Проектная работа на тему " Старые традиции Ирландии"
проект по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему

Мироненко  Татьяна  Петровна

 В данной проектной работе исследуется вопрос " Был ли СВ. Патрик первым священником , который  принес христианство в Ирландию." , а также рассматриваются причины празднования Дня Св. Патрика. Данный материал будет интересен  учителям английского языка при изучении темы " Старые  традиции Ирландии"


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Методическая   разработка  по теме  « Старые    традиции  Ирландии»

Учитель   английского   языка   1ой категории

Мироненко Т.П.







  1.  Relevance of the topic.

  1. What is St.Patrick s  Day  and why do the people wear green on this day?

  1. Was Patrick the first messenger, who brought Christianity to Ireland?

  1. Reflection.


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The main purpose of my project is the study of the celebration of cultural traditions in Ireland, their aktuality today and find out whether ST. Patrick was the first who brought Christianity in Ireland.


I think, that first of all, the celebration of the national holiday strengthens inter-ethnic cultural relations in the country.

Second, the main national holidays of these countries existed in different times, but still they have not lost their value, because they are an integral part of every person's life.

Тhis is the relevance of the topic of my project.

 What is St. Patricks day and why do the people wear green on St Patrick s day?

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 St. Patrick day is celebrated every year  on  March 17 th in honor of Saint Patrick  of Ireland. He was the patron  of   Ireland  and  a saint,  who brought Christianity  to the nation. Saint   Patrick  is  also known for driving  the snakes  away from Ireland.

The national symbol of Ireland is  shamrock  and  according to legend  Saint Patrick chose  this  plant  to illustrate the Hole Trinity to the Irish.

Nobody knows exactly, why  St. Patrick Day is celebrated on March 17 th. However, there is a theory that on this  day Saint Patrick died.

Originally the holiday was celebrated only in Ireland, but today a lot of countries in the world celebrate it. It is likely, that the reason of the celebration reached far and wide to Irish immigrants spreading their traditions where –ever they went, as they tried rekindle a taste of home.

Traditional activities include dressing up in green clothes, holding parades, arranging  

Fireworks, singing  and  dancing  in the streets, going to pubs, organizing  fairs and festivals.

It is a religious holiday, many people in Ireland attend mass for saying prayrs. Green  is  the official colour of   St.Patrick s Day.It is also the national colour  of the  Irish and the symbol  of spring. That s way on this  day people  try to wear something  green. It  can  be a T-shirt, a dress, a hat, a tie or simply a hair ribbon.

They also  paint green stripes on the city streets.

Another  symbol of   St. Patrick s Day is Leprechauns.  They are little people, who wear green clothes  and carry the pot of gold. Leprechauns cannot be offended or hurt.

Officially St.Patrick s Day is recognized  as a  holiday in Ireland. People do not work or study on this day.  

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The main question for me is «Was Patrick the first messenger, who brought Christianity to Ireland» . Many sources say, that he was not the first, then what was his task and why?
In 431, before Patrick began preaching in Ireland, Pope Celestine  sent a bishop known as Palladius “to the Irish believing in Christ”—an indication, that some residents of the Emerald Isle had already converted  them. One theory holds that the St. Patrick of lore is actually an amalgam of two men: Palladius and the deacon’s son, who first visited Ireland as a slave.

It is highly probable, that the knowledge of Christianity, that existed in Ireland before the arrival of Palladius and Patrick (in 431 and 432, respectively) came from Britain, with which the Irish then kept up constant intercourse, and where there were large numbers of Christians from a very early time. However, the great body of the Irish were pagans, when St. Patrick arrived in 432; and to him belongs the glory of converting them.

Saint Patrick  returned to Ireland to tell people about Christ. Though the task was difficult and dangerous, he persisted and was able to build a strong foundation for Christianity. The Irish people were receptive to his teachings, especially in light of the fact, that he was able to take several of their Celtic symbols and “Christianize” them. The most well-known of Patrick’s illustrations is the shamrock, a certain type of clover sacred to the Druids, which he used as a symbol of the Trinity.

Some biographical facts

Saint Patrick is one of the symbols of Ireland, in fact, he is considered the man, who drew the country to Christianity. And he did it almost bloodless . The Irish began to celebrate the day of his death ( March 17) as a national holiday since the X or XI century, and during this time many legends and fables appeared, and it's celebration became rather fun ritual.

The man we know as St. Patrick was actually born not in Ireland but in Britain, his real name is Mevin Sukkat. He was not Irish but British. His father came from a rich Roman family. In his youth Mevin didn't show much interest in religion, but everything changed, when he was 16. At this age, he was captured by Irish pirates and sent into slavery by the leader of one of the Irish clans. For six years Mevin was a shepherd, at this time he went to God and earnestly prayed day and night. According to legend God helped him to escape from captivity and return home.

Mevin went to Gaul to learn there in the monasteries after his return. According to legend, while in Gaul he had a vision in which he was ordered to sail to Ireland, in order to turn its population to Christianity. In Gaul Mevin was ordained bishop and given the name Patritsius. Curiously, at that time in Ireland lived a number of Christians and they needed a management bishop .Originally St. Patrick was met not too welcome, but further everything turned much better. The ability of St. Patrick to convince, knowledge of Irish traditions, and language skills played the great role in it.

He  embarked  on a 30-year missionary operation to convert the pagans to Christianity, and in spite of  some problems with the druids, he eventually succeeded gloriously. He was  strategic in his efforts and peached to highly influential, powerful people and to nobles  whose example was likely to be followed, to help bring  on a smooth shift into the new religion.

Although it has been claimed, that Patrick was the first to bring  Christianity to Ireland, this is not true. Hippoytus, in the early third centure, seems to have claimed, that one of the seventy, that Jesus sent out to preach, ended up in Britain:

Thus, James, Aristobulus and others came to the Isles before Patrick.

The truth is, that when they arrived, the Roman Catholics were unhappy to find a Christianity in the Isles, that held to very non-Catholic belief. Thanks to St.Patrick   Ireland is  a strongly Christian country, decorated with beautiful churches, monasteries and religious art. For this reason, St.Patrick is known as the  Saint patron  of Ireland, and for this reason his death-day  is celebrated every March 17th.

Why do people wear green on Patrick s Day?

Green is associated with Saint  Patrick, because  he used  the green Shamrock  to teach about  Christianity.

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 The connection of  St.Patricks Day to the colour  green may be linked to the role of the shamrock in St.Patricks life story. Legend is, that St,Patrick used   a green shamrock to explain the concept of the Holy Trinity to the pagans. It  illustrated the idea of the Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit, as one entity, one God.

Why  did I choose this topic for my  project?

 The work on this project was very useful for me . It expanded my knowledge of the history of Ireland, expanded my knowledge of the English language,  was faced with new terms, looked for their interpretation, tested new for me linguistic phenomena, expanded  my vocabulary, learned the history of the celebration of St. Patrick's day.

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