Разработка урока в 10 классе по английскому языку по теме "Родная страна и англоязычные страны"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (10 класс)

Гурентьева Юлия Рафисовна

Урок изучения нового материала


Предварительный просмотр:

Тема: «Родная страна и англоязычные страны»

Цели: закрепление навыков подготовки и презентации проекта;  введение страноведческой информации по теме «Эмблемы городов России»; активизация грамматических навыков.

Оборудование: компьютерные презентации с картинками и фотографиями по темам «Россия», «Америка», «Великобритания», «Символы Великобритании»; грамматическое задание на карточке по количеству учащихся.

Ход урока

  1. Организационный момент


  • Sit down, please! We'll spend today's lesson preparing for a test . and comparing English-speaking countries and our country.
  1. Фонетическая зарядка
  • And now it's time to practise today's vocabulary. You can see two columns of words on the blackboard. Will you read them aloud, in a whisper? Let's read them after me. Can you match the words from the first column and the second one to make up the word combinations?

Учитель привлекает внимание детей к словам, записанным в два столбика на доске. Ученики читают слова хором и по одному, громко и шепотом, повторяют слова хором за одним учеником. Затем учитель предлагает учащимся соотнести слова из первого и второго столбиков и составить словосочетания.

Примерные слова на доске:

















Примерные словосочетания:

Floral symbols, national saint, historic colours, traditional elements, largest cities, multinational country, culture conflicts, official names, etc.

  1. Речевая разминка
  • I'd like you to complete some statements about Russia, Great Britain and America. You will listen to the beginnings of the sentences and finish them. Is everything clear?

Ученикам предлагается закончить предложения по теме «Англоязычные страны и родная страна».

Предложения учителя:

  1. The official name of Great Britain is...( the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.)
  2. The American flag is known as...( the Stars and Stripes.)
  3. The Russian flag consists of... (three equal stripes of white, blue and red.)
  4. The poetic name of our country is...  ( Rus.)
  5. The longest river in the USA is... (the Mississippi.)
  6. English is the official language of...( Great Britain and the USA)
  7. The population of the Russian Federation is...( 147 million people.)
  8. There are four historic parts in the...( UK: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland)
  9. The Russian National Emblem is... (the golden double-headed Eagle.)
  10. The Red Rose is the floral symbol of...( England)

  1. Презентация проектов по теме «Родная страна

и англоязычные страны»

  • We have researched three countries this month.

Let's talk about their flags, emblems, symbols, dates and statistics.

We will listen to three groups - three projects. Get ready to ask the questions to your classmates and share your ideas about Russia, Great Britain and America. Who will be the first to speak today?

You can use computer.

Учитель организует презентацию проектов по темам «Америка», «Великобритания» и «Россия». Ученики из каждой группы представляют слайды с картинками и фотографиями по своей теме. Группы представляют свои проекты по очереди.

  1. Физкультминутка

Hands on the head,(руки на голову)
Hands on the hips,(руки на пояс)
Hands on the table,(руки на стол)
Hands like this.(Любое движение.)
Hands on the shoulders,(на плечи)
Hands up and down,(руки наверх, вниз)
Hands behind the head
And sit down!(садятся)

  1.  Активизация грамматических навыков
  • It's time to practise grammar and remember the Present Perfect Tense and the Present Perfect Continuous Tense.
  •  Let's look through the presentation of the Present Perfect Tense and the Present Perfect Continuous Tense.

  1. And now check your knowledge.

I give you a card with the tasks. You need to apply the correct form of the verbs. Use Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous in the following sentences.

Следующее задание выполняется в устной форме. Учащиеся получают задание на карточке и по очереди зачитывают предложения, используя настоящее завершенное и настоящее длительно-завершенное времена.

Задания на карточке:

  1. What you (to read) here since morning?
  2. She (to jump) for ten minutes without any rest.
  3. We (to wait) for you since ten o'clock
  4. My brother (to have) his car since his grandfather bought it.
  5. Nick (to write) a letter since he came home.
  6. How long you (to be) to London?
  7. We        (to know) each other for seven years.
  8. Children (not to eat) since five.


  1. What have you been reading here since morning?
  2. She has been jumping for ten minutes without any rest.
  3. We have been waiting for you since ten o'clock.
  4. My brother has had his bike since his grandfather bought it.
  5. Nick has been writing a letter since he came home.
  6. How long have you been to London?
  7. We have known each other for seven yeas.
  8. Children have not been eating since five.

  1. And now play a game. Who get more than all the points will receive a gift

Look at the screen.

Choose any section and forward!


  1. Подведение итогов урока

   That's all we have time for.

Good-bye, boys! Good-bye, girls!

Учитель объясняет домашнее задание и прощается с детьми.

Домашнее задание

Подготовиться к контрольной работе (повторить тему «Путешествие», стр. 61-97 из учебника).

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 2

The official name of Great Britain is ... The American flag is known as ... The Russian flag consists of... The poetic name of our country is... The longest river in the USA is... English is the official language of ... The population of the Russian Federation is ... There are four historic parts in the ... The Russian National Emblem is... The Red Rose is the floral symbol of ...

Слайд 3

What you (to read) here since morning? She (to jump) for ten minutes without any rest. We (to wait) for you since ten o'clock My brother (to have) his car since his grandfather bought it. Nick (to write) a letter since he came home. How long you (to be) to London? We (to know) each other for seven years. Children (not to eat) since five.

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