Социальная реклама (Проект)
проект по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему

Сидорова Наталья Сергеевна

A social advertisement dedicated to the promotion of peace, love and cooperation.

The world is a chaos, is a mess. We see wars, animosity, sadness, bombing…

but where is the love? Where is the peace we are longing for? Where is stability, hopes, friendship and partnership?



Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

FOKINO TOWN, Primorye Secondary School 251 Pictures present

Слайд 2

Social Advertising

Слайд 3

Where is the LOVE?

Слайд 4

Where is the LOVE ? Where is the LOVE ? PEACE? COOPERATION?

Слайд 5

Where is PEACE?

Слайд 6

Science & Technology , SPACE EXPLORATION

Слайд 7

United Nations Organization #Diplomacy # PublicDiplomacy #Sport #Culture # SchoolDiplomacy #Education #PEACE DON’T UNDERESTIMATE THE ROLE OF A TEACHER

Слайд 8

Peaceful children will save the world Love will heal the Planet Be loving and peaceful Respect yourself and everyone around you PEACE AND LOVE can be found everywhere starting from inside

Слайд 9

WE are ONE We are humans under One SUN

Предварительный просмотр:


We’re coming from far

Мы приходим издалека,

Over oceans of time

Пересекая океаны времени,

We’re coming from places we once left behind

Мы идем из мест, которые мы однажды оставили позади.

We’re looking for love

Мы ищем любовь

In the heart of every man

В сердце каждого человека

We’re looking for reasons we’ll all understand

Мы ищем причины, которые все мы сможем понять.

We are (we are)

Мы (мы)

In need (in need)

Нуждаемся (нуждаемся)

We want (we want)

Мы желаем (мы желаем)

A place for everyone

Место для каждого

We shine (we shine)

Мы сияем (мы сияем)

Through love (through love)

Сквозь любовь (сквозь любовь)

We are (we are)

Мы (мы)

The children of the sun

Дети солнца

We follow our dreams

Мы следуем за своими мечтами,

We’ll never stop

Мы никогда не остановимся,

We follow our hopes

Мы следуем за нашими надеждами

And we'll never give up

И никогда не сдадимся,

Until we have found

Пока мы не найдем

The warmth of the sun

Тепло солнца,

Untill we are born

Пока не будем рождены...

We are

Мы (мы)

In need

Нуждаемся (нуждаемся)

We want

Мы желаем (мы желаем)

A place for everyone

Место для каждого

We shine

Мы сияем (мы сияем)

Through love

Сквозь любовь (сквозь любовь)

We are

Мы (мы)

For ever on the run

Всегда в поиске

We are (…)

We’re coming from far

Over oceans of time

We’re coming from places we once left behind

We’re looking for love

In the heart of every man

We’re looking for reasons we’ll all understand

We follow our dreams

We’ll never stop

We follow our hopes

And we never give up

Until we have found

The warmth of the sun

Untill we are born

The chidren of The sun

© Лингво-лаборатория «Амальгама»:

Предварительный просмотр:

a presenter-Мясоедов Данил

a teacher-Зяблова Лолита

4 kids-later adults-Сиродиденко Вероника, Шкреба Иван, Таня Определякова, Ян

2 builders-Кушеков Никита, Вероника

singers (two)-Иван, Таня

a diplomat-Ян Мещеряков

Social Advertising

Slide 1

Fokino Town

Secondary School 251 Pictures present

A social advertisement dedicated to the promotion of peace, love and cooperation.

The world is a chaos, is a mess. We see wars, animosity, sadness, bombing…

but where is the love? Where is the peace we are longing for? Where is stability, hopes, friendship and partnership?

(Song “Where is the Love”)


Where can we find peace, love and cooperation?

Maybe, in the sphere of ECONOMY? 

-Sanctions? Oh no, the way to nowhere/

( бумагу с надписью sanctions разрывают и начинают вместе строить)

-Instead let’s build a bridge together.

-Sounds like the Second English Channel)

Maybe, in the sphere of EDUCATION

Future belongs to leaders now being taught by teachers.


-Now students, we are making a puzzle, all together, each of you has his piece of the planet. Coordinate and create a planet! (дети собирают из  пазлов планету и показывают)Well done! It happened because you are one team, working together understanding the aim and communicating.


Space exploration can unite nations all over the world.

The era of competition is over. The more we share and collaborate, the more we can reach. Let’s keep peace in space, the Universe would be grateful.

 (song Final Countdown) Поет Ваня

Those little ones who were taught at school to be one team, to be tolerant and be able to work together now represent their countries at highest levels of diplomacy. They have learned how to communicate.  

Diplomat's Speech:

“Ladies and gentlemen,

Today we are facing a challenge of not being capable to be united against common threats. The planet is doomed until we stop wars.

Let’s speak one language to create a better life for our present and future generations. If you are looking for cooperation, you will find it everywhere.

The kids brought up in the atmosphere of love and peace we’ll spread love and peace.

Remember, dear global community: Love starts in our own hearts. No government or power can make love happen. It’s within each of us to find, cultivate and express.

We are ONE. We are humans under one Sun. All of us  are the children of the Sun.

(Final song “The Children of the Sun”, Таня, остальные подпевают) Каждый прикрепляет под звуки музыки луч к бумажному солнцу и с солнцем уходят

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