Внеклассное мероприятие в форме игры-соревнования Great Britain: places of interest
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (9, 10, 11 класс) на тему

Нуждина Марина Викторовна

Представленное познавательное внеклассное мероприятие помогает учителю расширять лексический запас школьников, углублять их знания о стране изучаемого языка, развивать навыки  активного говорения, мышление, память, а также повышать интерес к изучению английского языка.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Jeopardy Game Great Britain: Places of Interest Учитель английского языка Нуждина М.В. НОУ школа-интернат №19 ОАО «РЖД», г. Новокузнецк

Слайд 2

London Geography Cities Customs People 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

Слайд 3


Слайд 4


Слайд 5

What is the official London residence of the British Monarch? A The Kremlin B Buckingham Palace C St. Paul's Cathedral D The White House

Слайд 6

What is Big Ben ? A the name of the tower B the most famous clock in the world C the name of the palace D the name of the hospital

Слайд 7

Whose monument stands in the center of Trafalgar Square ? A G. Washington B I. Stalin C Admiral Nelson D General Jefferson

Слайд 8

In Roman Times London was already a center of … ? A entertainment B trade C business D culture

Слайд 9

What is the nickname of London's Underground ? A Underground B the Tube C Metro D Subway

Слайд 10

Where is Stonehenge situated? A London B Scotland C England D Northern Ireland

Слайд 11

What river is London situated on? A The Severn B The Thames C The Missouri D The Don

Слайд 12

What University is the oldest and the most prestigious in Great Britain? A Priston College B Lincoln College C Oxford D Cambridge

Слайд 13

What’s a region of mountains and lakes in north-eastern England? A The Lake Poets B Stonehenge C The Lake District D Hadrian’s Wall

Слайд 14

Where is Glasgow situated ? A England B Scotland C Wales D Northern Ireland

Слайд 15

What city is the capital of Great Britain? A Glasgow B Edinburgh C Cardiff D London

Слайд 16

What is the town where W. Shakespeare was born? A Cardiff B Stratford-on-Avon C London D Madrid

Слайд 17

What town in the UK is famous as a seaside town with cosmopolitan culture? A Liverpool B Edinburgh C London D Brighton

Слайд 18

What is the capital of Wales? A Cardiff B Edinburgh C London D Dublin

Слайд 19

In what city is the Scott Monument situated? A Cardiff B Edinburgh C London D Moscow

Слайд 20

What custom is connected with Buckingham palace? A New Year’s Tree B High Tea C Swan Upping D The Changing of the Guard

Слайд 21

What is the national sport of England? A football B cricket C lapta D basketball

Слайд 22

What is a 700 year old tradition that takes place at the Tower of London? A The Changing of the Guard B Swan Upping C five o’clock tea D The Ceremony of the Keys

Слайд 23

What is Union Jack? A the national flag of Great Britain B the symbol of freedom C the national food of Great Britain D the symbol of politeness

Слайд 24

Who is the symbol of the typical Englishman? A Admiral Nelson B St. Patrick C John Smith D John Bull

Слайд 25

Who is the Queen of the UK? A Monica IV B Elizabeth II C Anna III D Victoria II

Слайд 26

Who was the English author, best known for his “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”? A Jonathan Swift B Lewis Carroll C W. Shakespeare D Mark Twain

Слайд 27

Who was the most famous scientist who worked at Cambridge? A Isaac Newton B M. Lomonosov C Admiral Nelson D Z. Fried

Слайд 28

Who was Hadrian that decided to build Hadrian’s Wall? A Hadrian was a Roman Emperor B Hadrian was the Prince of the UK C Hadrian was the King of France D Hadrian was the Prime Minister

Слайд 29

Who is the architect of the famous St. Paul’s Cathedral? A Sir Christopher Wren B Michelangelo C Rastrelly D Admiral Nelson

Предварительный просмотр:

Great Britain: places of interest.


