Устная часть ОГЭ по английскому языку. Тема My daily life
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему

Соколова (Лоренц) Ирина Михайловна

Daily life


Предварительный просмотр:

Daily life

You are going to give a talk about your daily life.

Remember to say:

  • how busy your school timetable is;
  • what domestic chores you have;
  • what interesting/useful things you do in your free time.

     I’m going to give a talk about my daily life.

     I’m in the 9th form now and I have a lot of school subjects. Besides, we have some elective courses where we are getting ready for the exams. So, I leave home at half past seven and come back at about four o’clock every day. At the weekend I usually do my school tasks.

     Of course, I have to do some chores at home. I help my mum to do the washing up, empty the bin and wash the floor. Sometimes I vacuum the carpets in our flat.

     When I have more free time I try to cook something unusual. It’s interesting for me to find some interesting recipe and surprise my relatives in the evening. I also like tidying my room because I can find some lost things. I sometimes have time to read an interesting book.

     In conclusion I should say that a teenager should have time for everything important.

     That’s all I wanted to tell.

Daily life

You are going to give a talk about your daily life.

Remember to say:

  • how busy your school timetable is;
  • what domestic chores you have;
  • what interesting/useful things you do in your free time.

     I’m going to give a talk about my daily life.

     I’m in the 9th form now and I have a lot of school subjects. Besides, we have some elective courses where we are getting ready for the exams. So, I leave home at half past seven and come back at about four o’clock every day. At the weekend I usually do my school tasks.

     Of course, I have to do some chores at home. I help my mum to do the washing up, empty the bin and wash the floor. Sometimes I vacuum the carpets in our flat.

     When I have more free time I try to cook something unusual. It’s interesting for me to find some interesting recipe and surprise my relatives in the evening. I also like tidying my room because I can find some lost things. I sometimes have time to read an interesting book.

     In conclusion I should say that a teenager should have time for everything important.

     That’s all I wanted to tell.

Daily life

You are going to give a talk about your daily life.

Remember to say:

  • how busy your school timetable is;
  • what domestic chores you have;
  • what interesting/useful things you do in your free time.

     I’m going to give a talk about my daily life.

     I’m in the 9th form now and I have a lot of school subjects. Besides, we have some elective courses where we are getting ready for the exams. So, I leave home at half past seven and come back at about four o’clock every day. At the weekend I usually do my school tasks.

     Of course, I have to do some chores at home. I help my mum to do the washing up, empty the bin and wash the floor. Sometimes I vacuum the carpets in our flat.

     When I have more free time I try to cook something unusual. It’s interesting for me to find some interesting recipe and surprise my relatives in the evening. I also like tidying my room because I can find some lost things. I sometimes have time to read an interesting book.

     In conclusion I should say that a teenager should have time for everything important.

     That’s all I wanted to tell.

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