Контроль навыков чтения "Dead Sea in danger" (2 четверть)
тест по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему

Фадеева Елена Александровна

Материал к учебнику М.З. Биболетовой "Enjoy English" для контроля навыков чтения во 2 четверти 8 класса (упр. 7, стр. 60)


Файл 8_kl_chtenie_2_chet_u.7.docx11.79 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Write if the sentences are true, false or not stated

1 variant

1) The Dead Sea is very salty.

2) This sea is fifteen km long now.

3) There are a lot of rare fish there.

4) Every day it becomes bigger and bigger.

5) People from Israel and Jordan drink the water of the Dead Sea.

6) A few people visit it every year.

7) If you swim in the Dead Sea you can’t go down.

Write if the sentences are true, false or not stated

2 variant

1) The Dead Sea is used for people.

2) Fourteen years ago it’s stretched eighty km in length.

3) Its water is useful for people’s health.

4) The Thames runs into the Dead Sea.

5) People from Israel and Jordan only use the water of the Dead Sea for agriculture.

6) Its main problem is getting minerals.

7) A lot of endangered animals live there.

Write if the sentences are true, false or not stated

1 variant

1) The Dead Sea is very salty.

2) This sea is fifteen km long now.

3) There are a lot of rare fish there.

4) Every day it becomes bigger and bigger.

5) People from Israel and Jordan drink the water of the Dead Sea.

6) A few people visit it every year.

7) If you swim in the Dead Sea you can’t go down.

Write if the sentences are true, false or not stated

2 variant

1) The Dead Sea is used for people.

2) Fourteen years ago it’s stretched eighty km in length.

3) Its water is useful for people’s health.

4) The Thames runs into the Dead Sea.

5) People from Israel and Jordan only use the water of the Dead Sea for agriculture.

6) Its main problem is getting minerals.

7) A lot of endangered animals live there.

Write if the sentences are true, false or not stated

1 variant

1) The Dead Sea is very salty.

2) This sea is fifteen km long now.

3) There are a lot of rare fish there.

4) Every day it becomes bigger and bigger.

5) People from Israel and Jordan drink the water of the Dead Sea.

6) A few people visit it every year.

7) If you swim in the Dead Sea you can’t go down.

Write if the sentences are true, false or not stated

2 variant

1) The Dead Sea is used for people.

2) Fourteen years ago it’s stretched eighty km in length.

3) Its water is useful for people’s health.

4) The Thames runs into the Dead Sea.

5) People from Israel and Jordan only use the water of the Dead Sea for agriculture.

6) Its main problem is getting minerals.

7) A lot of endangered animals live there.

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