Итоговая контрольная работа 4 класс
материал по английскому языку на тему

Мусаилова Роза Григорьевна

Данная контрольная работа предполагает проверку лексико-грамматических навыков учащихся за курс начальной школы по УМК "Английский с удвольствием" М.З Биболетовой. 


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Предварительный просмотр:

Exit test 4 form ( Variant 1)

  1. Cross the odd word out. ( Вычеркни лишнее слово.)
  1. Toboggan, play hockey, skate, play volleyball, ski.
  2. Kitchen, bedroom, window, living-room, swim.
  3. Town, bridge, road, green, house.
  4. Bikes, desks, bookshelf, teacher`s table, board.
  5. Sweater,  boots, coat, T-shirt , mittens.
  6. Lay the table, do the washing up, make the bed, listen to music, clean the room.

  1. Choose the correct answer. ( Выбери правильный ответ. )
  1. Сan she ( sweep/ sweeps) the floor?
  2. There (were/was) a lot of sheep in the field.
  3. (In/at) winter we like playing snowballs.
  4. Pupils ( translate/translates) from English into Russian in their English lessons.
  5. My little brother ( don`t/ doesn`t) know his address.
  6. My (fathers`/father`s) car is behind the house.
  7. I won`t (go/to go) to the country in summer.
  8. Winter is the (coldest/colder) season.
  9. Betsy went shopping and bought (any/some) bread.
  10. We didn`t (go/went) to visit my cousin yesterday.
  11. Look! (That/those) monkeys like eating sweets.
  12. He was in the mountains (last week/ tomorrow).

  1. Match the phrases. ( Cocтавь мини диалоги.)
  1. Where is my bag?                 _______       1) Oh, it`s so big!
  2. What colour is your cat?       _______       2) Not very much.
  3. This is my brother`s room.    _______      3) Over there , on the sofa.
  4. Do you like autumn?             _______      4) Black and white.

  1. Write in English. ( Напиши по-английски.)
  1. My birthday is ________________( самый лучший день) of the year.

Write the positive answer. ( Напиши утвердительный ответ.)

  1. Are there any cups on the table?  ____________________

           Complete the sentence with the necessary forms of to do.

         ( Дополни предложение  нужной формой глагола to do)  

  1. When _______ you __________ your homework yesterday?

Exit test 4 form (Variant – 2)

  1. Cross the odd word out. (Вычеркни лишнее слово.)
  1. Ski, ride a bike, dive, play badminton, swim.
  2. Bathroom, bedroom, kitchen, wall, toilet.
  3. Country, capital, brown, house, city.
  4. Ruler, sharpener, paints, parties, pencil.
  5. Lay the table, do the washing up, make the bed, fly a kite, clean the room.
  6. Whale, elephant, dolphin, crocodile.

  1. Choose the correct answer. (Выбери правильный ответ. )
  1. I can`t (to take/ take) my sister`s bag.
  2. Yesterday he (catches/caught) a parrot in the park.
  3. The days are (more long/longer) in winter.
  4.  The kangaroo caries (its/it`s) baby in the bag.
  5. The weather (isn`t/ aren`t) warm today.
  6. Jill wrote a letter to Santa Claus (last week/ in a day).
  7. Were there (some/any) new dresses in the shop?
  8. I usually take my pet for a walk (in/at) the morning.
  9. I (won`t/ won`t to) water the flowers tomorrow.
  10. When (do/does) birds fly away to warm countries?
  11. We didn`t (go/went) to visit my cousin yesterday.
  12. Look! (This/these) is my dog.

  1. Match the phrases. ( Cocтавь мини диалоги.)
  1. We went fishing.            _______       1) To the mountains.
  2. It`s so windy!                 _______       2)A camel.
  3. What`s that?                   _______      3)Did you catch anything?
  4. Where did you go?         _______      4) let`s close the window.

  1. Write in English. ( Напиши по-английски.)
  1. My friend Мike  is ________________( самый лучший ученик) in our form.

Write the positive answer. (Напиши утвердительный ответ.)

  1. Are there any trainers in the shop?  ____________________

           Complete the sentence with the necessary forms of to do.

         ( Дополни предложение  нужной формой глагола to do)  

  1. Where _______  you __________ the washing  up yesterday?

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