letter.

T: Stand up. Good-bye, everyone. See you all tomorrow.                            


                                                                             Buckingham Palace

                                                                             4 February 2008    

Dear boys and girls of the village Shchelkan,

Thank you for the letter and souvenirs. I like them very much.

I am very glad that you study English language and the culture of my native country. I wish you a good luck and I’d like to invite you to the United Kingdom. You will practice your English, visit interesting places, meet new friends.

 All the best,

 Queen Elizabeth II.

                                                                            Velikiy  Ustyug

                                                                            30 December 2007

Dear children,

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!

Have a nice holiday. Have fancy dress parties with your friends, enjoy yourselves.

Hope you have a joyful time.


 Father Frost and Snegurochka.

19 Action Street


25th September

Dear Miss Tyker,

Tom wasn’t at school last week because he had the flu.

Yours sincerely,

W. Brown.

Houston, Texas


Dear Alice,

Thank you for the gift. I will put them under the Christmas tree soon. The picture of your town has already found a home in our living room. The sweater makes me think of Russian winter.

We think your gifts brought part of your Russian winter with them because everything is under thick snow.

Give my love to your family and please write as often as you can. I hope to hear from you soon.



Dear Mary,

Please come to my party.

At 9, Brookside

Date 14th February

Time 8 o’clock

From Jane.

Anglo-European School of English

55 Lansdown Road,

Bournemouth, Dorset England BH 1    1 RH

Dear Sirs,

My friend who has just returned from Britain advised me to write you. I would like to spend some months in Britain next year. Perhaps you can recommend me a suitable family to stay. While there I would like to take a course of improving my English. Is there a course at your college? I will be grateful if you send me an application form.

Yours sincerely,

I. Petrov.

The Morissey Linguistic Centre Ltd, Valball,

Kilinure, Athlone, Co. Westmeath, Ireland.

Dear students,

We invite you for 3-6 week holidays in homes or farms in Ireland. You can attend a local primary or secondary school for one term if you want. There are weekly excursions, riding, sport, and they meet you at the airport or port when you arrive.

Cost: £ 90 a week.

Best wisher,

The Linguistic Centre.

…At school we are doing projects on reading habits of people in different countries. Could you tell me what kind of books you and the members of your family like reading.



Dear Sirs,

I am writing to protest against teenagers who bring trouble to the city by choosing for their motor rides populated streets at most inappropriate time. These motorcyclists scare the late passers-by racing wildly through the city.

According to statistics, the number of road accidents caused by night-time motorcyclists has been steadily rising.

I request that the matter be investigated immediately.

V. Smith.

...Do you like holidays? I do. Best of all I like celebrating my birthday and meet with the friends. Do you like celebrating your birthday? What gifts do you usually receive? What is your favourite holiday?

Write back soon.




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