Конспект урока английского языка "Food"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку на тему

Тимохина Оксана Геннадьевна

Методическая разработка урока иностранного языка по теме "Еда" с использованием интерактивной доски. 


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Предварительный просмотр:

Визитная карточка урока иностранного языка


Преподаватель – Тимохина Оксана Геннадьевна

Тема урока: “Food”

Методическая цель занятия: продемонстрировать методику проведения занятия с использованием ИКТ

Краткая характеристика группы студентов

На момент проведения урока общий уровень языковой подготовки студентов группы различен. При этом на занятии студенты работают вполне добросовестно. У некоторых ребят можно увидеть высокий интерес к изучению английского языка, неподдельную любознательность и их заинтересованность в каждом занятии. В группе дружеская атмосфера, конфликтов нет. Поэтому в группе возможна реализация различных видов деятельности.

В связи с этим ребятам предложено выполнить ряд заданий по теме занятия для обобщения и систематизации пройденного лексико-грамматического материала.

Характеристика урока

Тип урока: комбинированный

Цель урока: повторение и закрепление пройденного лексико-грамматического материала

Задачи урока:


- закрепить грамматические навыки по темам «Вопросительные слова», «Краткие ответы»;

- повторить лексические единицы по теме «Еда»;


- содействовать развитию умений слушать друг друга, проявляя терпение и доброжелательность;

- формировать положительное отношение к чужой культуре;

- формировать навык интеллектуального труда;


- создать условия для развития способности к языковой догадке и воображению;

- совершенствовать умения работать с источниками информации: воспринимать текст с учетом поставленной задачи, находить информацию, необходимую для ее решения.

Оснащение урока:

- интерактивная доска, проектор

- презентация с кроссвордом «Food»

- стихотворение для фонетической разминки «Pancakes»

- видеоролик о еде в Британии

- раздаточный материал (разрезанный на реплики диалог, задание для просмотра видеоролика)

На данном уроке создаются условия для формирования следующих общих компетенций:

OK.4. Осуществлять поиск, анализ и оценку информации, необходимой для постановки и решения профессиональных задач, профессионального и личностного развития.

ОК.5.Использовать информационно-коммуникационные технологии для совершенствования профессиональной деятельности.

Ход урока

I. Подготовка студентов к речевой деятельности на иностранном языке

  1. Приветствие

T: Hello, girls. I'm glad to see you. I hope you are fine.

  1. Сообщение задач урока

Т: Today we are going to speak about Food. We’ll read a poem, do the crossword, act out a dialogue and watch a video about food in Great Britain. So, let’s start working.

  1. Речевая зарядка

T: I want you to read a poem about a small girl who tries to help her mother to cook pancakes. Let's read it!


Last Pancake Day our mum was ill
And left the job to sister Lil
So sister Lil, who cannot cook,
Consulted mother's cooking book

"Right" said sister Lil "I will!"
And promptly picked a daffodil

One flower didn't seen enough
The long green stem was very tough
She picked some roses for their smell
And threw them in the bowl as well

"NEXT" it said "A PINCH OF SALT"
But our salt isn't pinched, it's bought.
Lil gave some salt to cousin Fred
Then pinched it back from him instead

Lil took the eggs out in the yard
She took dad's hammer from his box
Then beat them hard upon the rocks

Lil ran next door then strange to tell
In next-door's wishing-well she stood
And stirred the mixture up real good

With one last glance inside the book
She put the mixture on to cook.
With petals, stalks and bits of shell
It had the most revolting smell

Just at that point our dad came in
He wore the most peculiar grin
"That looks too good to eat" he said
"Let's go to town to dine instead"

And since that day whenever mum
Is feeling tired, ill or glum
She gets our Lil to cook a treat
So dad will take us out to eat

T: Thank you. Look at the board and complete the crossword. Who will be the first?

II. Контроль грамматических навыков по теме

T: We are going to listen and act out a dialogue “I am a vegetarian”. But, first of all, you should remember how to ask questions and how to make short answers. Let’s do the grammar test! Who is ready?

III. Отработка ранее введенного языкового материала и овладение видами речевой деятельности

1. Восстановление диалога по репликам

T: I’ll give you the dialogue. Let’s pay attention to the following words. They will help you to understand the dialogue better.

Vegetarian [ˌvɛʤɪˈteərɪən]

Enough  [ɪˈnʌf]

Veggies [ˈvɛʤiz]

Lettuce [ˈlɛtɪs]

onions [ˈʌnjənz]

Tomatoes [təˈmɑːtəʊz]

Broccoli [ˈbrɒkəli]

Tofu [ˈtəʊfuː]

Recipes [ˈrɛsɪpiz]

corn [kɔːn]

Procedure [prəˈsiːʤə]

Basically [ˈbeɪsɪkəli]

Crunchy [ˈkrʌnʧi]

Bullion [ˈbʊljən]

T: Put the sentences in this dialogue in the correct order. We'll listen it and you can check your dialogue.

(Приложение 1 “Диалог”)  

2. Просмотр видеоролика и выполнение задания

Т: I have a video for you. It is about Food in Great Britain. Before watching, let’s pay attention to the following words. They will help you to understand the video better. Let’s read it all together!

  1. banana
  2. dessert
  3. fish and chips
  4. delicious
  5. cheese
  6. menus
  7. a shopping list
  8. vegetables
  9. a big lunch
  10. the food
  11. a sandwich
  12. milk
  13. carrots
  14. on the table
  15. orange juice

T: Put the right word into each gap. (Приложение 2)

Give me your answer- sheets, please.

