Контрольная работа за 10 класс годовая по Кузовлеву
методическая разработка по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему

Контрольная работа по Кузовлеву


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Предварительный просмотр:

                                Variant 1

1. Put the necessary article.

  1. Appalachian Mountains
  1. a)-     b)the
  1. Atlantic ocean
  1. a)-     b)the
  1. Simpson desert
  1. a)-     b)the
  1. England
  1. a)-     b)the
  1. USA

a)-     b)the

  1.   Ob

a)-     b)the

  1. 7) Caspian sea

a)-     b)the

  1. 8) Gobi desert

a)-     b)the

  1. 9) Scotland

a)-     b)the

  1. 10) Lake Baikal

a)-     b)the

2. Put the necessary adjective.

1)  … temperature ever recorded in the USA was -57C at Rogers Pass in January 1954.

a) low                b)lower        c)the lowest        d)the most low

2) The UK is …island.

a) large        b) larger        c)the largest        d)the most large

3) London is a… city than Leeds.

a) big                b)bigger        c)the biggest                d)the most big

4) Moscow is … than Saratov.

a)popular        b)popularer        c)more popular        d)the most popular

5) My country is … country in the world.

a) good        b)the best        c)the goodest        d) gooder        

3.  Write down the number of the sentences in Complex Object and translate them.

1. The law forbids children under 18 to join the army.

2. In Britain the law allows children at 13 to work only 2 hours.

3. You can get a license to drive a car.

4. In Britain the law permits you to work full time when you are 16.

5. Boys can join the army.

4. Put the missing words.

The United States of America is a …(1, adj) republic. So, the President is the …(2, noun) of state there. But the President is elected directly by the …(3, noun) and he is not a member of the American Parliament, Congress.

Congress, the …(4, adj) branch of the federal government, is made up of the Senate and the House-of Representatives.                                                  

There are 100 senators, two for each state. The House has 435 members, the number of Representatives from each state depends on its population. Congress makes all …(5, noun) and each house of Congress can introduce a new project. Each can …(6, verb) against the project passed by the other. If both houses agree and the President signs it, the project becomes law.

The President and his Administration represent the …(7, adj) branch of the federal government. The Administration includes the Secretaries, who are heads of the executive departments. Each department is responsible for a specific area. The President …(8, verb) the Secretaries but the Senate must approve his appointments.

The legislative and the executive branches of government are involved in the system of checks and balances.

5. Write about teens problems and about some problems which you and your friends discuss when you meet each other.

                                        Variant 2

1. Put the necessary article.

  1. Pacific ocean

a)-     b)the

  1. Sahara desert

a)-     b)the

  1. UK

a)-     b)the

  1. Cordilleras

a)-     b)the

  1. Mt Everest

a)-     b)the

  1. Ireland

a)-     b)the

  1. San Francisco

a)-     b)the

  1. Australia

a)-     b)the

  1. Volga

a)-     b)the

  1. Lake Goluboe

2. Put the necessary adjective.

1)  The Ob is … river in our country.

a) long                b)longer        c)the longest        d)the most long

2) Yekaterinburg  is  an… city in Russia.

a) old        b) older        c)the oldest        d)the most old

3) Moscow is a… city than Samara in Russia.

a) big                b)bigger        c)the biggest                d)the most big

4) California is … than Indiana.

a)beautiful                b)beautifuler        c)more beautiful        d)the most beautiful

5)My city is …city in the world.

a) good        b)the best        c)the goodest        d) gooder

3.  Write down the number of the sentences in Complex Object and translate them.

1. The law allows you to work full time if you have left school.

2. Girls can join the army at 17 in Britain.

3. The law forbids you to buy or drink alcohol.

4. At 14 boys can be sent to a special prison for young people.

5. My parents permit us to get married.

4. Put the missing words.

Britain is a …(1, adj) democracy with a …(2, adj) monarch. Queen Elizabeth II is the …(3, noun) of state, but she has no real power. In law the queen is the head of the …(4, adj) branch and a part of the legislative branch but in fact her role is mostly ceremonial. She acts on the advice of her ministers.

In Britain it is Parliament that has the power. Parliament makes ...(5, noun). It is made up of the House of Lords and the House of Commons. The members of the House of Lords are permanent - mostly lords and people who have been made lords for life. The Lords can revise and even delay bills. They have real influence in politics. The Commons have much more real power. The members of the Commons are elected by the ...(6, noun). They control the executive branch and discuss most important political problems.

The largest party in the Commons forms the government and its leader becomes Prime Minister. The people do not elect the Prime Minister directly. Officially Parliament … (7, verb) Prime Minister. The Prime Minister chooses the Cabinet and non-cabinet ministers. They are all collectively responsible for the government, the …(8, adj) branch, and individually responsible for their departments.

5. Write about teens problems and about some problems which you and your friends discuss when you meet each other.

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