Презентация к уроку английского языка в 11 классе УМК "Enjoy English" "World languages"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (11 класс) на тему

Презентация разработа для группы учащихся разного уровня обученности. Форма урока Brain ring, в ходе которого учащиеся знакомятся с такими понятиями как Globish Pidgin languages. В презентации представлены различные виды занятий: описание картинки (на этапе актуализации знаний), выражение согласия и несогласия с суждениями, чтение текста с полным пониманием содержания. В презентации подобраны речевые клише и фразы для построения монологического высказывания по теме. Данный материал может быть использован при работе над темой "Глобальные языки". Лексический и грамматический материал, использованный в презентации соответствует программным требованиям и возрастным особенностям учащихся 11 класса.


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Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

World languages: local or global? Brain-ring

Слайд 2

Look at the picture, describe it and answer the questions: What was your first English teacher’s name? How long have you been leaning English for? Why do many people all over the world learn English ? 4 . How are you planning to use this foreign language in the future ? 5. The English language isn’t local language, is it? 6. What the most frequently spoken languages do you know? Would you like to learn any other foreign languages? If yes, what? Give your reasons.

Слайд 3

Agree or disagree with the statements Team 1 American English doesn’t differ from the English spoken in Great Britain. English has taken the position of the global language. 3. There are thirty-six letters in the E.L. People who speak E. have worse job opportunities. 5. There are six working languages of the United Nations. 6. English is the richest language of the 2,700 world languages. Team 2 There are many borrowings from other languages in E. English is one of the least popular foreign languages in Russia. English is the official language of the Olympics. One quarter of the world’s mail and SMS is in English. All dictionaries are always made in two languages. 6. The E.L. has a vocabulary of about 300 000 words.

Слайд 4

Choose your reasons to learn English ● useful when you travel ● to get a better job ● to communicate with people from other countries ● to understand films, books and songs in English ● to have to study it at school ● to do business abroad ● want to live in an English-speaking country ● like the language Be ready to talk using the following word combinations

Слайд 5

Be sure you are able to change the situation

Слайд 6

Kinds of International languages Esperanto pidgin Globish English Latin French Spanish

Слайд 7

The Origin of pidgins Pidgins are “on-the-spot” languages that develop when people with no common language come into contact with each other. Nobody speaks a pidgin as their first language. Usually a pidgin language is a blend of the vocabulary of one major language with the grammar of one or more other languages. The major languages are usually the languages of the former major colonial powers, such as English, French, and Portuguese. For example, the establishment of plantation economies in the Caribbean, with large groups of slaves from different language backgrounds who came from West Africa, gave rise to a number of pidgins based on English, French, Spanish, Dutch, and Portuguese. However, there are also pidgins spoken in parts of Africa, South America, and southeast Asia that are based on languages other than those of the colonial powers. A good example of a non-European pidgin is the Chinook Jargon that was once used by American Indians and European traders in the Pacific map Northwest . The term pidgin has nothing to do with birds. The word, first attested in print in 1850, is thought to be the Chinese mispronunciation of the English word business. There are other theories about the origin of the term .

Слайд 8

What are the differences and common features of Globish and pidgin languages? Globish Simplified form of the English language It was created by Jean-Paul Nerriere in 1990s It uses 1500 common English words and phases. It helps to promote global understanding between nations. 5. It can cause a menace to cultural diversity and the purity of non-English languages. 6 . Nobody speaks Globish as their first language. Pidgin 1.A combination of one of major languages and some other languages There is no creator of the language. 3. It uses vocabulary of one major language and grammar of one or more other languages. 4. It is used by people with no common language to come into contact with each other . 5. It can be used only for a short period of time. It doesn’t have written form.

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