Необычные памятники англоязычных стран.
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (9, 10, 11 класс) на тему

Данная презентация имеет  страноведческий характер. Может быть применена при изучении памятников англоязычных стран. Она также  несет историческую информацию.


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Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

The Strange Monuments of English-Speaking Countries Made by Ruzilya Sabirova Arsk School № 5

Слайд 2

Raymond Mason «The illuminated Crowd»

Слайд 3

It is a monument to Achilles. It was installed in London's Hyde Park . The sculptor of this beautiful monument was Richard Westmacott III .

Слайд 4

In 1975, on the Pearson in the U.S. in Vancouver (Washington) was a monument to Valery Chkalov, as a symbol, as a pilot, which made the first transpolar flight.

Слайд 5

The statue Circle Wind. Junkyu Muto Japanese, sculptor, created a monument in honor of the victims who died September 11, 2001.

Слайд 6

In 2009, the Metropolitan Museum in New York, or rather on its roof opened an unusual exhibition, sponsored by the sculptor Roxy Paine . Officially called her "Whirlpool" sculptor tried to convey the complex relationship between man and nature.

Слайд 7

Ice monument motorcycle Harley-Davidson. Museum of the company in Milwaukee (USA).

Слайд 8

3.5-meter monument donut, established in the New Zealand city of Springfield in honor of the screens feature-length version of the animated series "The Simpsons" .

Слайд 9

Sculptural composition in London - Roosevelt and Churchill on the bench.

Слайд 10

September 18, 2007 in London near Tower Bridge in London was opened a statue of a swimmer.

Слайд 11

The Crystal Palace was a cast-iron and plate-glass building originally erected in Hyde Park, London, England, to house the Great Exhibition of 1851.

Слайд 12

Memorial to the most unusual war veteran in the UK, London.

Слайд 13

In the U.S. city of Homestead, which is in the South-east of the peninsula of Florida, on a plot number 28655, adjacent to the freeway Dixie Highway, is a wonderful architectural ensemble.

Слайд 14

http :// foretime.ru / pamyatnik-osveshhenie-tolpy-v-monreale /#more-6507 http://www.utro.ru/articles/2005/04/25/432411.shtml http://anomalia.kulichki.ru/photo3/024.htm

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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