Промежуточная контрольная работа в 5 классе (УМК Комарова)
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему

3  задания на повторение пройденного материала по УМК Комарова.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Промежуточная контрольная работа (5 класс)

Variant 1

1. Unscramble  and translate the words into Russian. (Составьте слова и переведите на русский язык).

1. g f r n d a t a r e h

2. u n i c o s

3. h o y t r g y

4. p s i r c s

5. e c l y c

2. Complete the sentences with the correct Present Continuous form. (Дополните предложения глаголами в скобках)

1. Sally __ her breakfast. (not, eat)

2. Brian __ a shower. (take)

3. Mary and Denis __ a pizza. (cook)

4. They __ the tea at the moment. (not, drink)

5. Beth __  a horse. (ride)

3. Read the text. Are the sentences after the text true of false?  (Прочитайте текст. Отметьте верные / неверные предложения).

Tom Sawyer had two special friends. Their names were Joe Harper and Huckleberry Finn. Huckleberry is a long name. everybody called the boy “Huck”.

Aunt Polly said to Tom, “You must be a good boy, Tom”. And Joe’s mother said to Joe, “You must be a good boy, Joe”. They wanted the boys to behave well.

to behave well – вести себя хорошо

  1. Tom Sawyer had one special friend.
  2. Huckleberry is a short name.
  3. Aunt Polly said to Joe, “You must be a good boy, Joe”.
  4. Joe’s mother said to Tom, “You must be a good boy, Tom”.
  5. The boys must behave well.

Промежуточная контрольная работа (5 класс)

Variant 2

1. Unscramble  and translate the words Russian. (Составьте слова и переведите на русский язык).

1. r e v e n

2. s i t c u i b s

3. y n o m e

4. c n e l u

5. t u n a

2. Complete the sentences with the correct Present Continuous form. (Дополните предложения глаголами в скобках)

1. Katie __ a bike. (not, ride)

2. Ted and Jessica ___. (fish).  

3. Beth ___ on the phone. (talk)

4. Den __ a kite. (not, fly)

5. Mary and Denis __ pizza. (eat)  

3. Read the text. Are the sentences after the text true of false? (Прочитайте текст. Отметьте верные / неверные предложения).

My favorite school subject is English. I like it because it’s interesting and also because I am quite good at it. We have English Language three times a week, on Mondays at 10 o’clock, on Wednesdays afternoons and on Thursdays at 3 o’clock.

Each lesson lasts 50 minutes. I never get bored.

to get bored – скучать

  1. My favorite school subject is Maths.
  2. I like English because it’s interesting.
  3. We have English Language two times a week.
  4. We have English on Mondays, on Wednesdays, on Thursdays.
  5. I always get bored.