Внеклассное мероприятие на английском языке " Gagarin and Space"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме

Игнашина Лариса Юрьевна

Материал может быть использован как во внеклассной работе по предмету, так и на уроках при изучении тем : " Великие люди", " Изобретения". Он способствует развитию социокультурной компетенции учащихся и формированию чувства патриотизма.


Предварительный просмотр:

Сценарий проведения мероприятия на английском языке.

« Y.Gagarin  and Space» к 50 летию первого полёта в космос.

Цели мероприятия :

-Социокультурный аспект: способствовать формированию социокультурной компетенции учащихся

- Развивающий аспект: обобщить и расширить лингвострановедческие знания по теме «Космос»

-Воспитательный аспект: способствовать формированию чувства   патриотизма

-Учебный аспект: совершенствовать навыки аудирования, разговорной речи.


-мультимедийный проектор;



Ход мероприятия.

1.Организационный момент.

Good morning, dear students and gests! We are glad to see all of you. In a few days all people  will celebrate Cosmonaut Day. Today we’ ll  talk about space, planets, Stars and universe.

2. Выход ученика .

Where do we live? We live on the planet called the Earth. It’s the most beautiful our blue planet. Yes? The earth is green and blue from the space. Who discovered it? The soviet cosmonaut Yuri

Gagarin was the first to orbited the Earth in  April 1961 and he said: It is blue. On the 12 th of April it turns 50 years of the first fly of man in space. Look at the screen.

3. Слайд презентация о Гагарине. Текст.(Приложение 1)

4. Парад планет.

The are other planets in our galaxy. Do you know what are they?

Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.

The moon, the stars, the universe,

It’s beautiful place.

The planets and the galaxies,

Space, space, space.

5. Викторина.

Which planet is the biggest planet in the solar system?( Jupiter)

Which is the smallest planet? ( Pluto)

Which is the nearest planet to the Sun? ( Mercury)

Which is called the red? ( Mars)

Which planet has some rings? ( Saturn)

5. Появление звёздного мальчика.

How do you think is there life on the other planets? Do you want to see the alien? Meet him, please!

( Звучит  песня « Звёздная страна» Приложение 2)

Starkid: Hi!

Pupil: Who are you?

S: I’m Starkid.

P: Where are you from?

S: I’m from space. I live on the Red planet/

P: How old are you?

S: I am 132yars old.

P: Have you got  a family?

S: At home  on the Red planet I’ve got my parents, my grandparents? Thousands of brothers and sisters.

P: How did you get the Earth?

S: I have a space ship. A rocket .

P: I see. You are a alien! Wow! Do you like playing?

S: Yes, of course. I usually play star ball in the morning and count stars in the evening.

P: Do you sing songs? Let’s sing!

6. Исполнение песни.(Приложение 3)

In the night, night sky

I can see

Bright, bright, lights

Are shining on you and me.

And in the bright, bright lights

There are creatures too.

In their night, night skies,

They’re looking at me and you.

The moon, the stars, the universe,

It’s beautiful place.

The planets and the galaxies,

Space, space, space.

Every night, I say Hi

To my neighbours in the sky,

Every night I sing me song,

Everybody sing along.

The moon, the stars, the universe,

It’s beautiful place.

The planets and the galaxies,

I live out here in Space, space, space.

7.Игра. « Как устроена ракета»

Do you want to be an explorer? How does the rocket work? Modern rockets have a liquid flue something to help it to burn. This makes a powerful exhaust through the back of the rocket and pushes the rocket up. Let’s see it. We’ll tie  a long piece of sting to a door handle, blow up the balloon and stick a drinking straw on it. Then put the string through the straw. Now we must hold the string tight and let go of the balloon. Now we’ll get more balloons and will have a race with each other. Who will be the first pair? (проводится состязание)

  1. Путешествие на красную планету.

Starkid: Welcome to the Red planet! Let’s go!( Все садятся в ракету )

  1. Викторина со зрителями.

1/ What is the name of our planet? ( Earth)

2/Who was the first man on the moon? (

3/ Who was the first man in space? ( Leonov)

4/Who invented the telescope?( Galilei)

5 What was the name of the 1 join space mission?(Soyus- Apollo)

6/ What is the name of our Galaxy? ( Milky Way)

7/ Who is the first cosmonaut?( Gagarin)

8/ Where is he from?( Russia)

9/ When was it?( April 12, 1961)

  1. Возвращение на Землю.

Where were you?

We were in Space!

In space?

Yes, we were there with Sparkid. He is a boy from space.

What did you do ?

We could see the Earth from  the spaceship. We went to a star park. In the park we heard space music and ate space hamburgers and drank a star milk shake at a space café.

What did you do then?

Then Starkid gave us space skates and we skated from one planet to another.

Did you like it?

Yes, we liked it very much

11/ Финал.

Thanks to Gagarin who opened the way to space people can explore it and learn  a lot from space research, solve  different medical and scientific problems. We hope people will reach the stars one day!

Видеоролик о Гагарине.(Приложение 4)

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

April, 12 – Cosmonauts Day

Слайд 3

Yuri Gagarin 1934 – 1968

Слайд 4

Yuri Gagarin

Слайд 5

Gagarin’s house

Слайд 6

Yuri’s parents

Слайд 7


Слайд 8

He was a good student.

Слайд 9

His rocket « Vostok -1 »

Слайд 11

After his flight he visited many countries and saw millions of people. Gagarin became a Hero of our country.

Слайд 12

He died in 1968, but people always remember the first Russian cosmonaut.

Слайд 14

Highlights of Manned Space Mission 1. 1961 – Vostok 1 (USSR). Yuri Gagarin is the first to orbit the Earth. 2. 1963 – Vostok 6 (USSR). Valentina Tereshkova becomes the first woman in space. 3.1965 – Voshod 2 (USSR). Alexey Leonov becomes first the first to leave a spaceship for a space walk. 4. 1968 – Apollo 8 (USA). First manned flight orbits the Moon. 5. 1969 - Apollo 11 (USA). First manned Moon landing; Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin walk on the Moon.

Слайд 15

6. 1975 – Soyuz 19 (USSR) and Apollo 18(USA). The American and Soviet crews cooperate in experiments. 7. 1986 - Soyuz T-15 (USSR). Russia launches a new new space station, MIR, into the Earth’s orbit. 8. 1995-1999(USA). Mars Orbiters were launched to study the Marsian weather, climate and water. 9. 2000-2007 – USA, Russia, Europe and Japan work in cooperation and launch space probes, Mars, Lunar, Saturn and Pluto orbiters to explore the Earth.

Слайд 16

Planets of the Solar System Mercury Neptune Earth Saturn Mars Venus Uranus Jupiter