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Курочкина Наталья Юрьевна

Презентация к уроку Extreme sports


Office presentation icon extreme_sports_-_prezentatsiya_u_otkrytomu_uroku.ppt1.55 МБ

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Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Extreme Sports

Слайд 2

Sky surfing Skydiving Ice diving Ice climbing Skiboarding Snowboarding Bungee jumping Base jumping Snow rafting White-water rafting Street luge Zorbing

Слайд 3

What attracts people to extreme sports 1. He has done a lot of dangerous sports because he likes to go to extremes . доходить до грани возможного 2. To take risks for no purpose is not a clever thing рисковать 3. Ann’s desire to travel around the world becomes stronger and stronger. 4. He was addicted to heroin. желание пристраститься к

Слайд 4

What attracts people to extreme sports 5 . Think twice before you do something very dangerous . хорошо подумать 6. I just had to satisfy my curiosity , so I opened the box удовлетворять любопытство 7. Being an actor can be rather dangerous, sometimes they have to do different risky things . 8. I do sky diving for the thrill and excitement of this sport. рисковать волнение, возбуждение

Слайд 5

What attracts people to extreme sports 9. Personally I am not a risk taker , so white rafting or scuba diving is not for me. рискованный человек 10. I think moderation in everything is the key and I never take things to the edge. дойти до грани возможного

Слайд 6

to go to extreme to take things to the edge to take risks/to do risky things a risk taker to be addicted to to satisfy one’s curiosity thrill/excitement to have a desire to acquire self-confidence to acquire sense of individuality to overcome difficulties to protest against something Express your ideas why people take up doing x-treme sports.

Слайд 7

Listen to the tape and check your answers 1. People do extreme sports in order to feel a) excited b) nervous c) happy 2. Extreme sports have become popular in the last a) 5 years b) 10 years c) 20 years 3. People usually bungee jump from a) airplanes b) high buildings c) bridges 4. In sky surfing people do mid-air a) gymnastics b) dancing c) swimming 5. Snowboarding has similarities with a) skiing b) surfing c) canoeing 6. Snowrafting is a) quite dangerous b) very dangerous 7. For white-water rafting you need a) a big river b) a warm river c) a mountain river 8. Ice divers a) swim under the ice b) walk on the bottom of lakes c) walk upside down under the ice

Слайд 8

Listen to two people talking about extreme sports. Complete the table Sports Carol Jonathan likes doesn’t like would like to try wouldn’t like to try

Слайд 9

Read the text about extreme sports. You do not need to have any special skills. You need to cooperate with a group of people. It was started by inventors of another extreme sport. You can hurt yourself whilst to stop. You need to be both strong and psychologically prepared. It offers reasonably good protection from injury. It could get you into trouble with the police. You can make your own protection for your feet

Слайд 10

What is your attitude towards extreme sports? Discuss it in pairs and then report your ideas to the class. Taking risk is … dangerous exciting useless because silly People take risks/do risky things because … Risky activities can lead people to … Some people like being put at risk because …

Слайд 11

Work in small groups. Comment on the quotation. Share your ideas with the rest of the class. « To win without risk is to triumph without glory » (Pierre Corneille)

Слайд 12

X-treme sports are nontraditional sports characterized by high speed, high risk, danger, excitement . Think twice before you do something very dangerous.

Слайд 13

Choose any x-treme sport and make a project using a plan. History Equipment Rules How risky it is Tips for practitioners: special skills, qualities, protection from injury You may use the following web sites: http://www.allextremesports.com http://www.xtsports.com http://sportspedia.com http://dir.yahoo.com/recreation/sports/extreme_sports

Слайд 14

Оснащение урока: Учебный материал . О. Л Гроза, О. Б. Дворецкая и др. «New Millennium English». 10 класс , « Титул », 200 9 Аудио материал : Приложения 1 и2 Видеоматериал : видеоролики «Extreme-Sports-Video» [www.savevid.com] Раздаточный материал с заданиями: text “Extreme Sports”. (ИЯШ, 6/2004, методическая мозаика,стр.2-3)

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