Диагностическая работа по английскому языку для 5 класса, декабрь
тест по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме

Работа состоит из двух заданий с целью проверки уровня усвоения лексики по теме "Правила вокруг нас" и употребление грамматической структуры Present Perfect , а так же умения читать с целью извлечения конкретной информации


Предварительный просмотр:

My name is___________________________________________ I variant

  1. Use of English. Выберете нужный предлог, слово или словосочетание:

1) We must clean____ our neighborhood.

  1. in

  1. off
  1. up

2) You should _____________ the rules.

  1. care
  1. follow
  1. read

3) We have ___________finished our work.

a) yet

b) for

c) just

4) They are good dancers. They have __________for 5 years.

a) read

b) danced

c) sung

5) My friend ________read a book yet.

a) have

b) has

c) hasn’t

2. Reading.Прочитайте текст и выполните задания.

Jason is ten years old. He goes to school. Today
his homework is to write about his summer
 holidays. This is his story.

This summer I went to my grandparents’ house. They live in a small town near a large nice lake.

It is clean and warm. Early in the morning, my grandfather and I went fishing in his boat. Sometimes we were lucky to catch a big fish.

After lunch I helped my grandfather to clean the boat. Then I played with my friends. We rode the bikes, flew kites in the fields, played football and swam.

Sometimes my grandfather took me to the nearby farm. There is a lovely garden with fruit trees on the farm. There I helped the farmer to feed the rabbits. And I learned to ride a horse. It wasn’t easy. Once I fell down and couldn’t walk. My grandfather was very sad. He took me to the doctor. And in a week I could ride the horse again.

In the evenings my grandfather told me interesting stories about Africa and Australia.

He was there many years ago. He was a sailor (моряк) and crossed many oceans and seas.

I enjoyed my summer holidays and I’d like to spend my next summer holidays there.

  1. Закончи предложение, выбрав один вариант из трёх предложенных. Обведи соответствующую букву.
  1. Jason spent his summer holidays...
  1. on the farm.
  2. at the ocean.
  3. in the town.
  1. Jason and his grandfather...
  1. played football together.
  2. went fishing together.
  3. swam in the lake together.
  1. Выбери правильный ответ на вопрос. Обведи соответствующую букву.
  1. Why did grandfather take Jason to the doctor?
  1. Jason fell off the horse.
  2. Jason fell off the bike.
  3. Jason fell off the tree.
  1. What did grandfather tell Jason about in the evenings?
  1. About oceans and fish.
  2. About different places.
  3. About seas and boats.
  1. Выбери утверждение, которое HE соответствует содержанию истории. Обведи соответствующую букву.
  1. Jason got up early because he went fishing.
  2. On the farm Jason rode the bike and flew the kite.
  3. Jason had a lot of fun with his friends in the summer.
  4. Jason listened to stories about different continents

My name is___________________________________________ II variant

1. Выберете нужный предлог, слово или словосочетание:

1) Parents should care ______their children.

  1. of
  1. about
  1. for

2) Never talk to strangers! They ________hurt you.

  1. have
  1. can
  1. must

3) He has ________written the test.

a) never

b) since

c) already

4) I love sport! I have ______________tennis since I was 6.

a) painted

b) played

c) done

5) My mum and dad ___________come from work.

a) have

b) haven’t

c) has

  1. Reading.Прочитай текст. Выполни задания.


Once upon a time princess Mary lived in a big palace. Mary liked to try dresses on. Every day she put a dress on, looked in the mirror and thought: “One day a prince will come and see me, and we’ll be happy together. But what dress will I wear on this special day?”

Mary had a lot of nice dresses, but she bought a new dress every day. They were different: red and black, green and yellow, long and short. But one day she couldn’t find the dress which she had bought the day before. Mary was surprised. There was only a note on the table: “The prince won’t like the dress.” From that day all of Mary’s new dresses disappeared (исчезали). Mary became sad and cried every night.

One night she had a dream. She saw a fairy lady who said: “Your best dress is in your hands.” In the morning Mary thought about the fairy lady’s words. And she decided to make a dress herself (самой). It was very difficult!

But in a month Mary made a wonderful dress. And the day her dress was ready, a nice prince came. He saw Mary and said: “You are the most beautiful princess in the world! Come with me and we’ll be happy together.”

  1. Выбери правильный ответ на вопрос. Обведи соответствующую букву.

  1. Why did Mary buy a new dress every day?

a) She wanted to have dresses of different colours.

b) She wanted to meet a prince in a nice dress.

c) She wanted to buy the best dress in the world.

  1. When did the prince come to the princess?

a) When Mary bought the best dress.

b) When Mary saw a fairy lady in her dream.

c) When Mary made a lovely dress herself.

  1. Выбери утверждение, которое HEсоответствует содержанию сказки. Обведи соответствующую букву.

a) There were a lot of different dresses in the palace.

b) Once Mary found a strange note on the table in her room.

c) Mary decided to ask a fairy lady for a new dress.

d) A prince came to the palace and saw a beautiful princess.

  1. Пронумеруй предложения в соответствии с прочитанной сказкой.

 Первое предложение уже обозначено.

a) Не was happy to see princess Mary.

b) Mary was surprised when she didn’t see the new dress in the room.

c) The princess bought and tried different dresses on.

     d) Once Mary decided to choose the best dress on aspecial day.

     e) A fairy lady helped the princess to find her prince.

Предварительный просмотр:

Спецификация и кодификатор к диагностической работе

по английскому языку для 5 классов,

декабрь 2015/2016 учебный год

I.Задание на грамматику и лексику (10 минут)

В данном разделе предполагаются задания на проверку уровня сформированности навыка использования грамматической структуры настоящее завершенное время и знания наречий и лексических единиц  по разделам «Помощь окружению» и «Правила, которые нас окружают»

1. Цель — контроль сформированности грамматических навыков (видовременные формы глагола настоящее завершенное время) и контроль знания лексических единиц  по разделам «Помощь окружению» и «Правила, которые нас окружают»

Вид задания — заполнение пропусков.


1 вариант

  1. вариант

1)c, 2)b, 3)c, 4)b, 5)c

1)a, 2)b, 3)c, 4)b, 5)a

II. Задание на чтение (25 минут)

Цель — данное задание проверяет уровень развития умения читать

с целью полного понимания содержания и с целью извлечения конкретной информации.

Виды заданий — верно/неверно;выстраивание последовательности –  учащиеся расставляют буквы соответствующих предложений в логическую последовательность.

Вид задания — единственно правильный ответ


  1. вариант

2 вариант

1)a, 2)b, 3)a, 4)b, 5)a

1)b, 2)c, 3)c, 4) d, c, b, e, a

Критерии оценок по баллам:    


















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