  • Практическая - обобщить знания учащихся по изученным темам: "Страноведение Великобритании " и расширения общего кругозора.
  • Развивающая - создать условия для развития положительных личных качеств (ответственности, доброжелательности, чувства взаимопомощи). Развивать умение работать в коллективе (формирование коммуникативной компетенции) и принимать совместное решение. Развивать и тренировать внимание, память, мышление.
  • Воспитательная - воспитывать уважение к культуре своей страны и стран изучаемого языка.
  • Образовательная - актуализировать и совершенствовать имеющиеся у учащихся знания (произносительные, лексические, грамматические) по теме «Great Britain».

Оборудование: проектор, компьютер, экран, презентация Microsoft Office PowerPoint

Ход игры

  1. Организационный момент. Сообщение задач.

Класс делится на три команды. Команды придумывают себе названия. Их задача правильно отвечать на вопросы. Вопросы спрятаны на игровом поле, команда выбирает тему и стоимость вопроса. 100 очков – это легкие вопросы, 500 очков – сложные вопросы. Кто больше набрал очков тот и победитель.

  1. Проведение игры

Секция London

100 What is the official London residence of the British Monarch? (Buckingham Palace)

200 - What is Big Ben? (the most famous clock in the world)

300 - Whose monument stands in the center of Trafalgar Square? (Admiral Nelson)

400 - In Roman Times London was already a center of …? (trade)

500 - What is the nickname of London's Underground? (the Tube)

Секция Geography

100 - Where is Stonehenge situated? (England)

200 - What river is London situated on? (The Thames)

300 - What University is the oldest and the most prestigious in Great Britain? (Oxford)

400 - What’s a region of mountains and lakes in north-eastern England? (The Lake District)

500 - Where is Glasgow situated? (Scotland)

Секция Cities

100 - What city is the capital of Great Britain? (London)

200 - What is the town where W. Shakespeare was born? (Stratford-on-Avon)

300 - What town in the UK is famous as a seaside town with cosmopolitan culture? (Brighton)

400 - What is the capital of Wales? (Cardiff)

500 - In what city is the Scott Monument situated? (Edinburgh)

Секция Customs

100 - What custom is connected with Buckingham palace? (The Changing of the Guard)

200 - What is the national sport of England? (cricket)

300 - What is a 700 year old tradition that takes place at the Tower of London? (The Ceremony of the Keys)

400 - What is Union Jack? (the national flag of Great Britain)

500 - Who is the symbol of the typical Englishman? (John Bull)

Секция People  

100 - Who is the Queen of the UK? (Elizabeth II)

200 - Who was the English author, best known for his “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”? (Lewis Carroll)

300 - Who was the most famous scientist who worked at Cambridge? (Isaac Newton)

400 - Who was Hadrian that decided to build Hadrian’s Wall? (Hadrian was a Roman Emperor)

500 - Who is the architect of the famous St. Paul’s Cathedral? (Sir Christopher Wren)


  1. Подведение итогов.


  1. Васильев М.В. Достопримечательности Великобритании / М.В. Васильев. – М.: Айрис-пресс, 2007. – 112 с.
  2. Васильев М.В. Достопримечательности Лондона / М.В. Васильев. – М.: Айрис-пресс, 2007. – 245 с.

Предварительный просмотр:

Great Britain: places of interest.

What is University the oldest and the most prestigious in Great Britain?

What is the official London residence of the British Monarch?

In Roman Times London was already a center of …?

What is the nickname of London's Underground?

What is the capital of Wales?

Where is Stonehenge situated?

What’s a region of mountains and lakes in north-eastern England?

Where is Glasgow situated?

What town in the UK is famous as a seaside town with cosmopolitan culture?

In what city is the Scott Monument situated?

What is Big Ben?

Who was the English author, best known for his “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”?

Who was Hadrian that decided to build Hadrian’s Wall?

What custom is connected with Buckingham palace?

What is the national sport of England?

Whose monument stands in the center of Trafalgar Square?

What is the town where W. Shakespeare was born?

Who is the architect of the famous St. Paul’s Cathedral?

What is a 700 year old tradition that takes place at the Tower of London?

Who is the symbol of the typical Englishman?

What city is the capital of Great Britain?

What river is London situated on?

Who was the most famous scientist who worked at Cambridge?

What is Union Jack?

Who is the Queen of the UK?


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