Интегрированный урок английского языка и литературы
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме

Зотова Нина Николаевна

Урок развития навыков чтения, диалогической и монологической речи, навыков анализа художественных тексто на примере произведений Б. Шоу "Пигмалион" и Н.М. Карамзина "Бедная Лиза"


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Предварительный просмотр:



I. Сообщение цели урока. Dear friends! During many days we have mainly discussed the

problems concerning young people and their relations with the world around them. You have

read, listened and spoken about the life of young people  and tried to compare the information

with your own experience. Today we are going to summarize what you have learned about the

subject and discuss some urgent problems young people face. Literature always helps us to

solve problems of our lives. We hope that our lesson will help us to reveal some problems

and give you some advise how to cope with them. Perhaps, all together we’ll understand that

 nobody can be indifferent to each other. May be we’ll find some solutions, analyzing  the story

 by a famous Russian writer N. M. Karamzin and the play by the famous English writer  

G. B. Show.

II. Well, now we’ll see a Word Web presentation a group of our students prepared about their

biographies and literary careers.

Представление презентации 1.-о биографии и творчестве Н. М. Карамзина.

                          2.- о биографии и творчестве Бернарда Шоу.


Ученикам – 1. –

                     2. – Listen about G. B. Show’s biography and literary career, his doctrine of didactic art, his literary manner, the peculiar (особый) features of the style as reflected in “Pygmalion”. Be ready to answer the question - What is the idea of Show’s play as suggested by its title? – The author tries to decide the problem of language and character development, their impact (столкновение) and influence on each other, as summed up in Higgins’ argument: “ creating a new speech for a person” is a means of “ changing a human being into a quite different being”. Is it possible to change a person changing his language? I’m sure we can answer to this question later.

III. Cравнение способов и средств, использованных автором рассказа и драматургом для характеристики главных персонажей , их поступков и чувств.

1. Задание перед инсценировкой рассказа… Просмотр инсценировки и обсуждение авторских методов.

2. Задание перед просмотром второго акта пьесы.

An author may present hi characters either directly or indirectly. In  direct presentation the author tells us strait out by exposition or analysis, what a character is like, or has someone else in the story tell us what he is like. In direct presentation the author shows us the character in action: we infer what he is like from what he thinks, or says, or does, or feels. The methods of direct presentation can never be used alone. The character must act .A story will be  successful only when the characters are dramatized – shown speaking and acting, as in a drama. Creating a character is creating an image. The reader’s emotional responses are directed by the words with which the author creates his images. This explains why writers are so particular about the choice of words. Of course it is not the words that we actually respond to in is the images which these words create that arouse the readers response. There are different type of characterization: 1- Presentation of the character through actions (deeds);                                                2- Psychological portrayal and analysis of motives;                                                      3- Presentation of the character through speech characteristics. For example, the use of emotionally colored words may convey the emotional state of the character; the use of bookish words or rough words, slang or vulgarisms may say a lot about the character’s   educational level.

                                                                               4- The description of the outward appearance;Some relationship between the character and his appearance;

                                                                                5-  the description of the world of things, surrounding the character;

Watch the second Act and look for the words and phrases with the help of which the author describes the  men’s attitude to Eliza.

Watch the 4th Act  and find the words  with the help of which the author describes Elisa’s

emotional state when she saw that both gentleman took her success for granted and

 ignored her after her triumph.

Просмотр 2 и 4 актов пьесы. Ответы на поставленные вопросы.

IV. You know,  we  are going to have a talk –show today. You will work in groups.

Divide in for six groups, please. Characterize the main heroes of the story and the play:

                                                                                        1) make a personal card  to

describe each character in you document on the computer screen, using the following

 vocabulary, justifying your choice by giving facts from the play and the story.

                                                                                        2) Use the following plan;

                                                                                          3) answer the following questions;

       Работа по группам – создается персональная карточка персонажа в документе на экране компьютера, характеристика его вербального и невербального поведения. Каждой группе дается индивидуальное задание – использовать составленные карты для выделения сходства и различия между персонажами, группам дается  время на подготовку, затем проводится беседа в режиме ток-шоу, группы представляют выполненные задания. Выступление каждой группы оценивается по 5-бальной системе: грамотность речи, логичность высказывания, умение сравнивать и анализировать текст, самостоятельное мышление. Остальные группы могут выступить с дополнением, за это они получат дополнительные баллы.

                 1-ая – Характеристика Элизы Дулитл в начале и в конце пьесы (англ. яз.)  

Plan:       -  the age, appearance, clothes;

  • the language
  • Analyze the

development of her character. Had Eliza, that modern Galatea, been fully created by her

teacher- Higgins, that modern Pygmalion? How did Eliza feel toward Higgins and what was

it upset (расстраивать) her so much in Higgins attitude (отношение) to her? Would

 Eliza put up with being “passed over” проглядеть, не заметить and “trampled (up) on


“(топтать)? Describe Eliza’s emotional state when she saw that both gentleman took her

success for granted and ignored her after her triumph. What was that wounded her to heart?

What did she blamed Higgins for? What was worrying her? What accounted for (объяснять)

Eliz’s wonderful progress?  Say about the impression Eliza and her English made on those

Present at the reception.

              2-ая – Характеристика Лизы. Сравнить характер, поведение, судьбу обеих


     3-я – Характеристика профессора Хиггинса, его отношение к  Элизе (англ. яз).What

about Higgins’ principle, his nearest and fondest interest in life? How do you understand his

words: “I care for life, for humanity”?

     4-ая-  Характеристика Эраста, его отношение к  Лизе. Сравнение.

     5-ая – Характеристика полковника Пикеринга, его отношение к  Элизе (англ. яз.).Speak

 on Pickering’s favorable (благоприятный) influence on Eliza’s education and character.

What was it that begin her real education and why? What about Elisa’s idea of the difference

 between a lady and a flower girl? What were the “ hundred little things” that meant so much to

 Eliza?  What accounted for (объяснять) Eliz’s wonderful progress?

Say a few words about Mrs. Pears so far as you can judge her character from the situation

described ( her attitude to Eliza, her attitude to Doolittle).

     6-ая – Характеристика матери Лизы, ее отношение к дочери. Сравнение.

Вывод: Настоящая любовь предполагает принятие человека таким, какой он есть -

 со всеми его недостатками и проблемами, если ты будешь относиться к человеку лучше

  – это поможет ему измениться в лучшую сторону, нельзя относиться к человеку как к

 средству достижения своей цели. Если ты хочешь, чтобы тебя уважали.

V. Don’t you agree that every person is unique and special? Would you like to finish our

discussion with a poem “People Are strange” ?


People are strange!

Are we programmed to hurt?

In every dark corner

A prejudice lurks.

Why do we do this? What do we gain?

Nothing but anguish, sorrow and pain.

People are dying, people are killed.

But somewhere, someone’s wallet is filled.

Our children are innocent,

Untouched and safe,

But one day soon, they’ll inherit

Our hate.

WE have to change things before

It’s too late.

We only have one world and we

Determine its fate.

Every person has got good and bad points. A good man is a person who recognizes his drawbacks.

Very often they are mixed because human nature is very complicated. And he realizes and tries

 to improve himself.

VI. Love conquers the world and makes the world go round. Would you like to finish our

Lesson with some poetry: Shakespeare’s sonnet:

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