V. Заключительный этап

  1. Подведение итогов.
  2. Сообщение и комментирование оценок.
  3. Запись домашнего задания.

Т: Write down your home task:

IPR books: English for colleges (Веренич Н.И., 2011)

“Meals in Great Britain” ex. 17, 18, 19  p.110-111

  1. Организационный конец урока

T: Our lesson is over. Thank you very much. See you later.


Приложение 1

Todd: OK, Gabrielle, you are a vegetarian.

Gabrielle: That's right!

Todd: So, you do not eat meat!

Gabrielle: I don't. No meat, no fish!

Todd: OK, and you said that you have a garden.

Gabrielle: Yeah, I'm lucky to have enough room to have a vegetable garden, as well as a flower garden, so I love growing veggies.

Todd: Oh, nice! Can you tell us about your garden and what you grow and what you eat?

Gabrielle: Sure absolutely! Well, I guess in the summertime, I grow a lot of salad vegetables: lettuce, green onions, tomatoes, and over the winter, whatever grows pretty much, carrots or cabbages, broccoli.

Todd: Wow, you grow vegetables all year round!

Gabrielle: I try. I try. I'm not a great gardener. Yeah, so!

Todd: And what things do you like to make with these vegetable?

Gabrielle: Ah, in the summer time I love just raw vegetables, so salads are great, and I eat them with Tofu or, yeah, vegetables are good. (OK) Yeah in winter soups. I love making soup with fresh veggies.

Todd: Oh, what kind of soup?

Gabrielle: Well, I don't follow recipes actually, so what ever veggies I have go in the pot. Yeah, tomato soup, corn soup's good.

Todd: Sounds good. How do you make soup? I mean what is your procedure?

Gabrielle: OK, well, basically I take whatever vegetables I have, chop them up and cook them, boil them lightly. I like them still crunchy and then I often add a base of some sort, a stock, a veggie stock.

Todd: Now that's normally a problem for vegetarians right, cause you can't use bullion, (Yeah) the beef cube or the chicken cube.

Gabrielle: Sure, at home actually, we have a lot of vegetarian products available so I get some organic veggie stock, or alternatively, I use some spices, some cumin or basil spice, yeah, or sometimes lentils I cook up. Yeah!

Todd: You're making me hungry. Sounds good. Well, thanks a lot, Gabrielle.

Gabrielle: No, problem, you're welcome.

Приложение 2

Hi, I’m Nick. I’m 12. I live in Cambridge. This is some of ___________we eat in my family. It’s Friday. It’s breakfast time in our house. We’re always in a hurry in the morning.

- Molly! It’s nearly o’clock!

– Morning!

– Morning, Molly.

– Where’s the _____________?

– It’s on the table.

– Right. Nick, Molly, can you help me make your packed lunches, please?

– We take a packed lunch to school. We eat it about 12.30.

– And crisps…juice. And apples. – Can I have a ____________, please?

– Yes. All right.

– Thank you.

– Molly, your toast’s ready!

– Hurry up, Molly, it’s nearly time to go!

It’s Friday evening. We sometimes have a take away for dinner. It’s a special treat.

– Nick, Molly! It’s time to choose your take aways.

– Yeah!

– Here are the __________. You can have pizza, Chinese, Indian. Or you can have fish and chips.

– I want curry, please! Indian food’s my favourite.

- Could I have ______________, please?

– OK. I’m going to get the food. It’s 7 o’clock and I am hungry!

– What have you got, Molly?

– I’ve got vegetable curry and rice.

– Mum, can you pass the ketchup, please?

– There you are. – Are the chips good?

– They are __________. I love fish and chips.

We make a shopping list before we go to the supermarket.

– Do you want some tea, Jean? -  Oh, yes, please!

– What are you doing?

– I’m making ________________. We are going to go to the supermarket later. Who wants to come to the supermarket with me?

– I do! – Ok, go and get ready then.

We can buy lots of different food at the supermarket.

– Nick, please can you get some ___________ from the fridge? Oh, and some ___________.

– OK.

– We’re going to have roast beef for lunch on Sunday, so I’ll get the meat. Dad’s going to make a vegetable lasagne tonight. So, we’ll need some pasta. Can you get that, please, Nick?

– Yeah, OK. Oh, there you are.

– OK. Now, we’re going to need lots of _____________ as well. Come on. OK. I think that’s everything!

– I’m hungry! It’s 12.30.

– OK. Well, we’ve got some nice fresh bread. So, let’s go home have ______________ for lunch.

– Great!

We sometimes have ___________ on Sunday. Today, we’re having Roast Beef and Yorkshire pudding.

- Yum, Sunday roast! Roast Beef and Yorkshire pudding.

– And apple crumble and custard for ______________. This is going to be delicious.

– Are you going to have some roast beef, Jean?

– Dad! You know Mum’s a vegetarian. She doesn’t eat meat!

– I know, Nick. It’s a joke! There’s a vegetable tart in the oven for Mum.

– Right. It’s one-thirty. Lunch is ready. Let’s put the food ___________________.

– Is the apple crumble in the oven now?

– Yes, it’s ready in 20 minutes. So, come on.

– Right. Here you are. Roast Beef, Yorkshire pudding…potatoes, broccoli,______________ and…gravy. And for dessert. There’s apple crumble and custard!

– Yes! Thanks. Mum… My favourite.

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