Контроль навыков диалогической речи. 8 класс
презентация к уроку английского языка (8 класс) по теме

Данный материал может использоваться в качестве образца при контроле навыков диалогической речи учащихся 8 классов.


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Слайд 1

Иванова Наталья Владимировна Ц.О. №1927

Слайд 2

8 класс Говорение Диалог-расспрос Вы получите карточку, на которой представлено задание для устного ответа: диалог-расспрос. Окончание выполнения каждого задания определяет учитель-экзаменатор.

Слайд 3

Задание для учащегося – экзаменуемого TASK (2-3 minutes) Imagine that you are sitting at home and looking through the magazine. You have found the information about jobs for teenagers and decide to go to the job agency. Ask the job agency clerk about If you can work only in July and August The kinds of jobs The pay You begin the conversation. The teacher will play the part of the clerk. Remember to: be active and polite ask the questions and find out all the information you need decide what job you would like to have

Слайд 4

INTERLOCUTOR CARD Task (2-3 minutes) You are a clerk at a job agency. You are giving the student information about the jobs available. Start the conversation: “Hello! Can I help you?” You’ve got the following information about the jobs available at the moment. To finish the conversation say, “Well, which job have you chosen?” Job Pay Months to work Delivering newspapers You should phone and ask about it July and August Walking with dogs You should phone and ask about it July and August Errand-running You should phone and ask about it July and August

Слайд 5

Skills to be tested The students is expected to demonstrate her/his ability to: elicit the needed information by asking questions maintain and conclude the conversations be active and polite make a decision

Слайд 6

Sample conversation Interlocutor Hello! Can I help you? OK. What can you do? There are lots of part-time jobs for teenagers. For example, you could deliver newspapers and magazines. You may walk dogs then. Student Hello! I’d like to work part-time during July and August to earn some pocket money. Oh, no, I think it is rather difficult. I’ll have to carry a heavy bag with newspapers. Besides, I can’t get up early in the morning. I feel very sleepy. This job isn’t for me I like domestic animals but unfortunately, I can’t work with animals. I’m allergic. What else can you suggest?

Слайд 7

How about errand-running? You could learn a lot about the world of business. Well, which job have you chosen? I’ll give you the telephone number, you’ll ring up there and ask your questions. You are welcome. Good-bye. Min.: 3-4 Great! I have always wanted to learn how a business works from the inside out. This work may help me choose my future occupation. It’s not difficult and I won’t have to stay in the office all the time. I choose errand-running. How much will the company pay? Thank you very much. Good-bye.

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