Устная часть ОГЭ по английскому языку. Тема TV in my life
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему

Соколова (Лоренц) Ирина Михайловна



Предварительный просмотр:

TV in my life

You are going to give a talk about TV in your life.

Remember to say:

  • what you think of TV programmes;
  • if TV can be educational or just entertaining;
  • if you can do without TV.

     I’m going to give a talk about TV in my life.

     I study at school and I have a lot of school tasks that’s why I almost don’t watch TV. But I think there are many interesting programmes for people of different age. For example, my grandma likes watching TV shows about cooking, my mum likes watching TV programmes about celebrities and my sister likes programmes for kids.

     In my opinion, TV can be both entertaining and educational. It depends on the person who watches it. I like watching programmes in English in my free time. They help me to improve different aspects of English.

     I think that I can easily do without TV, because there is a lot of useful information and educational videos on the Internet.

     In conclusion I want to say that watching TV can be good for education and having fun.

     That’s all I wanted to tell.

TV in my life

You are going to give a talk about TV in your life.

Remember to say:

  • what you think of TV programmes;
  • if TV can be educational or just entertaining;
  • if you can do without TV.

     I’m going to give a talk about TV in my life.

     I study at school and I have a lot of school tasks that’s why I almost don’t watch TV. But I think there are many interesting programmes for people of different age. For example, my grandma likes watching TV shows about cooking, my mum likes watching TV programmes about celebrities and my sister likes programmes for kids.

     In my opinion, TV can be both entertaining and educational. It depends on the person who watches it. I like watching programmes in English in my free time. They help me to improve different aspects of English.

     I think that I can easily do without TV, because there is a lot of useful information and educational videos on the Internet.

     In conclusion I want to say that watching TV can be good for education and having fun.

     That’s all I wanted to tell.

TV in my life

You are going to give a talk about TV in your life.

Remember to say:

  • what you think of TV programmes;
  • if TV can be educational or just entertaining;
  • if you can do without TV.

     I’m going to give a talk about TV in my life.

     I study at school and I have a lot of school tasks that’s why I almost don’t watch TV. But I think there are many interesting programmes for people of different age. For example, my grandma likes watching TV shows about cooking, my mum likes watching TV programmes about celebrities and my sister likes programmes for kids.

     In my opinion, TV can be both entertaining and educational. It depends on the person who watches it. I like watching programmes in English in my free time. They help me to improve different aspects of English.

     I think that I can easily do without TV, because there is a lot of useful information and educational videos on the Internet.

     In conclusion I want to say that watching TV can be good for education and having fun.

     That’s all I wanted to tell.

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