Вечер-портрет "Хроники баталиста" о В.В. Верещагине на английском языке
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (9, 10, 11 класс) по теме

Голощапова Елена Викторовна

Материалы состоят из презентации на английском языке и плана-конспекта внеклассного мероприятия, посвященного 175-летию В.В. Верещагина. В плане-конспекте содержатся задания на английском языке (по чтению и лексико-грамматическое) в формате ОГЭ/ЕГЭ.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Предварительный просмотр:

План-конспект внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку

Дисциплина: Английский язык

Класс: 9-11

Тема: «The battle painter chronicles».

Форма проведения: вечер-портрет.

Цели и задачи

Обучающий аспект:

– активизировать лексико-грамматические навыки по теме «Живопись»;

Развивающий аспект

– развивать эмоциональную и эстетическую сферы учащихся;

– развивать способность восприятия целостной картины мира за счет использования межпредметных связей;

Воспитательный аспект:

– формировать жизненные ценности на примере творчества выдающегося художника.

Материальное обеспечение:

ПК, мультимедиа-проектор, мультимедийная презентация, выставка литературы о художнике, раздаточный материал.

Список используемых источников:

1. Энциклопедия русской живописи ХIX-XX вв. М.: ОЛМА-ПРЕСС, 1999.

2. Володарский В. Василий Верещагин. – М.: Белый город, 2000.

3. Энциклопедия мирового искусства, «Шедевры русской живописи». – М.: Белый город, 2000.

4. Верещагин В.В. Воспоминания сына художника. – Л.: Художник РСФСР, 1978.

5. Leonard D. Abbott, "Verestchagin, Painter of War." The Comrade (New York), vol. 1, no. 7 (April 1902), pp. 155–156.

6. Art Institute of Chicago, Works of Vassili Verestchagin: an Illustrated, descriptive catalogue and two appendixes to the catalogue Realism and Progress in Art by Verestchagin.

7. W.T. Stead, "Vassili Verestchagin: Character Sketch," Review of Reviews (London), vol. 19 (January 1899), frontispiece, 22-33.


8. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_art

9. http://www.centre.smr.ru/win/artists/veresh/biogr_veresh.htm

10. http://veresh.ru/

Ход мероприятия:

№ п/п

Название этапа



Вступительное слово учителя.



Рассказ ведущих о творческой биографии художника

(в сопровождении мультимедийной презентации на английском языке).



Выполнение заданий на английском языке.



Ответы учащихся на вопросы ведущего.



Заключительный этап. Проведение рефлексии.


приложение 1 – Задания на английском языке

Vasily Vereshchagin

I. Прочитайте тексты и установите текстами и их заголовками: к каждому тексту, обозначенному буквами А-F, подберите соответствующий заголовок, обозначенный цифрами. Используйте каждую цифру один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.

  1. Russo-Turkish campaign
  2. The exhibition of paintings
  3. A journey to Germany
  4. Journeys to Asia
  5. A career choice
  6. Fatal fighting
  7. А great contribution to the genre of historical painting

A. Vasily Vereshchagin, 1842–1904, was one of the most famous Russian battle painters and one of the first Russian artists to be widely recognized abroad. He is best known for his military pictures, which portrayed war in all its horror and brutality. He is known also for his studies of Turkistan and Asian life and the canvases dealing with Anglo-Indian history. The role of the artist and his work embrace the causes, course, and consequences of conflict, and has an essentially educational purpose.

B. Vereshchagin was born at Cherepovets, Novgorod Governorate, as the middle of three brothers. His father was a landowner of noble birth. When he was eight years old he was sent to Tsarskoe Selo to enter the Alexander Cadet Corps, and three years later he entered the Sea Cadet Corps at St Petersburg. He served on the frigate Kamchatka, which sailed to Denmark, France and Egypt. But he left the service immediately to begin the study of drawing. He won a medal two years later, in 1863, from the St Petersburg Academy for his painting Ulysses Slaying the Suitors.

C. In 1867 he was invited to accompany General Konstantin Kaufman's expedition to Turkestan. He was granted the rank of ensign. His heroism at the siege of Samarkand from June 2–8, 1868 resulted an award of the Cross of St George (4th class). He was an indefatigable traveler, returning to St. Petersburg in late 1868, to Paris in 1869, back to St. Petersburg later in the year, and then back to Turkestan at the end 1869 via Siberia. In late 1874, he departed for an extensive tour of the Himalayas, India and Tibet, spending over two years in travel.

D. With the start of the Russo-Turkish War (1877–1878), Vereshchagin left Paris and returned to active service with the Imperial Russian Army. He was with the Russian army during the; he was present at the crossing of the Shipka Pass and at the Siege of Plevna, where his brother was killed; and he was dangerously wounded during the preparations for the crossing of the Danube near Rustchuk. At the conclusion of the war, he acted as secretary to General Skobelev at San Stefano.

After the war, he settled at Munich, where Vereshchagin produced his war pictures. The sensational subjects of his pictures, and their didactic aim, the promotion of peace by a representation of the horrors of war, attracted the public.

E. The "1812" series on Napoleon's Russian campaign, on which Vereshchagin also wrote a book, seem to have been inspired by Tolstoi's War and Peace, and were painted in 1893 at Moscow. Prior to the celebraton of the 200th anniversary of the Patriotic War of 1812 the State Historical Museum has organized this exhibition of paintings by Vasily Vereshchagin. Twenty grandiose picturesque paintings chronicle the events from the Battle of Borodino to the flight of Napoleon from Russia.

F. Vereshchagin was in the Far East during the First Sino-Japanese War, with the American troops in the Philippines, and with the Russian troops in Manchuria. During the Russo-Japanese War, he was invited by Admiral Stepan Makarov to join him aboard Makarov's flagship, Petropavlovsk. On April 13, 1904, Petropavlovsk struck two mines while returning to Port Arthur and sank, taking down with it most of the crew, including both Admiral Makarov and Vereshchagin. Vereshchagin's last work, a picture of a council of war presided over by Admiral Makarov, was recovered almost undamaged.

II. Раскройте скобки, преобразуйте слова, чтобы они лексически или грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста.

Vereshchagin, 1842–1904, was one of 1) ______ (many) famous Russian battle painters and one of the 2) ______ (one) Russian artists to be widely recognized abroad. He is 3) ______ (good) known for his military pictures, which portrayed war in all its horror and brutality. He is known also for his studies of Turkistan and Asian life and the canvases 4) ______ (deal) with Anglo-Indian history. He was 5) ______ (kill) in the 6) ______ (explose) of the flagship Petropavlovsk in the Russo-Japanese War. A war artist 7) ______ (create) a visual account of the impact of war by 8) ______ (show) men and women are waiting, preparing, fighting, suffering, celebrating. The works 9) ______ (produce) by war artists illustrate and record many aspects of war and the individual's experience of war, whether allied or enemy, service or civilian, military or political, social or cultural. Vereshchagin’s painting reflects his eventful life full of heroic deeds, and 10) ______ (have) an essentially educational purpose.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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