Проектная работа "The famous people from our school"
занимательные факты по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме

Назарова Анна Борисовна

 "The famous people from our school"Проектная работа  "The famous people from our school" 


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                                                    The famous people from our school


  • Konstantin Khabensky

        Our city is rich of talanted and famous people. But I want to tell about one of them. It is Konstantin Khabensky.

        Today he is very famous  actor, which is recognized as honored and national actor of the Russian federation. He starred not only in Russian films, he starred in Hollywood too.

        He was born in 1972 in Leningrad. He studied in school №486, where my dad studied too, and where I am studying to this day. Also, in this school his mum worked teacher of maths.

 “In childhood I was boxing, played football. But not so much that it became my profession” – said Konstantin Khabensky.

        After the 8th form he went to the college of aviation instrumentation and automation. For 3 years in college he have realized this wasn’t his destiny. And…

        He left this college. After leaving college he worked polisher, janitor, street musician and fitter in the theatre-studio “Saturday”. According to Konstantin Khabensky he worked several jobs at this time.

        In 1990 he started to study in Leningrad state institute of theatre, music and cinematography – course of Filshtinsky. In 1993 he finished the one.

There he revealed his talent full.

        Konstantin Yurievich named the most popular actor for the last 15 years of the 21st century. The greatest popularity brought him the roles in the films ‘’Night Patrol’’, ‘’Day Patrol’’ and TV serials about police.

        Konstantin Khabensky-is one  of  the most favourite actors of the modern Russia. Except his  famous  works  in film, he played in Lensovet theatre, the theatre of satire, and in the Chekhov Moscow Art theatre.

        But not only roles in films and theater make him a very popular. In 2008 he made his own charitable foundation, which deals with organization to help children with cancer and other serious diseases of the brain. Konstantin had to overcome his own tragedy. His first wife died from the tumor of the brain.

        It should be noted, that the Konstantin Khabensky not only heads his foundation, also he have made his own musical “Maugli generation”. All roles get the children and the proceeds goes to the treatment of children with cancer.

        From 2010 actor started to open studios of creative development throughout Russia. These studios are in Voronezh, Kazan, Saint-Petersburg, Nizhniy Tagil and others.

        Konstantin Khabensky calls himself the man of the mood: “For example I don’t play casino now. I played once in Las Vegas. At first everything was ok, but then I lost all my money. Car driving? I can drive slow, sometimes fast. Everything depends from my mood and music that plays in the car. But the one also depends from the mood. I am the man who sometimes doubts and sometimes take risks”.

        Life path of Konstantin Khabensky demonstrates, that every purposeful person can achieve great success!

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