8 класс контрольная работа по разделу 2
тест по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему

Контрольная работа по разделу 2 для 8 класса. Учебник М. И. Кауфман


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Предварительный просмотр:

Контрольная работа по разделу 2

1.Circle the correct conjunction.

1. That’s the book that/who I’ve just read.

2. The boy who/that helped me yesterday, is Peggy’s brother.

3. The tents who/which are blue are ours.

4. The garden which/where the Browns bought is very nice.

5. I know the man who/which has this address.

2. Read the text about Newton (Ex.10 p.40) and tick the information that was not in the text.

        1. Newton didn’t have a mother.

        2. Newton wasn’t the best pupil.

        3. Newton got the Nobel Prize for his discoveries.

        4. A teacher noticed his talent.

        5. Newton was interested in Mathematics.

        6. Newton is one of the greatest scientists of the world.

3.Circle the correct answer.

1. The United Kingdom is

        a) a republic                b) a monarchy         c) a federation

2. The head of state is         

        a) the Queen                 b) President                 c) The Prime Minister

3. The British Parliament sits in

        a) one building         b) two building         c) three building

4. MPs are

a) the people who sits in the house of Lords.

b) the people who sit in the house of Commons.

c) all the people in the Houses of Parliament.

5. What are Britain’s main political parties?

a) Labour and Conservative

b) Democratic and Republican

c) Conservative and Democratic

6. Who presides over the House of Commons?

        a) the Speaker         b) the Lord Chancellor         c) the Prime Minister

4.Use the suffixes –tion or –ment and form the nouns from the verb.

agree, elect, discuss, explain, demonstrate, improve, manage, inform, collect, equip.

5. Fill in the gaps. Use: when, who, which, that, where, whose. Put commas where necessary.

1. I need a friend ________will never let me down.

2. Kate ________is a teacher at our school has never been abroad. She’s afraid of flying.

3. My grandfather ________sweater you are wearing was a very nice man.

4. The theatre ________you have seen in the pictures isn’t far away from here.

5. My friends went to Spain ________it’s warm and sunny.

6. His parents were doctors _______ worked in the hospital down the road.

7. Look at her. She has seen something _______ scared her.

8. I’ve read a book _______ was very interesting.

6. Translate into English.

1. На прошлой неделе они купили палатку, чтобы идти в поход.

2. Они хотели пойти в магазин, чтобы купить подарок.

3. Он пришел домой, чтобы пообедать.

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